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Chapter 1670: We are friends when we get together

Chapter 1670: We are friends when we get together
The middle-aged man is Deng Haobo, a section chief at the Guest House in the provincial capital.

Although his status is not too high, his level of contact is not low, and his speech is clear and logical.

He was appointed by the head teacher of Shen Lin's class as the leader of Shen Lin's group.

"Brother Deng, this time all the brothers have benefited from you." Chen Fang said with a smile.

Chen Fang is a sociable person who is well-versed in everything he says and does.

In front of everyone, he spoke like this, naturally it was good to buy Deng Haobo.

Deng Haobo also understood this. He waved his hand and said: "Brother, we study together, that is fate."

"If you're not interested in being honored, don't be polite to me."

"What I want most right now is for us brothers and sisters to have a good drink."

Deng Haobo's words caused laughter from several others.

Shen Lin followed Chen Fang, not saying much, just smiling.

After sitting down, Shen Lin looked at the members of other groups and found that the eight people in their group were basically here.

It seems that Deng Haobo still has some organizational skills.

If I didn't come this time, it would be a bit too conspicuous.

Deng Haobo had already ordered the dishes, and after Shen Lin and the others sat down, the dishes began to be served one after another.

Next to Shen Lin, besides Chen Fang, was a girl in her 20s.

This girl is not naturally pretty, but her delicate appearance is very lovable.

In addition to chatting with Deng Haobo, several young people in Chenfang also liked to talk to this young girl.

"Xu Ruowei, you are a school teacher, why do you want to come here to study business administration?" Chen Fang asked with a smile while picking up vegetables.

Xu Ruowei smiled and said: "I originally wanted to apply for a major in education, but those majors are already full."

"There is no other way. I will stay here for our business administration."

"Please help me more in the future."

Chen Fang laughed and said, "Brother Deng just said that if we are together, we are brothers and sisters."

"It's natural to help you."

"Xu Ruowei, don't worry. If anything happens in the future, I can help without any hesitation."

Xu Ruowei smiled and said: "Then I have to thank Brother Chen."

Listening to the conversation between the two people, Shen Lin smiled secretly in his heart.Although she behaves softly and weakly like Xu Ruowei, her mind is definitely stronger than that of Chen Fang.

As the food arrived, everyone drank a few glasses of wine.

As the convener of this dinner, Deng Haobo started pouring wine in front of everyone.

Shen Lin made up his mind to go home after eating, so he seemed very leisurely.Just when he picked up a piece of chicken leg and chewed it deliciously, Xu Ruowei suddenly said: "Shen Yuan, where do you work?"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Fertilizer factory."

"Are you in the office of the fertilizer factory?" Xu Ruowei then asked.

Shen Lin felt that he could no longer make up the story. He was afraid that he would be cheating on him, so he said directly: "No, I work in the workshop."

“I came here to study for this degree so I can earn more money when I want to be rated.”

Hearing what Shen Lin said so straightforwardly, and the workplace seemed not to be too good, Xu Ruowei's attention was focused on other people.

Shen Lin naturally didn't take Xu Ruowei's performance seriously.

He is happy and free, and always puts himself in a dispensable position, giving people the feeling of being a passerby.As the initiator of this gathering and also the section chief, Deng Haobo can be said to be the well-deserved protagonist.

Each of them drank two glasses of wine and said some very intimate words. This party was about to end successfully.

When the staple food arrived, Shen Lin was ready to leave.

But what he didn't expect was that when everyone was about to leave, Deng Haobo suddenly said: "Everyone, I just booked a private room at the KTV. It's too early for us to go back now, so why not go and roar."

Hearing this, Shen Lin frowned.

Chen Fang waved his hand and said: "Brother Deng is mighty, let's go, let's follow Brother Deng and roar."

Shen Lin pinched his brows and wanted to stop.

But before he mentioned it, someone said: "Brother Deng, there are pressing matters at home, I have to go back."

"I'll treat you all to dinner later." The speaker was a middle-aged man in his thirties, a teacher.

When Deng Haobo heard this, he frowned and said, "Lao Niu, this is our first gathering. It's not very good for you to leave like this."

The old cow said: "Brother Deng, I really have something going on at home."

Deng Haobo laughed and said: "Old Niu, you go home first. If something happens, the rest of you can't leave. We have already booked the seats."

To be honest, Shen Lin really didn't want to follow him.

But he had already eaten with her, and he had become a dispensable member of the group.

Shen Lin would feel it would be a pity if he gave up halfway at this time.

Before he hesitated, he had already made a decision. Anyway, he was going to sing a few words and then go for a walk over there.

Xu Ruowei and others are also very yearning for this KTV.

After all, the cost of one night in this place is more than half a month's salary, so they have basically never been there.

Now someone is treating us, and everyone is overjoyed.

The KTV Deng Haobo booked was not far from the place where they ate. When they walked into the KTV, there were already many people inside.

"Oh, Brother Deng, are you here?" A woman with heavy makeup standing at the door greeted Deng Haobo enthusiastically.

Deng Haobo was very proud to be called Brother Deng by the people here. He smiled and said: "Xiao Hong, we classmates are going to have a good time here. We will serve some fruit plates and red wine later."

"Okay, Brother Deng, I will definitely make arrangements for you."

Entering the KTV private room with flashing lights, Deng Haobo sat down on the sofa very familiarly.

Chen Fang looked at the karaoke equipment and couldn't help but exclaimed: "I'll go, they are really willing to spend money here, tsk tsk, these color TVs are all imported."

Deng Haobo said: "This is one of the best in the provincial capital. Xiao Chen, please sing one first."

Chen Fang waved his hand and said: "Brother Deng, people say that with your voice, it would be a pity not to sing high notes. You'd better sing one for us."

Deng Haobo still wanted to be humble, and Xu Ruowei and others also followed suit. For a moment, Deng Haobo, who was in a happy mood, said: "Okay, I will sing a song for everyone."

"Haha, this is the only thing I can usually take out."

Hearing the name of the song announced by Deng Haobo, Xu Ruowei smiled and said, "Brother Deng, none of us can sing the song you sang."

"This time, you have given us a lot of experience."

Shen Lin looked at Deng Haobo singing and Chen Fang drinking beer, and felt relaxed for no reason.

I thought about what I had learned today and thought about when I should leave.

After all, the time has almost come.

(End of this chapter)

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