Chapter 1620 Fireworks

At this time, those who get married and invite people to restaurants are all wealthy people.

For ordinary families, everyone basically buys wine and groceries, has them cooked at home, and has a meal together at the tables of relatives and neighbors.

Although this is troublesome, the advantage of doing so is that it saves money.

Although Teacher Ma is an intellectual, he is not too rich, so he adopts this relatively affordable method.

Beside a small shed in the yard, two old men were keeping accounts of gifts from relatives and friends.

Although Teacher Ma had already told Shen Hai not to follow the gift when he arrived, Shen Hai still took advantage of Teacher Ma to greet other relatives and friends and gave him 20 yuan.

Originally, as a neighbor, a gift of ten dollars was enough.

However, he felt that he was bringing his younger brother with him, so Chen Hai simply gave him twenty as a gift.

Naturally, Shen Lin didn't take this kind of courtesy seriously. The two brothers didn't go to see the new house, so they just sat down casually in the yard.

There is no wind today and the sun is just right.

Sitting in the yard, leaning against the briquette stove, it really feels warm.

Although the tea was poured by himself, it still burned his mouth. For a moment, Shen Lin felt very comfortable.

"Brother, the wedding here is different from ours." Shen Lin said casually while eating melon seeds.

Chen Hai smiled and said: "The difference is not too big, after all, they are all happy events."

Hearing what his brother said, Shen Lin couldn't help but want to laugh, thinking that his summary was really good.

While the brothers were chatting about family matters, more and more people came to congratulate them.

Most of the people took a look at the couple's new house and then started drinking tea and chatting in the yard. There were also many children running around.

The seats on both sides of Brother Shen Lin were slowly filled with people.

"Brother, lend me a hand!" A man wearing a leather jacket and a crew cut came to Chen Hai and said with a smile.

Shen Hai would naturally not refuse such a request.

It's normal for smokers to have trouble borrowing fire.

"Brother, you are very cool!" The man in his 30s returned the cigarette to Shen Hai and said with a smile.

Shen Hai said: "I live in the courtyard next door, and I am friends with Teacher Ma."

"Brother, what's your last name? What do you do?"

Because he was sitting at the same table, the man talked to Shen Hai without anyone noticing.

Shen Hai said casually: "My surname is Shen, and like Teacher Ma, I also teach."

Naturally, the man didn't know that the teacher Chen Hai was different from Teacher Ma.

He took a heavy drag on his cigarette, and then said with a smile: "Oh, teaching is good. Although teachers don't make much money, they are stable!"

"Back then, if I hadn't been bad at studying, I would have gone into teaching."

Listening to the man's teasing, Chen Hai smiled silently. Although the man's words sounded nice, he could feel that there was a hint of contemptuous superiority in the man's words.

This man's leather jacket should be worth hundreds of dollars, so he seems to have made money.

Shen Lin naturally didn't have much regard for people with a nouveau riche mentality. He talked casually with his brother in a low voice.

At this time, the man in leather jacket gave another round of cigarettes to everyone.

The cigarette was from Hongtashan. After the man had dispersed the cigarette, he placed two unopened cigarette cases on the table and said, "Whoever smokes can take it yourself!"

"Haha, Banggang, you're going to be successful!" An old man who looked to be in his 60s said with a smile while smoking.

The man in leather clothes said: "Second uncle, people call me Dagang. My nickname is not nice, so please stop calling me."

"Come on, second uncle, let me have another one."

The second uncle's expression suddenly changed when someone threw him a cigarette.But looking at the fur coat shining in the sun, the second uncle finally said: "Okay, I will call you Dagang from now on."

"Dagang, I heard that you were the one who found Xiaoma's wedding car this time?" the second uncle asked with a smile.

Dagang took a breath, a puff of smoke came out of his nostrils, and said with a smile: "Brother Ma and I are also friends. I have been asked by my family since I was a child to learn from Brother Ma."

"What's more, his son is my nephew. How can I not help him with his family affairs."

"A good friend of mine bought a new Santana at home, and I risked my skin to find it."

Dagang put away the cigarette in his hand and said, "Second uncle, guess what?"

The second uncle is a good man, so he naturally knows what Dagang means.

But he had his own ideas. Although he knew Dagang's thoughts, he was very cooperative at this time: "What's wrong?"

"Hehe, my buddy said that since he bought the car, he has been planning to set a rule that the car will not be loaned out."

"But, since I opened my mouth about this, he will give me this face."

Having said this, Dagang said proudly: "Oh, that's me, others really can't lend this car."

Many of the people smoking and chatting around looked at Dagang with smiles.

Some people have envy in their eyes, while others have jealousy and disdain in their eyes.

Brothers Shen Lin and Shen Hai are already accustomed to this kind of thing.

What's more, this kind of thing has nothing to do with their brothers, so they are happy to pretend to be confused.

The second uncle smiled and said: "Dagang, it's all thanks to you this time."

"Ever since you were a child, I have felt that you are an extraordinary boy and you will definitely have a lot of potential when you grow up."

"Look, among you, you are the best at it."

Dagang chuckled and said: "Second uncle, you are too complimentary. When I was a child, everyone thought that Brother Ma was the most promising and the best at learning."

"However, now I understand that if you study well, you really can't make a living."

"Look at my brother Ma, he's just making a few dead wages all day long, ugh!"

Looking at Dagang with a look of emotion, everyone present just smiled.

Even Teacher Ma, who was greeting relatives and friends in the distance, smiled in embarrassment and went about his own business.

After all, he had just asked Dagang to do something, and now that people were saying these things, he was too embarrassed to say anything else.

Chen Hai frowned, he didn't like such words.

But thinking that it was none of his business, he let go of the discomfort in his heart.

"Teacher Shen, you and I, Brother Ma, are colleagues. What I said is not rough. It is the truth after all!"

"Let's just talk about you. If you could borrow a car, my brother Ma wouldn't come looking for me."

Chen Hai didn't expect that this man's words would actually attract him.

However, he didn't know much about this kind of mixed-up people, so he just smiled and didn't say anything.

And Shen Lin didn't know much about such people. He came here this time just to join in the fun with his brother. As for matters between neighbors, he didn't bother to take care of them.

Dagang saw that Shen Hai was silent, so he didn't get entangled.

He also knows a bit of propriety. After all, we are all neighbors here. It's okay to talk too much, but too much is not good.

So soon, he changed the topic to other places.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside.

(End of this chapter)

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