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Chapter 1668 Mi Ke’s school recruitment

Chapter 1668 Mi Ke’s school recruitment

Mi Yuan!

Shen Lin and Mi Yuan are naturally no strangers. It can be said that the relationship between the two is closer than that between Lu Daqing and the others.

It's just that Shen Lin never thought about letting Mi Yuan take the lead in this matter.

After thinking about the pros and cons of Mi Yuan taking on this matter, Shen Lin solemnly said: "Can Mi Yuan afford this matter?"

"When Mi Yuan worked as my subordinate, she was able to complete any task assigned by me."

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "I think Mi Yuan is very good."

"She has work experience in this area, and she is also the manager of a flagship store in Jiale Electric."

"Together these two, I think she is very suitable."

Lu Daqing also followed: "Dr. Shen, I also know Mi Yuan's abilities."

"As his old superior, I am not praising her. She is very capable."

"If she hadn't left the unit, after I was promoted this time, the person who would replace me would be Mi Yuan."

"What a pity!"

Shen Lin picked up the wine glass and played with it, thinking about Mi Yuan's performance.

Somehow, she thought of that dream in her mind.

These days, that dream always came to his mind, making him doubtful.

Because this dream is a bit too real.

Putting aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shen Lin thought for a moment and said, "If you two recommend Mi Yuan so much, then I will let her serve as the deputy manager in this area."

"The deputy manager in charge."

Hearing Shen Lin say the words "responsible for work", Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo both had smiles on their faces.

They understood that Shen Lin did this naturally to be able to attack and defend.

If Mi Yuan can be suitable for this kind of work, everything will naturally not be a problem, and things will be corrected when they need to be corrected.

And once Mi Yuan is not comfortable with this aspect of work, then a permanent manager will be transferred.

This method can be said to be Shen Lin's investigation.

"Director Shen, thank you for listening to our suggestions. Come on, let us toast you." Lu Daqing raised his glass happily.

Shen Lin and Li Qingbo were not polite and also raised their glasses.

As cups of wine were poured into the stomach, the atmosphere in which the three of them chatted became more lively.

Although Shen Lin wanted to control himself when he came, he couldn't help but drink too much until the end of the drink.

After arranging for Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo to be sent back to the hotel, Shen Lin also returned home.

Lu Xiaorong looked at the drunken Shen Lin and couldn't help but said, "You, drink less if you can."

"Isn't it true that there are very few people who can make people drink alcohol nowadays?"

"Why did you drink so much today?"

Facing Lu Xiaorong's words, Shen Lin smiled helplessly and said, "Lu Daqing and Li Qingbo are both old friends. It's not easy to be lazy when drinking with them."

Lu Xiaorong handed Shen Lin a glass of honey water and said, "Drink it first, then go to bed after drinking it. This will make your stomach more comfortable."

Shen Lin drank the water and then said, "It's better for my wife to be at home."

After saying that, I felt like my head was dazed, and then I fell asleep quickly.

When Shen Lin woke up, it was already the beginning of the lanterns.Shen Lin, who felt dry in the mouth, quickly drank two mouthfuls of water, and then lazily got up from the bed.

Lu Xiaorong was playing games in the living room with Xiao Guoke. When he saw Shen Lin getting up, he told him, "Wash your face first, and I will bring you the food." Shen Lin smiled at his son, Then I washed my face quickly.

Lu Xiaorong made sour pimple soup for dinner. Shen Lin drank two large bowls of pickles and then felt that his body was completely relaxed.

"Dad, grandpa is here this afternoon. Let me tell you, drink less in the future." Xiao Guoke said to Shen Lin who was eating.

"Okay, I understand." Shen Lin listened to this instruction and responded helplessly.

While Shen Lin was eating and chatting with Lu Xiaorong, the doorbell rang.

Shen Lin looked at the quartz clock and found that it was only seven o'clock in the evening. Shen Lin didn't know who was coming, so he walked over and opened the door.

But before he could pass by, Lu Xiaorong walked over, and as the door opened, Lu Dongsheng walked in carrying two bottles of wine.

"Dongsheng, when did you come back?" Shen Lin was very happy to see Lu Dongsheng. After all, this was his first employee.

Now Lu Dongsheng is in charge of scientific research, and it can be said that he is also very busy.

So during the Chinese New Year, Shen Lin gave Lu Dongsheng a period of vacation so that he could have a good New Year in his hometown.

Lu Dongsheng said: "Dr. Shen, I'm going back to Dongzhou this afternoon."

While talking, he sat down opposite Shen Lin.

"Have you eaten? If not, ask your sister-in-law to serve you a bowl. I drank a little too much at noon today and I just woke up now."

Shen Lin did not regard Lu Dongsheng as an outsider and spoke very casually.

Shen Lin's casualness made Lu Dongsheng relax.

Although when he came, he kept reminding himself that Brother Shen was still the same Brother Shen before, but when he entered the room, he was still a little nervous.

Because he knew very well that although the appearance of Shen Lin in front of him had not changed much, in fact, as the boss of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin had already reached a higher level in terms of status.

To the point where it was beyond his reach.

And his fate is also in Shen Lin's hands.

While other graduate students were worrying about getting married and not having a house, he had already moved into a villa.

While other classmates were feeling uncomfortable because they had no money to go home for the New Year, he was already financially free.

Just before the Chinese New Year, he used his bonus to buy a Bluebird.

Although the car is not very good, it is his own car!
When I drove home to my hometown, I don’t know how many people were envious.

And all this was given to him by Shen Lin.

He knew that his abilities were average. If he hadn't met Shen Lin by chance, he wouldn't be where he is today.

"Director Shen, I'm here after dinner." Lu Dongsheng said with a smile: "I am here this time because I have some ideas that I want to report to you."

"Say it." Shen Lin put down his job and said, "We two, let's not use polite words like reporting."

"Okay, Brother Shen, I feel that although we at MiKe Electronics have a lot of people now, we are short of talent reserves."

"Although college students are still assigned jobs, not every college student can be assigned a satisfactory job."

"Many people who have seen the prosperity of the city are no longer willing to return to their hometowns. They all want to work hard."

When Lu Dongsheng said this, he paused and found that Shen Lin was listening to his speech quietly, and said: "I think we should take advantage of the opportunity that students are about to graduate to recruit more young people with ideals to join our MiKe electronic."

"Even if we don't recruit many people, I think we should build momentum. It's best to stick to the school recruitment thing."

After listening to Lu Dongsheng's suggestion, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dongsheng, your suggestion is very good."

"I am still discussing talent issues with Mr. Cheng today. In this way, you can combine it with the personnel department and come up with a school recruitment plan."

When Lu Dongsheng heard that his suggestion was accepted, he immediately said excitedly: "Don't worry, Director Shen, I will complete the plan when I get back."

(End of this chapter)

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