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Chapter 1649 It’s our turn next year

Chapter 1649 It’s our turn next year
At ten o'clock in the morning, just as Shen Lin was preparing to hold a commendation meeting, his PHS phone rang.

Shen Lin answered the phone, and Li Qingbo's voice came from the PHS.

"Director Shen, I heard that a big event happened to your MiKe Electronics. You gave a direct reward of 500 million to the head of a business department."

Shen Lin and Li Qingbo have a good relationship, and Li Qingbo has helped Shen Lin a lot in the past.

So in response to Li Qingbo's question, Shen Lin smiled and said, "There is such a thing."

"But I didn't send it arbitrarily, but according to our target responsibility letter, they exceeded the task. According to the responsibility letter, the company should give them this reward."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I felt a little distressed when I gave out this money!"

"But as the person in charge of a company, I can't keep my word. Otherwise, no one will believe what I say, and then I won't be able to survive."

Listening to Shen Lin's smiling words, Li Qingbo said: "I just met with the leaders above to report on next year's trade fair."

"You also know that our task of earning foreign exchange is still not light."

"At that time, the leader brought up this matter. Did you know? Many people lamented that MiKe Electronics is too rich."

"Tsk, tsk, the person in charge of finance still wants to borrow some money from you, Director Shen?"

Shen Lin knew that Li Qingbo was joking, so he smiled and said: "Brother Li, you are so complimentary, how much money do we have!"

The main purpose of Li Qingbo's call this time was about the trade fair.

He smiled and said: "Director Shen, after I reported on the trade fair, the superiors asked to contact you to see what services MiKe Electronics needs from us."

Li Qingbo said: "Let's see when you are free."

Shen Lin basically no longer has to worry about earning foreign exchange through exports.

In fact, this kind of thing only needs to be done by Lu Xiaoshan.

But the relationship between Li Qingbo and Shen Lin is unusual, so Shen Lin smiled and said: "How about this, I will be busy for a while before the year."

"I really can't find the time. Anyway, the trade will be after the new year, before the third day of the Lunar New Year, let's find a day to have a good chat."

“Also finalize everything.”

Li Qingbo had no objection to Shen Lin's proposal. It could be said that Shen Lin's opinion was better than he thought.

So he smiled and said: "Okay, then as you said, let's find a day within the year to have a good chat."

Shen Lin and Li Qingbo chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After handing the PHS to Fang Xiaomei, Shen Lin, Cheng Zhenyuan and others walked into the large conference room of the hardware machinery factory.

Although this large conference room has been renovated, the general framework is still the same as before.

But at this time, there was already a sea of ​​red below the auditorium.

I saw outstanding workers, and the sales pacesetters were all sitting at the front wearing red robes, and around these people were the middle-level staff of MiKe Electronics.

There are even people from Jiale Electrical Appliances on one side.

Sun Kang was on Lan Weidong's side. He came from Beijing with Lan Weidong specifically to attend the commendation meeting of Mihu Electronics.

Although MiKe Electronics Mall is a separate company, because Shen Lin's business is mainly MiKe Electronics, this commendation meeting actually covers the entire MiKe Electronics Mall and MiKe Logistics.

When Sun Kang came, he was really a little uncomfortable.

After all, his identity is as a new employee of Jiale Electric.

Although his status in the company is not low, he always feels inferior to others.

This feeling made him feel embarrassed but helpless.He was also a little curious about MiKe Electronics.

Although he has been to MiKe Electronics several times, he still doesn't understand the real situation. This time, being able to participate in MiKe Electronics' commendation meeting is an opportunity for him to have a deeper understanding of MiKe Electronics.

Lan Weidong introduced several familiar people to Sun Kang along the way.

Through conversations with these people, Sun Kang felt that MiKe Electronics really had a lot of talents.

And the rows of employees with big red flowers and the faces full of fighting spirit made Sun Kang feel the vitality of MiKe Electronics even more.

But what shocked him the most was still the reward of 500 million for Lian Shaofeng.

500 million!

It was not that Sun Kang had never seen money before, but this was his first time giving such a large amount of money to the head of a subordinate department.

To be honest, when he heard about this reward, he couldn't help but compare Shen Lin and Bai Mingfu.

If this matter were placed on Bai Mingfu, would he be willing to reward him with 500 million?
Although in Sun Kang's heart,...I have always admired Bai Mingfu very much, but this time, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

After all, that's just too much.

Although Bai Mingfu has extraordinary courage, he probably won't simply reward him with fifteen million.

Even if the person receiving the reward is himself, Sun Kang has no confidence.

After the comparison, another yearning arose in Sun Kang's heart.

He is still very confident in his abilities, so what he thinks about is how much money he can get in the next year-end reward...

"Mr. Sun, this year, our main focus is on our own internal competition."

"Now that MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall and Jiale Electrical Appliances have become one, our purchasing channels will be more stable and cheaper in the future, so our good days are coming."

"This time they are number one. Next time Jiale Electric will strive to be number one as well."

Lan Weidong put his hand on his shoulder with a hint of emotion and said: "When the time comes, let's let Director Shen take a closer look. Our home appliance sales are not vegetarian."

"When the time comes, we need to let people know that this 500 million is not too much, and we can still get 2000 million."

Lan Weidong's words were full of encouragement, and Sun Kang's heart was also ready to move.

Although Lan Weidong's words were a bit whimsical, there were some things that Lan Weidong was not wrong about.

Their conditions are better!
The time has come for them to show off their skills.

So this time, no matter what, they cannot let go of the opportunity next year.

If you can get a reward of more than 1000 million, then...

Just when Sun Kang was having an overwhelming thought in his mind, he heard a burst of extremely warm applause from all around.

Amidst the applause, Sun Kang saw Shen Lin striding into the venue.

Different from the previous casual clothes, this time Shen Lin not only wore a suit, but also a bright red tie, giving people an extremely festive feeling.

Shen Lin, Cheng Weidong, Qiangzi...

When a person sat down in his seat, he heard Cheng Weidong say: "Today, we are holding a summary meeting here..."

"Next, let me invite Director Shen to speak!"

Following Cheng Weidong's words, a burst of warmer applause rang out.

(End of this chapter)

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