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Chapter 172 1 Smile and Enmity, What Do You Think?

Chapter 172: Smile away grudges, what are you thinking about?
Shen Lin didn't know that the time he was looking forward to had arrived.

The reason why he wasn't in the store today was because he had one thing to do.When Xu Ruibing came to his shop, he was at the No. [-] Match Factory.

To be precise, he is in Shen Kui's office at the Second Match Factory.

Shen Kui is really impressed by Shen Lin's family at this moment.

Although he didn't know how Shen Lin made the factory change its decision to revoke his contract, but the changes in the past few days made him a little frightened.

A senior section chief like Ye Yichen has now been assigned to the workshop and has become an ordinary employee in the workshop, which already shows Shen Lin's strength.

"Boss Shen, you are a rare visitor!" After Shen Lin arrived, Shen Kui not only greeted him immediately, but also quickly poured tea for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin took the tea from Shen Kui, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are too stranger, just call me Shen Lin, if you call me Boss Shen, then you will treat me as an outsider."

Shen Kui felt very comfortable listening to Shen Lin's words, and at the same time, he couldn't help giving Shen Lin a high look.

Among other things, when Shen Lin came to her now, he was still able to call him elder brother, and he was able to respect him so much. This in itself already showed Shen Lin's character.

Therefore, at this moment, his opinion of Shen Lin has stepped up to a new level.

It is not easy for a young man to not only make such great achievements, but also maintain his current mentality in dealing with people and things.

He put the teacup in front of Shen Lin and said, "Brother, you are busy with your affairs, so just tell me what you want."

"As long as my brother can do it, I will definitely do it for you, brother."

Shen Kui's enthusiasm was not beyond Shen Lin's expectation.He knew that the play he and Factory Director Liu came to had definitely shocked his family.

But this time, Shen Lin was not prepared to hide anything, he said directly: "I came this time because of Ye Yichen."

I came here for Ye Yichen!

Shen Kui was stunned for a moment, he never thought that Shen Lin would come here for Ye Yichen now.

Could it be that Shen Lin wanted to smile away his grudges.

Just kidding, even if you, Shen Lin, are willing, Ye Yichen won't either.He is the chief of the comprehensive department, and now he is assigned to the workshop and becomes an ordinary worker waiting to retire. He can forgive Shen Lin.

Ye Yichen said they were section chiefs, but they were actually street-run enterprises, and these levels simply couldn't be counted.

Now Ye Yichen suddenly returned to the time when he first went to work, even if this matter was provoked by Ye Yichen, how could he swallow this breath.

"Brother, I think you don't want to see Lao Ye anymore, you know, he has a very bad temper right now!"

"If you see him, he will never give you a good face."

"At that time, he said something too much, brother, you don't feel comfortable listening, brother, I don't look good here." Shen Kui persuaded Shen Lin in a heart-to-heart tone.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a strange smile on Shen Lin's face.This kind of smile made Shen Kui feel guilty.

"Brother, I think you really misunderstood. I came here because of Ye Yichen, but I really didn't want to laugh away with him."

Shen Lin laughed and said: "Brother Chen, Ye Yichen almost caused me to lose the Paris street I built, and he also caused so many people to surround my wife and beg for money."

"Tell me, if I take the initiative to find him to smile away my grudges, am I Shen Lin? It's so easy to talk."

Shen Kui was stunned for a while, he didn't expect that Shen Lin would continue to pursue this matter, which made him feel embarrassed all of a sudden.

Ye Yichen is already like this. If Shen Lin still pursues him and he helps Shen Lin, then what will the people in the factory think of him?Shen Lin doesn't need to care about this, but his old Shen does!

What's more, Shen Lin is not easy to offend, but this person hasn't reached the point where he can threaten him, so he doesn't have to...

Just when Shen Kui was hesitating, there was a knock on the door outside, Shen Kui said to come in, and Xiao Li from the general department came in.

As soon as Xiao Li entered the door, he said with a full smile: "Section Chief Shen, I came here to convey the arrangement of Factory Director Liu. He said that when Boss Shen finishes talking with you, he will invite Boss Shen to his office for a while." trip."

Originally, Factory Director Liu was the number one leader in the factory, but by dealing with Ye Yichen, his prestige increased greatly. Even the deputy factory directors treated Director Liu with incomparable respect.

Now, when Factory Manager Liu heard that Shen Lin was coming, he specially asked someone to invite him, so what else could he say? Shen Kui still dared to keep him.

"Boss Shen, I think our matter will be discussed later. I'll wait for you in the office." Shen Kui expressed his opinion immediately.

Shen Lin looked at the anxious Shen Kui, and could only stand up and said, "Well, I'll go see Director Liu first, and we'll talk later."

"Okay, okay, wait a minute, I will definitely make arrangements for my brother." Shen Kui said this, and sent Shen Lin and Xiao Li out of the room in person.

Xiao Li was also full of flattery towards Shen Lin.Even Xiao Li at this moment was a little afraid of Shen Lin.

In his eyes, Ye Yichen, who was almost like a mountain, had already been thrown directly into the workshop by Shen Lin. Compared with Shen Lin, he was far worse.

"Boss Shen, I was carrying out Ye Yichen's order for that matter. You know, there is nothing we can do about it!"

Shen Lin looked at Xiao Li who looked guilty, and said with a smile, "Section Chief Li, I know I don't blame you for this matter."

"After all, we were all the ones who were harmed by Ye Yichen at that time, and we should cooperate sincerely, don't you think so?"

Xiao Lisheng was afraid that Shen Lin would turn his anger on him, so when he heard Shen Lin's words, he nodded quickly and said: "Boss Shen, you are so right, I blame Ye Yichen for this matter."

"He is a person who knows nothing but being jealous of talents. This time, he has hit the iron wall."

Looking at Xiao Li who looked happy, Shen Linxin said that Xiao Li really had a lot of resentment towards Ye Yichen in his heart.

But that's fine too, the more he resents Ye Yichen, the more he is his ally.

Thinking of this, Shen Lin turned to Xiao Li and said, "Section Chief Li, although that guy Ye Yichen went to the workshop, I heard that he is just for the elderly, and he is very comfortable!"

"So I didn't want to make him too comfortable when I came here this time, don't you think?"

Xiao Li's heart trembled. At this moment, he really didn't dare to say anything else.

Boss Shen's desire for revenge is really not one-sided. Ye Yichen has already gone to the workshop, and he is not ready to let it go.

Hey, if he said no, he would probably blame himself.

"Yes, Boss Shen, you are right."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at Director Liu's office. When he saw Shen Lin, Director Liu immediately stood up and said, "Xiao Shen, come here quickly. Please help me check this plan."

Xiao Li looked at the enthusiastic Director Liu, and a thought in his heart became more determined.

ps: I took a day off yesterday because I had something to do, and now I am back with full blood. Please continue to support me.Update one chapter first, and there will be more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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