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Chapter 166 Fengqi Qingping seizes every opportunity

Chapter 166 The Wind Qingping Seizes Every Opportunity

How could Shen Lin not hear Qiangzi's unwillingness?In fact, Shen Lin was also very depressed about this matter.

It's just that many things don't mean that you can do it if you don't want to.

For example, in this matter, although Shen Lin was not reconciled to the fruits of his hard work, and just like this, Boss Du was smeared, but he was at a loss what to do.

He didn't know the cotton and hemp company, and they didn't know each other at all, and there was no agreement between the two parties. Even if Shen Lin said that he built Paris Street, they refused to rent it to him.

This is also impossible!

But to be honest, Shen Lin was really not reconciled!
Especially Qiangzi's questioning made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh, Shen Lin, you are here!" A voice broke the silence in the store.

Shen Lin woke up from this discomfort in an instant, looked up, and found that the person who greeted him was Director Song.

"Director Song, why do you have time to come over to inspect today?" Shen Lin hurried up to greet him, and said to Qiangzi, "Qiangzi, pour tea quickly."

Qiangzi has been trained by Shen Lin these days, and he is completely capable of being independent in terms of observing words and expressions, and dealing with people and things.

Hearing Shen Lin's order, Qiangzi picked up the kettle and respectfully poured a few cups of tea for Director Song and the people who came with him.

Director Song took a sip from his water glass, then looked at Shen Lin's shop.

Although there were only a few customers in the store at this time, many radios, tape recorders, and even a black and white TV were already placed on the glass counter of Lin Rong Electronics.

"Shen Lin, I really didn't expect wow, it's only been a long time for you kid to make such a big mess."

"Young people are not easy. They are much better than us old guys who are paid dead wages! When you turn your head around, you will get a new idea. What is this new idea? It's creativity! Unlimited creativity and financial resources Don't stop!"

"Director Song, brother, my dear brother, you think too highly of me! No matter how powerful my screw is, how much can it strike? In the final analysis, the current policy is better, and I just take advantage of it. Take this opportunity to earn a little money and support the family!"

Director Song secretly sighed in his heart, this Shen Lin is not only flexible, but also shrewd in dealing with people. He probably also knows the truth of being famous. Although he has earned a lot of money, his attitude is low-key.

"Shen Lin, although your business is not small now, I still want to tell you that no matter how prosperous your business is in the future, don't forget that a gentleman loves money in a proper way, and you must do it legally. , Integrity management."

Shen Lin stood at attention, took a rest, and said solemnly: "Director Song, don't worry, I promise not to do that shady thing!"

Director Song looked at Shen Lin's movements and joked with a smile: "Are you issuing a military order for me?"

Director Song has always had a good impression of Shen Lin, a young man who manages with integrity.

I feel that this young man is not only spiritual in doing business, but most importantly, his character is also top-notch.

In Director Song's opinion, they should give more support to such talents.What's more, you can see that Shen Lin is at the moment when he is proud of his horseshoe, and he can be so down-to-earth, which makes Director Song full of goodwill.

"Xiao Shen, you are very nice, and I also believe that you will not be the kind of person who gets carried away when you have money."

Having said that, he turned to a middle-aged man beside him and said, "Director Li, this is Shen Lin, the boss of Lin Rong Electronics, a young man with first-rate electrical repair skills."

Director Li smiled at Shen Lin and said, "Young man is not bad, it's amazing to be able to open such a big store at such a young age!"

Shen Lin didn't know Director Li very well, so he just said a few words politely, and then quietly listened to what Director Song and Director Li had to say.

From the conversation between Director Song and Director Li, Shen Lin knew that Director Li was the deputy director on the street. He and Director Song came out this time mainly to prepare for the investigation of the big leaders in the city tomorrow.

"Old Song, I won't hide it from you, the whole district is having a headache right now." Director Li took a sip of tea, frowning tightly: "The big leader wants to investigate the highlights of our districts."

"Speaking logically, this is not difficult, but the key is that the big leader said, don't waste time re-reading those you have seen before, and ask our districts to introduce new ones and show new highlights."

"Now that the district has a headache, we are asking each office to provide space. If the top talks, the bottom will break their legs!" Director Song drank water while chatting with Director Li.Although he also has a mission, he can just sit back and watch the excitement while the office is scratching his head.

So he talked to Director Li with a smile, just to reassure him.

Shen Lin's eyes lit up as he listened to the conversation between the two.

In Shen Lin's view, if the Paris style street he created can be rolled out, the subsequent benefits are absolutely self-evident.

At the very least, it can save yourself a lot of trouble.

If it is done well, maybe you can take advantage of the east wind this time and bring all the places on the opposite side into your own management.

Thinking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Director Li, I think you are worried! I think our bright spot does not necessarily have to find a company."

"Our Paris-style pedestrian street, we can ask the big leaders in the city to guide us!"

Director Li was stunned for a moment, he put down the cup in his hand, and then said with a smile: "Oh, Xiao Shen, if you say that your brain is flexible, you are so right in reminding me, I am purely Riding a donkey looking for a donkey, guarding the golden mountain and begging for food!"

"Just thinking about the bright spot of finding a job in a company, forgetting about the construction of the shop, which is also a bright spot."

"Yes, I'll report to the director right now, and we'll report here. Even if we don't get compliments, at least we won't be criticized!"

Director Li patted his thigh excitedly, smiling happily.

Director Li led people away in a hurry. When Director Song left, he patted Shen Lin on the shoulder and said, "Shen Lin, since you have proposed this proposal, you should tidy up this place."

"In addition, if it is confirmed, I will ask Xu Ruibing to come over and help you maintain the order here."

After seeing Director Song off, Qiangzi said to Shen Lin while packing up the water glasses, "Brother Shen, why don't you tell Director Song and the others about Du Beikang."

"This guy is opportunistic, so he should take care of it."

Shen Lin glanced at Qiangzi, and then said: "Okay, this matter is over here, don't mention it again in the future!"

"Please inform Sister Luo that our stores need to be organized, and each store must send people to be responsible for the sanitation of these four weeks by group."

"You must not smash our signboard here."

Qiangzi agreed, and quickly walked outside the shop.Lu Dongsheng, who had been standing at the counter, was thinking about what happened just now.

He felt that Shen Lin would never do nothing as he said.

Brother Shen's recommendation of Paris Street to Director Li and Director Song is definitely not just to increase the popularity of this street.

Among them, there are some things floating around that I don't know.

It's just that although I feel it, I can't figure it out.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Dongsheng finally decided to ask Shen Lin for confirmation. After all, there are some things that you don’t know. If you ask, you may be able to avoid many detours in the future.

"Brother Shen, do you have other meanings in recommending Paris Street?"

Shen Lin glanced at Lu Dongsheng, and said vaguely, "Yes, it's just that for this kind of thing, it's up to people to plan things, and God to make things happen."

"I've tried my best. As for whether it will be successful or not, I can't care so much!"

ps: The third update, please support.

(End of this chapter)

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