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Chapter 1678 1 Everything is possible

Chapter 1678 Everything is possible

Shen Lin thought about the changes here in the future, and said to the middle-aged female worker: "Sister, why was this place acquired?"

The middle-aged female worker said: "This is a clothing factory. After the acquisition, we will still open a clothing factory."

"It's just that when the time comes, it will be someone else's clothing factory."

Shen Lin frowned. He knew very well how prosperous this place would be in the future.

And according to future development, this position has huge advantages. If it is acquired, it will be very troublesome.

He smiled at the middle-aged woman and said, "Thank you, sister. No matter what, I think life will get better and better."

A smile appeared on the middle-aged female worker's face, but Shen Lin felt that there was a trace of bitterness in the smile.

Shen Lin didn't know why there was bitterness, and he didn't want to know.

He smiled at the middle-aged female worker, then stepped to leave.

Qiangzi and Lan Weidong followed Shen Lin. They were not too worried about this matter. After all, it shouldn't be a problem to take down the place that Shen Lin was interested in.

And just as they were walking out of the factory, they saw a group of people walking in.

Walking at the front was a man who looked to be in his 30s, but was wearing a white suit and a red tie.

Nowadays, although suits are not uncommon, most people's suits are mainly blue or black.

White suits are really rare.

There were more than a dozen people surrounding the man. From the clothes of these people, Shen Lin quickly determined their identities.

In addition to some of the entourage of middle-aged men, the other part should be people from the factory.

He didn't have much to talk to these people, so he walked towards the factory gate.

"Mr. Lan, didn't you expect to meet you here?" A middle-aged man following the man in a white suit greeted Lan Weidong enthusiastically after seeing Lan Weidong.

When Lan Weidong saw this person, he hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his palm towards the person and said: "Director Qi, I am also very happy to see you."

As he spoke, he glanced at Shen Lin. Just when he was hesitating whether to introduce him, Director Qi's eyes had already fallen on Shen Lin.

He was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Hello, Director Shen, I am Qi Molin!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Hello, Director Qi."

Qi Molin became even more happy when he heard Shen Lin's greeting.He is very clear about the status of MiKe Electronics.

"Director Shen, this is Mr. Guo Yunfeng from Chengfeng Group. Mr. Guo intends to invest in the construction of a large-scale garment processing enterprise in our provincial capital."

Director Qi said with a smile: "Mr. Guo, this is Director Shen of Mike Electronics."

Guo Yunfeng couldn't help but straighten his eyes when he heard the words Mi Ke Electronics. He looked at Shen Lin carefully.

Guo Yunfeng is no stranger to the name Shen Lin. Although he has been active on the island, he has inevitably come into contact with many MiKe Electronics products.He did not expect that he would see the famous Shen Lin here.

Compared with Shen Lin, he knew that his reputation was far behind.

But he is also a very arrogant person. While inspecting the location of the new factory, he was treated like a star.

So his arrogance became a little more arrogant.

"Dr. Shen, I've heard of your name. You built MiKe Electronics from scratch. It's really impressive!"

When Guo Yunfeng said this, he said with a smile: "I have decided to build a new clothing processing factory here. I hope that Director Shen can come when it opens."

Shen Lin looked at Guo Yunfeng's expression, smiled and said, "Hello Mr. Guo, I think clothing factories should try not to be in the city center."

"The best location would be to find a place on the outskirts of the city."

"This way of production is convenient and has the smallest impact on the environment." Guo Yunfeng did not expect that Shen Lin not only failed to be affected by his words, but directly suggested that he change places.

He smiled and said: "Director Shen, if I had met you earlier, maybe I would have listened to your advice."

"It's just a pity now that this matter has almost been settled. Even I can't do anything!"

Having said this, he said with a smile: "I hope Director Shen won't be offended by such a trivial matter!"

Shen Lin looked at Guo Yunfeng who was smiling proudly, with a faint smile on his face.

He said extremely calmly: "Nothing has been determined yet, any possibility is possible."

Having said this, Shen Lin turned to Director Qi and said, "Director Qi, we have something else to do, so we'll leave first."

Director Qi, who was standing aside, naturally heard the meaning of Shen Lin and Guo Yunfeng's words clearly.

But at this moment, he was happily pretending to be confused.

After all, he has no control over what happens between the two of them.

After leaving the factory gate, Lan Weidong said: "Director Shen, should I go and communicate with Director Qi and the others first?"

Although Lan Weidong didn't say what to communicate, Shen Lin knew it very well.

He hesitated for a moment and said: "No, we are not in a hurry. Tomorrow is our school recruitment time. I will go and relax first."

Just when Shen Lin and the others were preparing to return, Mu Yaxiang had already called Matsuguchi Xiaye and others about Shen Lin's decision.

When Matsuguchi Xiaye heard the news that Shen Lin didn't have time yet, his first feeling was anger.

He felt himself insulted.

But after hanging up the phone angrily, all kinds of thoughts were spinning rapidly.

The reason they came together was naturally because they hoped to reach an agreement with MiKe Electronics.

Similarly, they also hope that they can take advantage of the agreement with MiKe Electronics.

However, Shen Lin's attitude now dashed their hopes.

Matsuguchi Xia Ye hesitated and said, "Everyone, Shen Lin's response to us is very tough."

"He said he wouldn't have time tomorrow."

"What do you think we should do?"

Matsuguchi Natsuye did not make a decision immediately, but left the decision-making matter to colleagues in other companies.

In this way, in addition to expressing their own opinions, they can also blame themselves.

Once a problem arises, it will be the result of their joint discussion.

"Everyone, since MiKe Electronics has no intention of negotiating, then we don't need to waste time. I think we should join forces and open some stores specializing in our products."

"I don't believe that if we join forces, we still can't open up channels for selling our products."

“Maybe in the future, we can grow bigger and bigger.”

Listening to this suggestion, Matsuguchi Xiaye nodded secretly.

But before he could express his opinion, someone said: "Everyone, I completely agree with this proposal, but there is one thing that everyone should pay attention to."

"Now MiKe Electronics has the most convenient channels. If we start from scratch, we may not be able to sell too many products for a long time."

"What's more, who can guarantee that the specialty store we jointly open will be able to open up the market."

(End of this chapter)

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