Chapter 1625 Sudden Accident

Shen Lin has also been asked about Lu Xiaorong's books in the past.

An interviewer even asked him which of Lu Xiaorong's books he liked best.

It's just that those questions were all asked openly and honestly because of his status.

But now, he is wearing a pair of sunglasses, giving the impression that he is here to welcome Lu Xiaorong's book fans.

Regarding this situation, Shen Lin could only bite the bullet and said: "Yes."

"As a fan of Ms. Lu Xiaorong's books, do you think her new book Harry Potter is good?" The reporter was obviously not prepared to let Shen Lin go.

Shen Lin scratched his head and said, "I prefer the Three-Body Problem."

The reporter smiled and said: "Your answer is the same as that of many male book fans. They also prefer The Three-Body Problem."

"I would like to ask, if Ms. Lu Xiaorong came to you, what would you most want to say to her?"

Shen Lin scratched his head. He was really confused by this reporter now.

To be honest, there are naturally a lot of things he wants to say to his wife.

But what I want to say the most is naturally only one sentence, and that is that I miss you to death.

But in this case, if you say it yourself, you will reveal your identity. If you don't say anything else, these reporters alone will be enough for you to deal with.

"Sorry, I don't want to answer your question."

As a reporter, generally as long as you ask a question, the interviewee will answer it.Therefore, it can be said that this is the first time for a young female reporter to encounter this situation.

For a moment, she was a little overwhelmed by Shen Lin.

Looking at Shen Lin wearing sunglasses, she didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the end, the female reporter smiled and said: "Okay, then I won't ask you this question. I..."

Just as she was speaking, another group of people suddenly came over.

Some of these people were holding flowers, some were holding balloons, and some were holding large photos.

"Tongtong, I love you!"

"Tongtong fans, come this way."

"Wait a minute Tongtong is here, let's say welcome together!"


After hearing these words, Shen Lin turned his head and took a look and realized that these people were here to pick up a female star from Xiangjiang.

Shen Lin was already used to this kind of situation.

Even in his heart, he was a little happy about the arrival of these people. After all, these people could help Lu Xiaorong share some of his firepower.

"Can you please excuse me? You're blocking our view." A young man who looked to be in his 20s and whose hair was a little long said to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment!
You block other people's way. There is obviously a road next to you, so why do you block other people's way?

He said to the young man: "I'm here, I'm not blocking your way."

"Can't you pass by?"

When the young man saw what Shen Lin said, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "We welcome Tongtong's fans, please give way."

"You stand here and influence us to welcome Tongtong."

The reason why Shen Lin stood here with flowers was because he wanted Lu Xiaorong to see him when he got off the plane.

What this person means now is to let him give up this opportunity to welcome the female star.

Although Shen Lin usually likes to be kind to others, this does not mean that Shen Lin is a talkative person.

He glanced at the young man and said, "I'm sorry, I'm also picking up someone, so I can't leave."

"And I arrived here early." "So, you can wait elsewhere."

Hearing Shen Lin's words, the young man's face suddenly turned extremely ugly. He glanced at him twice, and then said angrily: " want to find trouble!"

"Let me tell you, why is it important for you to pick up someone? If you delay our pick-up of Tongtong, you..."

Just as the man was speaking, several people following Shen Lin had already rushed up and said, "What do you want?"

"Tell us something."

Those glowing fans looked at the people surrounding them, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to retreat.

After all, this is an airport, and they don't care.

"Director Shen, do you need us to call more colleagues over?" A security officer asked Shen Lin cautiously.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "These are all small things, you don't have to worry too much."

"You should go and do whatever you need to do."

Following Shen Lin's arrangement, the security department personnel carefully retreated to Shen Lin's side.

At this moment, the crowd began to come out of the exit.

From a distance, Shen Lin saw Lu Xiaorong pulling a box.

Next to Lu Xiaorong was her assistant, and the two of them were talking as they walked.

When Lu Xiaorong raised his head, Shen Lin quickly waved his hand towards Lu Xiaorong.

Lu Xiaorong suddenly became happy when he looked at Shen Lin, who was holding flowers and waving for funds.

When she boarded the plane, she thought about how she and Shen Lin would meet, but she didn't expect that Shen Lin was actually waiting for her with a large bouquet of flowers.

This filled her heart with joy.

Overjoyed, she rushed towards Shen Lin quickly. In just a split second, Lu Xiaorong was about to rush to the exit.

But just when Lu Xiaorong was about to come over, suddenly a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses rushed over.

He pushed towards Lu Xiaorong and said, "Wait a moment before you go out."

Lu Xiaorong was already running, and the man in the black suit used a lot of force, so he pushed Lu Xiaorong out at once.

Lu Xiaorong, whose footing was unstable, fell directly to the ground.

Seeing all this, Shen Lin's face became extremely ugly.

He didn't care about the fence and rushed over.

Several personnel from the Mihu Electronic Security Section who were originally following him also rushed forward.

When the bodyguard in a black suit saw Shen Lin rushing over, he reached out and grabbed Shen Lin by the collar.

But before he could grab Shen Lin's collar, a young man following Shen Lin grabbed his wrist, and then slammed the bodyguard directly to the ground.

Shen Lin ignored the bodyguard who fell to the ground, quickly came to Lu Xiaorong and helped Lu Xiaorong up: "How are you? It's not broken, is it? Let's go out and see a doctor?"

Lu Xiaorong struggled to stand up and said, "You just fell to the ground. Seeing how nervous you are, it seems like something happened to me."

Shen Lin supported Lu Xiaorong and said, "As long as everything is fine, let's go and find a place to rest first."

As he spoke, Shen Lin was about to walk towards a stool towards Lu Xiaorong.

At this time, the bodyguard in black struggled to stand up from the ground and said loudly: "They are beating people, don't let them escape."

Following these words, several bodyguards in black who had been separating the crowd quickly surrounded them.

Suddenly, the surroundings became chaotic.

Shen Lin looked at the situation and frowned. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a woman say: "You pushed me to be my bodyguard. I don't ask for anything else. You can leave after you apologize."

(End of this chapter)

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