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Chapter 1721 It’s not easy to be a boss

Chapter 1721 It’s not easy to be a boss

"Mike Electronics will definitely talk to us!"

Sunegg finally said forcefully: "Everyone must firmly believe in their own judgment. If their goods cannot be sold, they will be the ones who suffer the most."

"We still have the initiative."

Sunage repeated his words, but in his mind, he was thinking of what Shen Lin said some time ago.

"Our products are in short supply."

This statement was scorned by Suneg at first, but now, he is a little shaken...

As thoughts flashed one by one, Suneg looked at his partners again, and then continued: "I believe that as long as we persist to the end, we will be able to wait for the final victory!"

In the past, Suneg's words always received responses from many people.

But at this time, Takeda and others looked at Sunege with cold expressions.

"Mr. Suneg, in the past we acted according to your words because we believed in you."

"But now that we have reached this juncture, do you think we still need to deceive ourselves and others? How long do we have to wait!"

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a dark face. There was a hint of anger in his voice: "Mr. Suneg, if it weren't for you, we should be able to go back now."

"Yes, if it weren't for Sunege, we would have signed the contract at the previous price."

"According to the previous prices, although I still earn the same amount, I don't have as many bad things."

"This Suneg, does he have an ulterior motive for bewitching us like this?"


Listening to these words, Suneg's face twitched.

He glanced around and said, "Everyone, I know everyone is feeling stressed now, but what I want to say is that as long as we unite, everything can be solved."

"They can't sell the product, so they end up begging us."

"What we have to do is stay calm."

Mr. Takeda stood up at this time and said: "Mr. Suneg, how long do you want us to calm down? There must be some time, right?"

"Just this morning, you asked us to wait until four in the afternoon, but now, it's five in the afternoon!"

"Other people's stalls are almost finished."

Sunage frowned a little more as he looked at the trade fair that looked like it was about to be cleaned up.

He pondered for a moment and said: "If you take the initiative to talk to MiKe Electronics at this time, then it is very likely that your efforts will fall short!"

"If you are worried, you can find someone to call MiKe Electronics to see if you can get the goods at two-thirds of the previous price."

"I believe that as long as we test it, it will be enough to prove that rice shell electrons are more anxious than us."

Suneg's words caused a flurry of whispers.

Finally someone said: "Let's try it, I happen to have their phone number."

As he spoke, the man took out his PHS and dialed.

In order for everyone to hear, the caller used the hands-free function. As the call was dialed, the beeping sound continued to sound.

One, two, three...

It rang more than 20 times and still no one answered.

At this moment, many people felt a little anxious in their hearts.

Just as Sunek was preparing what to say, the call finally came through.

The person who answered the phone was a nice female voice, who said: "Hello, I am Mi Yuan, who are you?"

"Hello, Ms. Mi Yuan, I am the purchasing manager of Duofu Shopping Mall. I am calling you to buy your company's VCD player." The caller said in a deep voice: "I want to purchase a VCD player." Ten thousand units, how about two-thirds of your original price?"

Sunage's expression was a little nervous, but also a little expectant.

The reason why he was nervous was because now was the most critical moment to prove his conjecture. As long as the woman named Mi Yuan agreed, all questions about him would be solved.

This woman should agree.

Just when Sunage was filled with expectation, he heard Mi Yuan say: "I'm sorry, the price of our VCD player has been determined."

"Since you want to purchase goods, you must know our current prices."

"If you can accept our current price, we can still negotiate. If not, then there is no need for us to waste each other's time."

Hearing the tough words on the other end of the phone, Sunege stepped forward and said, "As far as I know, your DVD players were not sold at all at this trade fair."

"These more than 1 units are a big deal. As long as you sign it, it is a big order."

"You also have good grades."

Mi Yuan on the other side of the phone said calmly: "Even if we don't sell our DVD players to you, people will still buy them. After all, there is demand in the market."

"This time, our Director Shen is very unhappy. Since the price has been determined, it will not change."

"What's more, our internal market is now in short supply."


After saying that, Mi Yuan hung up the phone directly.

Suneg, who was still preparing to argue with Mi Yuan, was suddenly a little hurt internally. He never thought that before he said his words, they would stop talking.

People don't sell it anymore!
At this moment, Sunage had the urge to hit someone.

But listening to the blind voice on the other end of the phone, the first thing he had to face was the doubts of his own allies.

Takeda was already a little depressed because he was refuted by Sunege time and time again, but at this time, his eyes were shining at Sunege.

"Mr. Suneg, we have always wanted to believe you, but do you want to explain the current situation to us?"

Takeda said coldly: "If we all return empty-handed, how do you think we should explain it?"

Sunage was anxious and lost his good expression at this time. He glanced at Takeda coldly, and then said angrily: "How do I explain this matter to you? Do you need me to explain this matter to you?"

"You are all adults and representatives of one company."

"I was not the only one who made the idea to take advantage of MiKe Electronics' troubles and take advantage of them. Every one of you agreed."

"Didn't you join this alliance just for your own benefit?"

"You asked me to explain to you. Why do you want me to explain to you? I have nothing to explain to you!"

"You're not the only one who hasn't ordered any products. We at Jialifu haven't ordered anything either."

Sunage's momentum suddenly rose.

He said coldly: "When you were taking advantage, you didn't tell me what to share with me. Now when something goes wrong, you put all the responsibility on me to take it for you!"

"Who do you think you are, and who do you think I am?"

"Let me tell you, if you are willing to advance and retreat together with me, we should advance and retreat together."

"If you don't want to, just do your own thing!"

Suneg's words made some people who originally wanted to cause trouble for him hesitate again.

In fact, they all knew that although Suneg was instigating this matter, they also agreed to it.

Sunegger didn't owe them anything.

(End of this chapter)

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