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Chapter 159 Increase the rent, don't even think about it

Chapter 159 Increase the rent, don't even think about it

Paris style street, No. [-] shop!

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and although there were still many people who came to the street to watch, they were no longer as continuous as during the day.

But in the closed No. [-] store, it was full of solemnity at this time.

Sister Luo, Boss Tong and the others didn't leave, and they didn't even have dinner.After all, compared with the things in front of me, if I don't eat one meal or two, I don't have much appetite.

"Sister Luo, let me tell you that we're discussing things here and there. They're all just chatter. This is not a solution. Shen Lin will refund the rent for us tomorrow!" A middle-aged man with a chubby face was a little impatient. Said.

He is Ma Yuncheng, the owner of Nine Store, which mainly deals in children's clothing.In the past, when he sold children's clothing in the wholesale market, because of the fierce competition, even though he left early and returned late, he didn't make much money.

However, since I moved to Paris Street, although I have been very tired these few days, the money I earn is several times that of the wholesale market.

Such a situation where the rising tide raised all boats was something he had never imagined in the past. Let him move away, how could he be willing to do it!

Sister Luo glanced at Ma Yuncheng, and was furious: "You have a way, tell me!"

This sentence made Ma Yuncheng choke up and couldn't speak. That's right, if he has the slightest idea, is there any need to worry here?

Just when everyone was in a hurry, someone complained: "When it was rumored that Shen Lin was running away, I advised you not to believe the rumors."

"But you, all of you refused to believe me, and even dragged me to Shen Lin's wife's unit, where you were yelling and making trouble!"

"If I hadn't run away with you, I wouldn't have turned my rent into an IOU!"

This sound of complaints immediately filled the already suppressed air with gunpowder, and immediately someone said: "Li Suanding, don't let his mother's second-guessing come here!"

"When you were running to ask Shen Lin's wife for a refund, didn't you also jump up and down, and the jump was not low!"

"What's wrong, now you're blaming others again? No one will listen to you!"

The one called Li Suan Ding is a man in his 40s wearing glasses. He looks a little irritable, and his hairstyle is parted in the middle, which is quite different from other people.

"Who do I blame? Who spread this rumor, who do I blame!" Li Suanding said loudly, scratching his neck.

A middle-aged man who had kept his head down and said nothing suddenly stood up and said, "Li Suanding, my brother-in-law is doing it for everyone's benefit!"

"If you believe in Shen Lin, you won't believe my brother-in-law either."

"What's the matter, do you feel fooled now? If you feel fooled, go find regret medicine and take it. I'll tell you, if you talk nonsense again, be careful I'll slap you in the face."

Before Li Suanding could speak, someone said: "Chen Luopi, what are you bluffing? Your brother-in-law made everyone like this, you have a reason."

"It's just that my temper has changed in the past two days. Otherwise, I have to clean up that little thing. He made me miserable."

And following these words, the voices of talking one after another, the atmosphere in the whole room was about to explode!

Sister Luo couldn't help seeing everyone's commotion, she slapped the table and said, "Shut up!"

"If any of you come here to discuss things with me, just sit here for me honestly. If anyone is looking for trouble here, get out as soon as possible!"

Over the past few days, Sister Luo has established a lot of prestige with her unyielding arrogance and warm heart.

Now when she gets angry, the noisy people become more honest.

After the surrounding area was completely silent, Sister Luo glanced around and said, "Is it useful for you to discuss whose responsibility it is?"

"Do you think that by finding a scapegoat, everything that happened last time can be revealed, and you can still keep your shop?" Some people who were originally cautious couldn't help but feel embarrassed when they heard what Sister Luo said. I put away my little thoughts.

After all, this kind of careful thinking is shameful. If Sister Luo says it is broken, they can't continue to entangle in this matter.

"Sister Luo, you have an idea, what should we do?" Boss Tong took a deep breath of the cigarette in his hand and said.

Sister Luo glanced at everyone and said, "Since we did something wrong, we must be punished."

"Sister Luo, what you mean is that we go to apologize to Shen Lin together, but today we have already apologized to him, and he doesn't accept it at all!" Boss Tong spread his hands and said helplessly.

"If an apology is useful, then the people who made mistakes will be overcrowded." Sister Luo said solemnly: "Boss Shen will never be satisfied with an apology."

"Then what else is he going to do?" a boss asked unconvinced.

Sister Luo glanced at the person who spoke and said, "He still wants to take back his shop. After all, we don't have a lease contract now."

These words made the angry boss speechless. Although he really wanted to say aggressively, no rent, no rent, but he knew very well that it was easy to say this, but it was really difficult to do it!
"I think what we need to do is two things. First, let Boss Shen know our guilt; second, show our sincerity."

"This sincerity is the price. Punish ourselves for our short-sightedness."

Sister Luo said the word price, and everyone present fell silent.They are very clear that this price will definitely not be a few words lightly.

This price is estimated to be double the rent, right?

"Our two thousand a year is already high enough, how can it be outrageous..." A small boss who was not willing to give up the money was still plausible at first, but soon faded away.

What he said was directly ignored by those discussing it.

For those discussing, although they also feel distressed about the rent, it is not important. The important thing is to keep this cornucopia no matter what!

"Sister Luo, how much do you think we should increase the rent for Boss Shen?" Someone said in a deep voice after pondering.

Sister Luo didn't speak, but slowly stretched out five fingers and said, "A shop has to go up by this amount no matter what."

"Why didn't he grab it? I think even if we were wrong, we shouldn't raise his rent by [-], which is too much."

"Yes, five hundred is too much, I won't do it!"

"I won't do it either, at worst I'll just find another place by myself!"

Listening to the voices all around, Sister Luo shook her head, she didn't say anything, but said in a deep voice: "Since everyone disagrees, then let's do our own things."

"Let's leave today, I'm going back too."

Sister Luo chased away guests, and after discussing for so long, there was no one, two, or three discussed, so most people started to disperse.

Boss Tong was walking among the crowd, his ears were filled with the comments of his companions.

"Are you increasing the rent for Shen Lin?"

"Don't even think about it, I have that money, I might as well spend it myself!"

"I don't know how, whoever raises him is the grandson, at worst, I'll just leave!"


ps: The third update today, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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