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Chapter 1637 The treatment is different

Chapter 1637 The treatment is different
Ma Yuancheng looked at Shen Lin anxiously.

He had mentioned this idea to several of his friends in the past, but they all thought he was a bit whimsical.

In addition to the fact that this system is difficult to work with, it is also not easy to make money.

And it is not easy to completely bypass DOS.

The most important thing is that there is basically no investment for his idea.

As for his own research, he still doesn’t know when he will be able to develop it?

The computer situation quickly appeared in Shen Lin's mind.

Although he has taken the first step to become a PHS user, Shen Lin is very clear that in the past ten years, there are still huge profits from computers.

In Shen Lin's plan, the next step for MiKe Electronics is to make computers.

Of course, Shen Lin's first step in making a computer is also to assemble the machine.

After all, technology is something that comes step by step.Now, although he already has a lot of capital, he can buy and buy!
However, although the method of buying, buying, buying sounds very good, the foundation is not stable, and everything will come to nothing in the end.

Shen Lin remained silent. Li Xuesong, who was rejected by Shen Lin, said: "Brother, our family members should just listen to your thoughts."

"Such a big matter will naturally be taken care of by the higher authorities. Just stop thinking about it."

"You said it yourself, even if you want to apply for a project with this idea, you won't be able to apply."

Ma Yuancheng's head suddenly lowered even further.

He felt that Shen Lin's silence was a silent rejection, but because they were both relatives, Director Shen...

"Brother Yuan Cheng, your idea is very good, I am very interested."

Shen Lin raised his head from his silence and said in a deep voice: "If you haven't found an investor yet, Brother Yuan Cheng, we at Mihu Electronics can invest a sum of money first and give this project a try."

Having said this, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I wonder, Brother Yuan Cheng, what is your budget for this aspect?"

Ma Yuancheng was stunned. He did not expect that Shen Lin would agree to his proposal.

This made him feel extremely surprised for a moment.

But he really hasn't calculated how much it will cost.

At this time, after hearing Shen Lin's words, he didn't know how to quote the price.

"Yuan Cheng, you can say as much as you want." Li Xuemei smiled and said, "We are all a family, and everything can be discussed."

"Of course, you don't want all the money Shen Lin invested to go down the drain."

Ma Yuancheng stretched out a finger!
Shen Lin nodded lightly. Although 1000 million sounds like a lot, if this system is built, it will be very good.

After all, 1000 million is not a big amount of money to him now.

And I will tell Ma Yuancheng about the classic functions of those operating systems in future generations. Maybe this system will be very competitive.

At the very least, you might be able to obtain patents in some aspects, in which case...

"One hundred thousand, I think if you give me one hundred thousand now, I can do it." When Ma Yuancheng said one hundred thousand, his voice was a little trembling.

In Ma Yuancheng's view, 10 yuan is his salary for 20 years, which is already a lot of money.

Otherwise, he is not the only one who develops it, but also the computer. If it is a bit expensive, he can reduce it a little more.

Shen Lin looked at Ma Yuancheng who said one hundred thousand, and was completely stunned.It’s just that people want too little.

He was prepared for 1000 million, but he was quoted a price of [-]. At this time, Shen Lin couldn't help but think of some classic plots.

For example, a certain big shot wrote a program in seclusion and sold it for millions.

"Director Shen, if one hundred thousand is too much, you can reduce it a little. I think eighty thousand is enough. I..."

Ma Yuancheng, who thought Shen Lin thought he had invested too much, had a slight tremor in his voice.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Brother Yuan Cheng, I will give you 1000 million in funds to recruit talents. Can you take down the system I mentioned within a year?"

While speaking, Shen Lin relied on his own memory and said: "I thought about what you just said, and I think that according to the current trend of computers becoming smaller and smaller, they will soon enter the home."

"Especially as our economic conditions develop, everyone will become richer and richer in the future. Under such circumstances, home computers will become more and more popular."

"According to my understanding, the most important thing for the popularity of a product is that it is easy to use."

"It's like our PHS. Anyone can use it. Rather than having a variety of commands appear with just one input, that would put many people off."

While talking, Shen Lin told Ma Yuancheng the operating system in his memory bit by bit.

At the beginning, Ma Yuancheng listened to Shen Lin's words seriously because Shen Lin was the financial backer, and Shen Lin's investment was too important to him.

But later, when he listened to some of Shen Lin's requirements and functional arrangements, he suddenly felt enlightened.

Although he had already thought about it a lot when he wanted to build such a system, now, after listening to Shen Lin's words, he had a clear goal.

"Director Shen, please speak slower." Picking up the napkin on the table, Ma Yuancheng quickly recorded it with the pen he carried.

For Ma Yuancheng, he felt that the suggestions given by Shen Lin were really good.

It would be a shame not to remember the content of these suggestions.

Shen Lin spoke for more than ten minutes in one breath.

In his previous life, Shen Lin basically used the computer to play games online, or at most to check information.But Shen Lin knew all the things that a computer should have.

So he said all these things in one breath.

But the simplest one is actually the most suitable for ordinary people. Ma Yuancheng listened to Shen Lin's suggestions and had more and more ideas in his mind.

However, he also felt that there were some things that he just couldn't do on his own.

"Director Shen, are you really prepared to invest 1000 million in this matter?" After hesitating for a moment, Ma Yuancheng finally asked anxiously.

"Ten million is just the beginning. If it's not enough, we can continue to invest in it." Shen Lin patted Ma Yuancheng on the shoulder and said: "Just do it with confidence and boldness. As long as you can build this system, even if it's money If it’s not enough, we can continue to vote.”

Li Xuesong looked at Shen Lin and Ma Yuancheng and felt a little incredible.

In his opinion, what his cousin said was just fanciful.

But in his opinion, this kind of investment would not make any money at all. Shen Lin not only discussed it with his cousin, but also decided to invest 1000 million.

Just now, he said that he would invest money to buy land in the south and double his sales in a year, but Shen Lin said that he would make little money and was not interested.

For a moment, he said unwillingly: "Cousin, how much money can you make in a year from this project?"

"When the time comes, don't apologize. Although we are all relatives, it doesn't look good!"

(End of this chapter)

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