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Chapter 169: Empty-handed Chapter Mother’s Family

Chapter 169 Returning to her parents’ home empty-handed

Lu Xiaorong didn't know what kind of blow he had given Li Xiaoli.Shen Lin pushed her bicycle, and she followed meekly aside, excitedly talking about the publication of the article.

"Husband, the price that the publishing house gives us now is twenty thousand characters. I think if we can finish writing the three-body problem, it will be 2 yuan!"

Speaking of the figure of 2 yuan, Lu Xiaorong seemed to be in high spirits. Obviously, she was quite satisfied with this figure.

Looking at Lu Xiaorong who was full of joy, Shen Lin said: "Daughter-in-law, you have to work hard! From now on, I will be with a rich woman!"

The two chatted and laughed, and Shen Lin said: "Your mother took the initiative to let us go to dinner this time, will it be okay?"

"What can I do at home? In my opinion, your gift yesterday was too expensive, so my mother felt embarrassed, so I must treat you to this meal."

Was yesterday's gift heavy? Shen Lin thought about his yesterday's gift, smiled and said, "Then shall we buy some more?"

"You don't need to buy anything, just follow along. I bought so many things yesterday, can my mother pick me up again?"

"What's more, if you take things again today, it may be a burden to my mother, and I have to treat you to dinner every day."

Looking at the coquettish Lu Xiaorong, Shen Lin said helplessly: "Okay, then let's go and have a free meal this time."

"That's right! Let me tell you, with my mother, don't be polite..." Lu Xiaorong wanted to complain at first, but thinking that this was his mother, he finally shut up.

The two talked and laughed, and came to Lu Xiaorong's house.

"Shen Lin is here. I heard that you made money, so I knew that you, Shen Lin, are definitely not in the pool!"

"Hahaha, Shen Lin, Bai Yanlang fired you, it seems that he did a good thing for you, if it weren't for Bai Yanlang, how could you earn so much money!"

"Xiao Rong, the child is a few months old, and now is a critical period. You must not walk fast..."

Before entering Lu's house, the neighbors all around came out to greet him warmly.At this time, most people lived in tube buildings, and everyone cooked in the aisle, so many people greeted Shen Lin and the others while cooking.

Looking at the smoky corridor, Shen Lin felt that although the place he rented did not have a toilet, there was a small kitchen. Otherwise, he might have to gather together to cook like this.

For these neighbors, no matter what the purpose of these people was, Shen Lin responded very happily. After all, although he left the hardware machinery factory, the Lu family and his parents still lived here.

"Xiao Rong and Shen Lin are here, come in quickly." I don't know if she was alarmed by the greeting from the outer door, but Chen Hongying opened the door and called out to Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong affectionately.

From Chen Hongying's expression, Shen Lin could see a kind of complacency, a kind of complacency from the heart.

He could feel that in this family, the current self had become one of Chen Hongying's ways of showing off.

After entering the house, Shen Lin found that not only Lu Dahai was sitting in the separated living room, but also a middle-aged man in his 40s who was also sitting with Lu Dahai.

Seeing Shen Lin walking in, the middle-aged man immediately stood up and said: "This is from Xiao Rong's family, alas, this young man is really energetic, I am Xiao Rong's cousin, we will get to know each other in the future! "

Lu Xiaorong's cousin!

Shen Lin looked at this guest who looked like a loach in his 30s, and said with a smile, "Hello, Uncle."

"Hahaha, Xiao Shen, you are welcome, your father praised you just now, in my opinion, your father is too modest!" The cousin said to Lu Dahai and Chen Hongying again: "Cousin, Sister-in-law, you have found a good son-in-law."

Lu Xiaorong seemed to be a little confused about this cousin, but after seeing this cousin, Shen Lin felt that his father-in-law's invitation to dinner today might have something to do with this cousin.When he was helping Lu Xiaorong put his bag, he quietly asked: "Who is this cousin? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Don't say it's you, even I haven't seen it much. I remember that since my father and aunt left, we haven't seen each other again."

Lu Xiaorong said in a low voice: "I don't know what's going on today, you figure it out yourself, if you can't do it, just decline it!"

That is to say, in the time it takes to talk, the food has already been served. Although today's food is not as good as yesterday's, it is quite hearty.

Stir-fried chicken gizzards with chopped peppers, mapo eggplant, stewed tofu with enoki mushrooms in a casserole, fried steamed buns with cumin, two cold dishes and the leftover pork head meat from yesterday, the table was full.

Although they are mainly vegetarian dishes, they each have their own characteristics, which aroused Shen Lin's appetite.It seems that the mother-in-law's cooking skills are also quite good.

However, the wine he drank this time was not the Moutai that Shen Lin gave to Lu Dahai, but a local old cellar, which cost two yuan a bottle.

Lu Dahai poured the wine into three wine glasses with a tin pot, and then said: "Shen Lin, your cousin and our family are both from our own family, you, you should get closer to your cousin in the future and come to drink."

Although Lu Dahai had thought about it for a while when he said these words, after saying these words, Lu Dahai remained silent.

But that uncle, after drinking a glass of wine, said very affectionately: "Shen Lin, your father and I grew up together."

"When we were young, it was difficult. Your dad and I used to go out to collect cinders when we were young to keep warm in winter."

"I remember once, your dad's cinder basket broke, and I was afraid that my aunt would beat me when I got home, so I exchanged my basket with him."

"As a result, after I went back, my mother gave me a good repair."

Lu Haihai pondered for a while, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, he just held his wine glass and said, "Drink."

"Shen Lin, your cousin doesn't have any skills, he just does a little business, haha, I heard that, Shen Lin, do you still have a few shops in your shop? See if you can make two for the old uncle I use it."

Lu Dahai didn't speak at this time, but just looked at Shen Lin.

And Chen Hongying, who was serving the food, said: "You are Xiaorong's old uncle, who will we take care of if we don't take care of you!"

"However, I said Zhao Bin, we are relatives, and Shen Lin should take care of you, so he will definitely do his best, but you must pay for the rent of the shop."

"After all, it is not easy for children to do business."

Shen Lin secretly gave Chen Hongying a thumbs up. This cousin is not an honest person at first glance. He asked for a few shops all the time when he came up, and he didn't even mention the rent at all. This is a business. !

When Shen Lin met for the first time, he was thinking about how to point it out, but he didn't expect that his mother-in-law had already solved it.

"Haha, my cousin is right. Of course, I can't take advantage of Shen Lin's rent. Let me tell you..."

While Zhao Bin was speaking, someone hastily opened the door and ran to Zhao Bin.

ps: The second update is coming, please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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