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Chapter 1691 Don’t cherish what is easy to get

Chapter 1691 Don’t cherish what is easy to get

Shen Lin did not respond immediately to Qi Morin's warm invitation.

Although he had already regarded the provincial capital as a place for the construction of the new Mike City, he was not ready to agree immediately.

Shen Lin knew very well that this is human nature. People generally don't want to cherish things that are easy to obtain.

What's more, now all the discounts for attracting investment have been introduced. Although he doesn't want to take advantage, Mi Ke should also get what should be given.

So facing Qi Morin's eyes, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I will consider it."

Shen Lin said these words lightly.

Qi Molin has been observing Shen Lin's expression, trying to see a little bit of Shen Lin's thoughts from Shen Lin's expression.

Although his idea is good, it is a pity that Shen Lin is not the Wu Xia Amen back then. Even Qi Molin can't tell what Shen Lin is thinking just by his eyes at this time. .

As thoughts flashed one by one, Qi Molin finally said: "Dr. Shen, we are sincere enough to invite Mike City to settle in our provincial capital."

"Of course, if MiKe Electronics has any special needs, you can just ask them."

"My ability is a bit low, but I can still make suggestions to the higher-ups on some things. I believe the higher-ups will also consider the requirements of Mihu Electronics."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Thank you, Director Qi, for your consideration. I will discuss this matter with the members of the board of directors later."

"To be honest, Director Qi said that we have not yet reached a final unified opinion on where these five Mihu cities should be built."

"Although I am the chairman, I cannot be arbitrary in terms of management. I have to listen to the opinions of my colleagues."

"After all, the construction of Mihu City is no small matter."

While the two people were talking, the phone on Qimorin's desk rang.Qimorin hesitated for a moment, then hung up the phone.

He knew that even if his immediate boss called, he would not blame him once he knew that he was talking to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Director Qi, if you need anything, just answer the phone."

"Director Shen, if there is something urgent, you will continue to call our office." Qi Molin spread his hands and said: "My most important task now is to discuss work with Director Shen."

Because Qimolin couldn't make the final decision, he wanted to know more about the scale and investment of Mihu City.

When he heard Shen Lin say that MiKe Electronics was planning to invest more than one billion yuan in each MiKe City to build not a single shopping mall, but a joint commercial complex, Qi Molin felt something was wrong. It has far exceeded my expectations.

He felt that he still didn't understand enough about the concept of MiKe Electronics, a real MiKe City.

Fortunately, we were communicating with Shen Lin alone today. If we were communicating together, it might have been embarrassing.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Qi Molin said to Shen Lin, "Dr. Shen, we are really sincere about the Mi Ke City project."

"Our big boss also very much hopes to find a time to have a chat with Director Shen."

Speaking of this, Qi Molin said: "I don't know when Director Shen will be free. The big boss wants to invite Director Shen to have a casual meal at home."

Eating out at a restaurant is a kind of business banquet, but eating at home is of great significance, at least it is a kind of communication with one's own people.

Shen Lin was very clear about this kind of invitation, so after he pondered for a moment, he smiled and said, "If it's convenient for the big boss, I can do it for a few days."

Hearing Shen Lin's statement, Qi Morin's face showed a smile.

He knew that although he did not succeed in the negotiation this time, at least the task assigned to him by his boss had been completed.

He looked at Shen Lin with a smile and said, "Director Shen, I will definitely convey your words to our big boss."

Half an hour later, Shen Lin said goodbye and left. When Qi Molin sent Shen Lin to the gate, he saw a car driving over.

The dark red BMW is very eye-catching.Guo Yunfeng got out of the car, glanced at Shen Lin, and then said hello to Qi Morin: "Director Qi, it's really hard to get through on your phone!"

Qi Molin smiled and said, "Mr. Guo, what do you want?"

Shen Lin ignored Guo Yunfeng and walked straight towards his car.

However, Guo Yunfeng stood in front of Shen Lin and said, "You came to see Director Qi for the clothing factory, right?"

"I advise you not to think about that place. Our company has already booked this garment factory."

Shen Lin ignored Guo Yunfeng's provocation and got into the car directly.

Qi Molin quickly grabbed Guo Yunfeng, who was still trying to speak to Shen Lin, and said, "Mr. Guo, Director Shen is our guest. I don't want you two to cause any unpleasantness in my place."

Hearing this, Guo Yunfeng felt very unhappy.

He could feel that Qi Morin was helping Shen Lin at this time.

"Director Qi, I think you seem to be a bit biased!" Guo Yunfeng said with a trace of impoliteness.

As a merchant from the other side, his temper has grown a lot without realizing it.

If it were in the past, Qi Molin wouldn't care about him, but looking at Shen Lin who got into the car and slowly drove away, he still said patiently: "Mr. Guo, I'm here to help you."

"After all, harmony brings wealth, and everyone is in business. It's better to plant more flowers and less thorns."

Guo Yunfeng was so shocked that he was speechless.After hesitating for a moment, he decided to get down to business first.

So he said to Qi Molin: "Director Qi, I'm here this time because I have something to tell you."

"About the new factory."

Qi Molin smiled and said: "Mr. Guo, if we have something to do, let's sit down and talk in the office."

Arriving at the office, Guo Yunfeng said: "We are sure to win the old garment factory. In addition to the factory area, we also have..."

Guo Yunfeng listed seven or eight requirements in one breath. In addition to the placement of employees, there are also some tax reduction conditions.

Qi Molin drank water and waited patiently for Guo Yunfeng to finish, and then said: "Mr. Guo, we can discuss all of your conditions."

"But there is one thing that needs to be changed."

"The old garment factory is no longer working. I think you can find another place."

"We have three or four other places here that you can talk to as long as you like."

Guo Yunfeng was stunned for a moment, and he doubted his ears.

"Director Qi, what if I insist on that piece of land and don't look at other plots of land?" Guo Yunfeng felt that he was being slighted and said with anger.

Qimolin said: "If you insist on that piece of land, then I can only say that unfortunately, our cooperation can no longer be discussed!"

"Director Qi, is it because of that Shen Lin?" After taking a breath, Guo Yunfeng said angrily.

Qi Molin pondered for a moment and said: "Director Shen intends to invest in that land, so we must prepare there. Mr. Guo, I don't think it is necessary to fix the factory area you are building in one place."

"As long as the factory is resolved, you can start production as soon as possible."

How could Guo Yunfeng listen to Qi Molin's advice?He immediately asked angrily: "Director Qi, it seems that in your eyes, I am not as good as that Shen Lin!"

Qimolin did not say a word, but in a sense, silence was acquiescence.

(End of this chapter)

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