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Chapter 1704 We want to take advantage of the popularity

Chapter 1704 We want to take advantage of the popularity
Daily newspapers, evening newspapers, metropolitan newspapers...

Various newspapers and magazines almost simultaneously published photos of the scarred plane flying into the distance.

Under such circumstances, the reputation of MiKe Electronics has skyrocketed.

The products in many stores are selling better than ever before.

There are even people specifically looking to buy MiKe Electronics products. The prices of products in the MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall have not increased, but the price of MiKe TVs from some channel dealers has suddenly increased by one to two hundred.

As for the reason for the price increase, it is quite justified: because in the future, Mihu TVs and air conditioners will be more difficult to buy!

"Shen Lin, I just discussed with Sister Zhong that the name of our product needs to be changed. From now on, we will no longer call it Binglu, we will call it Mi Ke Binglu."

Liang Jialuo smiled and said: "In that case, we can beat Master Tang and Wa Lele to the ground without saying a word."

"There are two more Cokes. This time we are also going to have a big promotion."

"Although they did not participate in the ban on your sales, who said they are not our own brand!"

“We even thought about the advertising slogan!”

On the other end of the phone, Liang Jialuo's voice was still like a bullet, rushing into Shen Lin's eardrums.

After listening to Liang Jialuo's words, Shen Lin felt a lot more relaxed.

He smiled and said: "Your advertising slogan is that the Chinese drink their own Coke!"

Liang Jialuo said: "Did Sister Qing reveal this matter to you? I will have to settle the accounts with her later!"

"We all agreed that no one is allowed to reveal this news to you."

In response to Liang Jialuo's complaints, Shen Lin argued, "Okay, you don't have to accuse Sister Qing unjustly."

"I thought of this myself."

"Actually, this is not difficult to think about. After all, this fact is obvious here."

Liang Jialuo listened to Shen Lin's teasing and snorted: "You guy, give you a little sunshine and you will be brilliant. If you say you are panting, you immediately find a wall to support you! You are clearly saying that I am not as smart as you. ! I will tell Brother Zhong later and ask him to take care of you!"

When Liang Jialuo said this, he whispered again: "Hey, I'm talking about Shen Lin, do you know? There are many people pursuing my sister Qing now!"

"Tsk, tsk, there is another person who was childhood sweethearts with Sister Qing back then."

"It's just that Sister Qing doesn't have much feeling for these people."

There are many people pursuing Zhong Qing, which seems very normal to Shen Lin.

Not to mention Zhong Qing's prominent family background, but just saying that Zhong Qing herself wants to look good and have money. She can be regarded as a good woman with both talent and appearance, lots of money and character.

The success of ice dew purified water and ice tea has made Zhong Qing successfully become a style sister.

Some people even say that Zhong Qing is already the richest woman.

Although this title does not have much recognition, it is not groundless.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Sister Zhong, you have to help her take care of her."

"By the way, Liang Jialuo, you should also be careful. I heard that you also have many suitors now!"

After hearing Shen Lin's teasing, Liang Jialuo snorted and interrupted dissatisfiedly: "A bunch of brats, they are not interesting and they are not interesting to me!"

"By the way, Shen Lin, help me ask your famous writer if he has time to be our spokesperson?"

"We are going to take advantage of the season to launch a wave of advertising!"

Shen Lin didn't answer Liang Jialuo's question at all and hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping on the other end of the phone, Liang Jialuo said bitterly: "You dare to hang up on me, and Director Shen is here. You don't know any manners. See how I deal with you later." However, Liang Jialuo could only face the air. Fahen, she and Shen Lin did not have a close relationship, so naturally there was no way to deal with Shen Lin.

Just when Liang Jialuo was feeling angry, her PHS started ringing.

Liang Jialuo picked up the PHS and took a look at it. He found that it was an unfamiliar phone number, so Liang Jialuo hung up immediately.

With the success of ice dew purified water, especially the launch of iced green tea and iced black tea, Liang Jialuo is also very busy now.

And from time to time, there will be various harassing calls coming in.

So she basically doesn't answer calls from strangers.

However, the call was very persistent, and Liang Jialuo, who had no choice but to answer the call, finally answered the call.

Just when she was a little unhappy and wanted to ask who it was directly, she heard a delicate voice coming from the other end of the phone: "Oh, Mr. Liang's phone number is really difficult to call!"

"No wonder some people say that after Liang Jialuo became President Liang, I don't know whether he has grown taller or not, but his temper has improved tremendously!"

Listening to these teasing words, Liang Jialuo's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Li Xiaohuan, you damn girl, when did you come here? During the Chinese New Year, I asked my aunt about you!"

"Auntie said you are still eating potatoes over in Great Britain!"

Li Xiaohuan was Liang Jialuo's best friend when they were in high school, but as the two of them went to study abroad, the contact between them became less.

But the relationship between the two people has always been good.

Li Xiaohuan chuckled and said, "Mr. Liang, I heard that your old man is eating meat and is very happy, so I can only come back by myself."

"Okay, I'll find you in two days. I'm as busy as my grandson right now." After Liang Jialuo finished speaking, he suddenly looked at the Xiaoling channel in his hand: "Why is your number..."

"I'm in Donghai." Li Xiaohuan said with a smile: "Jialuo, our company is organizing a cocktail party right now. I'm in charge of hosting it. Can you come and help with it?"

"It just so happens that we haven't seen each other for a while, so let's have a good chat."

Liang Jialuo naturally would not refuse her best friend's request. She asked in surprise: " joined the company. Didn't you say that after graduation, you want to have a good rest at home?"

"Have a rest. When my mother saw me now, she said, look at how good Liang Jialuo is. Look at how much money he earns now? It's so irritating that people are so different from each other!"

"I have no choice but to come out and work obediently."

"I'm currently working at Yingtel Company, working on computers."

Liang Jialuo said with a smile: "Oh, that is a big company. Compared with a small company like ours, it is much stronger!"

Li Xiaohuan snorted and said, "You, don't act so weird to me here."

"Although your company is smaller, you are the boss. My company is big, does it have anything to do with me? I am just a hardworking worker."

At this point, she said with a smile: "By the way, you can bring companions to our company's cocktail party. Why don't you bring your boyfriend over so that I can review it."

"Huh, boyfriend, I would like to, but I don't have time!" Liang Jialuo said casually, and then continued: "I don't know what my guy is busy with now? Is he born?"

Regarding Liang Jialuo's cover-up, Li Xiaohuan chuckled and said, "Okay, what's the relationship between us sisters? If you want to lie, I still can't tell."

"Tsk, tsk, you can't tell, Liang Jialuo, you are so affectionate!"

"Hehe, I will definitely investigate later to find out who stole our Jialuo's heart."

"Okay, no more chatting for you. Remember, I will be waiting for you at our company at 06:30 tonight. See you there or not."

(End of this chapter)

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