Chapter 1700 Strong Support

Shen Lin looked at Cheng Zhenyuan with a solemn expression and knew what he was worried about.

After all, there are many workers in the TV and Refrigerator Division. If production is suspended and full wages are paid, then this number will not be small.

Not to mention every month.

"Mr. Cheng, what do you think?"

When Cheng Zhenyuan faced Shen Lin's rhetorical question, he did not shirk, but said seriously: "Director Shen, I think that for these business units involved in the suspension of production, we can consider paying only basic wages."

"As for the rest, let's stop for now."

Shen Lin knew very well that Cheng Zhenyuan's method was for the benefit of the entire company.

Although it's not that MiKe Electronics can't afford the money, it's not a good rule to get full salary for not working.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and then said: "These business departments will temporarily pay full wages this month."

"Next month, haven't the divisions of PHS and VCD players been saying that their production capacity is insufficient?"

"There are also electric bicycle processing plants. These are all trying to find ways to increase production lines and transfer most of the workers to these business units."

"As for the remaining people, you discuss with Lu Xiaoshan and the others to see if other business departments need workers."

After listening to Shen Lin's method, Cheng Zhenyuan nodded and said, "That's okay."

"But Director Shen, if this adjustment is made, the workers who have adjusted in the past will still have a period of adaptation. After all, the process flow is different."

"Can the adaptation period be paid according to the trainee salary?"

Shen Lin knew that whatever he could think of, Cheng Zhenyuan could also think of it.

The main reason why he asked himself was because he couldn't make the decision.

After all, there is a lot of money involved!

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, don't be so stingy. These people are all old employees of our MiKe Electronics. If we pay them according to the trainee salary, it seems that we are not being honest."

"Just distribute it as normal."

"But when you get to a new job, you will be paid the normal salary of the new position."

Cheng Zhenyuan made an estimate in his mind and said sincerely: "Director Shen, I think these workers who have been transferred will definitely thank you."

"Because the job transfer means their wages may increase."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Cheng, we must handle this matter of job transfer."

After chatting with Cheng Zhenyuan for a few words, Cheng Zhenyuan's secretary Xiao Li ran over.

Seeing Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan talking, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Director Shen, Mr. Cheng, the city just called and said that the big boss will come to our MiKe Electronics for inspection soon."

After hearing this report, Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Director Shen, the big boss is really worried about us!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Of course we have to thank people for their concern."

"There are some areas that need help, and we should mention them when we should. However, we can't make any excessive demands. The big boss is so down-to-earth, and we have to be sensible to be sensible."

Looking at Shen Lin's solemn expression, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, I have an idea about this matter."

"Come on, let's go to the door to greet you."

Shen Lin said: "It saves others the impression that we at MiKe Electronics are proud of our favor."

Originally, Shen Lin thought that the big boss was a simple follower, but when he saw the people coming, he realized that he had guessed wrong this time.

This time, the people who came to MiKe Electronics almost brought all the famous people from Dongzhou over.

Seeing Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan greeting them, the big boss of Dongzhou said happily: "Director Shen, Mr. Cheng, I know you two like to keep a low profile."

"But now, we MiKe Electronics have been wronged. How can I be willing to do this!" "As the most steadfast family members, although we are laymen in business management, we can't help much."

"But there are some small things, we can still do our best to help."

Having said this, the big boss pointed to the people in the back and said: "These are the heads of the major departments in our Dongzhou. All of them are missing. I have brought them all here. If you need anything, just ask Director Shen. "

"As long as we can agree, whichever department is involved, I will let them work on site and solve it immediately!"

"It can be regarded as our greatest support for MiKe Electronics."

After Shen Lin expressed his gratitude with a smile, he smiled and said: "The sales restriction we encountered at MiKe Electronics this time came a bit suddenly."

"It can be said that it caught us off guard."

"When we were a little hesitant, the strong support from our city gave us great confidence."

“Here, please rest assured that all leaders, we at Mihu Electronics will definitely use this difficulty as motivation, overcome difficulties, concentrate our efforts, and strive to achieve a new breakthrough in our work in a short period of time...”

Shen Lin's statement attracted a round of applause.

Cheng Zhenyuan, who was following Shen Lin, admired Shen Lin very much.

In the meeting with his own people just now, Shen Lin had already said that this was not too difficult.

However, in the blink of an eye, Shen Lin changed the topic and said that MiKe Electronics is currently encountering unprecedented difficulties. He is grateful for the support from above. This can be said to be the biggest response from above.

Everyone who came this time felt very respectable.

Sure enough, when Cheng Zhenyuan looked around, he found that the smiles on many people's faces became particularly bright.

"Director Shen, there is no need to say more words of thanks. We are all our own people."

"If you ask me, let's make a long story short and just get what's done. If you need anything, just ask Dong Shen!"

The big boss was also extremely polite to Shen Lin. As the boss of Dongzhou, he knew very well how important MiKe Electronics was to Dongzhou!

Especially in the past two years, compared with some colleagues at the same level, he didn't know how happy he was.

You don’t have to worry about the factory being insolvent, you don’t have to worry about having no money, you don’t have to worry about...

It can be said that he doesn't need to worry about the things that worry others at all, and his results are very impressive. What is this?
To put it at a low level, it means that he has the responsibility to protect the land and fulfill his responsibilities; to put it at a high level, it means that he is far-sighted and ambitious, and has actually done a great thing for the people of Dongzhou that will be of great benefit to the present and future. Well!

Some people even say that in his position, he would not be willing to move to a provincial capital.

When he heard that there was a problem with MiKe Electronics, he became anxious immediately.However, when he rushed to Mi Ke Electronics in a hurry and saw Shen Lin, he saw that he looked calm and calm, and his tense heart immediately relaxed a lot. It seemed that this matter should not be serious. .

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Since you said it, I won't be polite. We at MiKe Electronics have indeed encountered some difficulties..."

While talking, Shen Lin suddenly asked questions that he had prepared long ago.

Here, there are factory expansions, production adjustments, and...

As Shen Lin raised questions one by one, the big boss began to make arrangements. In just one hour, all major departments responded and the arrangements were quickly made.

"Director Shen, in terms of funds, if MiKe Electronics needs it, feel free to provide it."

As the big boss spoke, he turned to the heads of several banks and said, "What do you have to say? Can we talk to them together?"

The heads of several major banks looked at Shen Lin with smiles. They all knew how much money MiKe Electronics had on its books now, so there was no need for loans.

In their hearts, they even hoped that MiKe Electronics could ask them for a loan.

"Thank you for your concern. We haven't thought much about loans yet, but after a while, we may spend a little too much. When the time comes, we ask for your support."

Shen Lin cupped his hands with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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