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Chapter 1605 Heroes See the Same Thing

Chapter 1605 Heroes See the Same Thing

As the big boss of MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall, Shen Lin would certainly not say anything nonsense about what Luo Haiyang wanted to report, and that the two companies had not merged yet.

He immediately smiled and said, "Okay, let's find a place to sit down and chat."

Naturally, Fang Xiaomei and others were concerned about the boarding procedures. Under the guidance of Luo Haiyang, Shen Lin came to a lounge. After the two of them sat down, Luo Haiyang solemnly said: "Dr. Shen, I don't have any concerns about Jiale Electric." I agree with the decision to enter the MiKe Electrical Appliances Store."

To Shen Lin, this sentence was just nonsense.

After all, this kind of thing is not something Luo Haiyang can decide.

Even for things that Bai Mingfu couldn't decide at this time, whether Luo Haiyang agreed or not actually didn't make any sense.

But he said this to show his attitude. He was very happy to join MiKe Electronics.

This is a positive gesture of goodwill. Many times, an attitude is enough.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, I also very much welcome people with lofty ideals like you to join our big family of Mi Ke."

"Only when more talents join MiKe and people can make full use of their talents, the future of our MiKe Electronics will be even brighter."

When Luo Haiyang heard what Shen Lin said, a stone suddenly fell to the ground in his heart.

There was no need for Shen Lin to lie to him. Shen Lin said he was welcome, so of course he was welcome.

After thanking Shen Lin, he said in a deep voice: "Director Shen, I am anxious to see you this time, mainly to report on Donghai Jiale Electrical Appliances."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Dr. Shen, Jiale Electric's business model has always been learned from MiKe Electronics."

"However, with Mr. Bai's continued investment, Jiale Electric has become a well-known brand in the home appliance retail industry."

Shen Lin nodded. With Bai Mingfu's continuous investment, Jiale Electrical Appliances has not only become a well-known brand, but also a very influential well-known brand.

"I know that Jiale Electrical Appliances is about to be merged into Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall. I am very optimistic about this merger."

"After all, it is a merger of powerful companies, which is more conducive to increasing our market share."

Having said this, Luo Haiyang gently raised his head and glanced at Shen Lin, and found that Shen Lin's expression was extremely calm and there was no movement at all.

"But Director Shen, I think it would be a real loss if the Jiale Electric brand is just merged and not used."

"After all, Jiale Electric has a certain customer base."

"If the sign is changed, there will be a certain loss of customers."

"Here in the East China Sea, although MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall and Jiale Electrical Appliances are the top-ranked electrical appliances malls, it is not that there are other home appliance retail malls."

"I think the store layout of Jiale Electric and Mihu Electric can be appropriately adjusted, but it is best to still retain the Jiale Electric brand."

"In this way, even if new competitors appear, we will have a certain advantage."

After listening to Luo Haiyang's analysis, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, your ideas coincide with many people in our group."

"It is indeed a big loss to directly remove the Jiale Electric brand."

"The preliminary opinion of our study is to retain the Jiale Electric brand and operate it as an independent subsidiary."

Shen Lin said this: "However, in terms of product positioning, MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall and Jiale Electrical Appliances will have two different focuses."

"Mr. Luo, now is a critical period for the merger of the two companies. If you have any good ideas, you can write them down. What we need most right now is to work together and brainstorm."

"Furthermore, I firmly believe that the reason why Jiale Electric has achieved today's outstanding results is not only the leadership of Mr. Bai and others, but also the efforts of other people." Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile. : "Mr. Luo, for example, is the partner we urgently need."

Hearing Shen Lin comment that he was a much-needed partner, Luo Haiyang felt a little excited.

He came to see Shen Lin this time with the idea of ​​​​showing his abilities in front of his new club.

Although he also had his own Xiao Jiujiu and thought that retaining the Jiale Electric brand would be of greater benefit to him, he did not expect that his own ideas coincided with Shen Lin's, which was more worthwhile. Excited!
He felt that as long as he worked hard enough, he would still be as comfortable as a fish in water in the future at Mihu Company.

"Thank you, Director Shen, for your encouragement. I will definitely work harder in the future and never let down Director Shen's expectations of me."

After saying these words, Luo Haiyang's face was full of excitement.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I believe Mr. Luo can do it."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Do Mr. Luo and Lan Weidong know each other?"

"Mr. Lan and I have met before, but we don't have a deep friendship." Luo Haiyang naturally knew Lan Weidong, after all, the two sides had fought against each other.

Shen Lin said: "You should contact Mr. Lan later. He needs someone who knows Jiale Electric well to tell him the situation."

While the two were talking, Fang Xiaomei came over and said, "Director Shen, it's time for us to go through the security check."

Shen Lin stood up and said, "Mr. Luo, I originally wanted to talk to you for a while, but it seems we can't."

"Xiaomei, give Mr. Luo my business card so that you can contact me at any time."

Fang Xiaomei immediately took out Shen Lin's business card from her bag and handed it to Luo Haiyang, and asked Luo Haiyang for a business card.

Taking the business card handed over by Fang Xiaomei with both hands, Luo Haiyang felt an unconcealable excitement in his heart. He felt that what he was holding was not a business card, but an extremely rare pass that had been initially accepted by MiKe Electronics.

Waving goodbye to Luo Haiyang, Shen Lin said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, if you get calls like this from Luo Haiyang in the future, just forward them to me."

"Okay, Director Shen." Fang Xiaomei said: "Director Shen, I just received a call from Boss Li, saying that Boss Li wants to have a meal with you tonight, and he has already reserved a place at Zhenbaofang. ”

When Shen Lin heard what Fang Xiaomei said, he frowned.

What Boss Li said before was to persuade him to stop dealing with Taiyu Group after getting some benefits. Now, this boss Li probably thinks the same way.

"It would be nice to meet once." Shen Lin said thoughtfully, "After all, some things are better left open."

Three hours later, Shen Lin arrived in Xiangjiang.

Before leaving the airport, Shen Lin saw Zhang Yuqing and others who came to greet him.

After welcoming Shen Lin into the car, Zhang Yuqing reported: "Director Shen, as far as I know, a vice president of Taiyu Group is currently on a business trip in Xiangjiang."

"I heard that the vice president has already met with Boss Li, Boss Chen and others, but I don't know what they specifically discussed."

"I also heard that Boss Li held a small-scale dinner for the vice president."

Shen Lin nodded. Although Zhang Yuqing's information was not very accurate, it showed one thing, that is, Boss Li's side should have been persuaded.

"Director Shen, where should we live this time?" Because of the lesson learned from the last time, Zhang Yuqing did not confirm a place for Shen Lin to live.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Let's go live in the villa. There's no need to be secretive now."

(End of this chapter)

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