Chapter 1733 New Company

Origin Technology Company!

This company is in a separate office building, and Old Chentou is the gatekeeper of this company.

He felt that although the company he worked for had many people every day, the biggest feeling he had was that the company was very quiet.

Take the daytime as an example. As soon as he opened his eyes, he went to clean the yard, and then sat silently in the guard room alone in a daze.

What is the job of the gatekeeper?
As an excellent doorman who fulfills his duties, Lao Chentou feels that the job of the doorman is to keep an eye on the door and deliver the information.

However, after coming to this company, Old Chen Tou felt that his previous skills were in vain, and there was no place for heroes to use them!
Because here, there is nothing for him to upload or deliver.

No one from the company came to visit, let alone discuss business.

As for the young people in the company, every one of them seems to be stuck in the office. They basically don't come out until they have a meal.

Also, many of them work at night and sleep during the day.

A company that is upside down day and night!

It seems like an unreliable company.

In the first month of working, Mr. Chen even had a feeling that he might not be able to last long in this comfortable job.

But with the passage of time, this feeling of Old Chentou has become less and less.

Because he found that the company was always running.

And the company’s food seems to be getting better and better.

In order to take care of these young guys who are busy day and night, the company not only hired three chefs, but also provided three meals a day, as well as midnight snacks.

As for the food provided for three meals a day, it is even better.

There was no shortage of chicken, duck, and fish, and sometimes there were even some rare dishes that Lao Chentou had never eaten before.Not to mention eating it, he has never even seen Old Chentou in his entire life!
For example, a few days ago, I didn't know where the seafood was shipped from, but Lao Chentou had a good meal, which made him so full that even his burps were delicious.

He has worked as a security guard for so many houses, and even the New Year dinner is not as good as the usual ones here.

Fruit, drinks, coffee...

In the company, all kinds of equipment can be said to be available.

According to the chat between Old Chen and the three chefs, he felt that just eating and drinking in the company would cost [-] to [-] yuan a month!
The factory where his old man, Chen Tou, retired, has hundreds of people, and a month's worth of food, drink, and diarrhea only costs tens of thousands of yuan.

After all, the current salary is only two to three hundred yuan.

Such a company with only 30 to [-] people spends so much a month. This is really...

However, this company seems to be still on the rise.

The reason why I feel this way is because this company is still recruiting people.

However, the people recruited are all young people who look to be in their 30s or [-]s, who look elegant and unexperienced.

If it weren't for the fact that all of these young people were wearing glasses and looked very knowledgeable, Old Chen almost suspected what these people were doing!

"Old Chen, what are you busy with?" A smiling middle-aged man in his 50s greeted Old Chen.

Seeing this person, Old Chentou immediately stood up.

In the company, he is not too afraid of Ma Yuancheng, the general manager.

Because Manager Ma stays in the room day after day and doesn't care about anything.

His old impression of Manager Ma was that he faced a machine called a computer upside down day and night. As for the rest...

No more, really no more.

As a member of the company, he would not have known that Ma Yuancheng was the manager here if Lao Wu, who was eating, hadn't told him that the simple, slovenly-looking young man was the manager.

To him, the manager was a towering figure who had no influence on him at all.

However, Ma Yuancheng couldn't be disrespectful to the person he was talking to.Because he is the financial person in charge of the company, the logistics person in charge plus the office director are all his duties.

It can be said that Chief Qin is actually in charge of all the food, drink, and diarrhea in this company.

Chief Qin's hometown is Dongzhou, and he has not been in Beijing for a long time.

However, Section Chief Qin is very good at logistics matters. All kinds of problems, down to the smallest detail, are neatly arranged for them.

"Chief Qin, do you want some tea? I just made tea here!" As Lao Chen spoke, he took out his old teapot and was about to pour tea.

Section Chief Qin never refused Lao Chen's tea. When nothing happened, he and Lao Chen would drink tea and chat in the guard room.

Lao Qin used to work in the factory and was in charge of logistics. Now he is about to retire. According to him, the superiors arranged for him to come here to enjoy the blessings.

It is indeed a blessing here!

Old Chentou even felt that Old Qin was the biggest in the company.

"No more tea. Please clean the yard later. If there are any unclean places, tidy them up." Old Qin said in a deep voice: "In addition, Old Li will assist you."

"Chief Qin, is there something wrong?" Lao Chen asked curiously.

Lao Qin said: "The chairman is coming. I just called."

Old Chentou understood the meaning of these three words, but he really didn't expect that his company actually had a chairman.

But looking at Section Chief Qin's appearance, Lao Chen knew very well that the person coming was probably the real boss.

Lao Chen was unwilling to give up his job with a high salary, which was like a pension for the elderly, so he agreed and got busy.

The company's yard is not big to begin with, and Lao Chentou is very diligent on weekdays, so there are not too many places to clean.

In just over half an hour, Lao Chen had the yard cleaned.

At this moment, Lao Chentou saw the young people who usually huddled in the room and looked at the computer all day, walking out one by one.

Many of them have pale faces and long hair. Although some are wearing new clothes, they all look a bit sloppy no matter how they look at them.

If I were the boss of a company, I wonder if I would be angry if I saw my company like this.

Just as various thoughts were surging in Old Chentou's mind, he saw a black car parked at the door.

The door was open, but the car stopped at the door, and a young man stepped out of the back seat of the car.

When he saw that there was only such a young man, Old Chen thought to himself that the chairman might not be coming. No, he sent his secretary!

However, as soon as they saw this man coming out, Manager Ma and Section Chief Qin, who had been standing in the yard, quickly came over to greet him.

Especially Section Chief Qin, when seeing this young man, it was like seeing a relative.

"Director Shen, I didn't expect you to come now. Our preparations were a little hasty, so..." Ma Yuancheng came to Shen Lin's side and said solemnly.

As the head of the company, he basically doesn't care about the clothing and working hours of his subordinates.

All he wants is results.

As long as the tasks assigned by him are completed, everything will be fine.

And if you can't complete the task, don't blame him for being rude.

So today's company looks like a bunch of defeated soldiers.

Shen Lin looked at these young people who had lacked sleep, all of them looked tired, and some even couldn't open their eyes. He couldn't help but think of the coders in future generations.

He couldn't help but smile: "Yuan Cheng, the company is very good."

"I know that everyone doesn't want to listen to my ramblings. Let's do this. You can brief me on the progress, and everyone else will be busy with their own affairs."

"Also, I'm going to treat everyone to a good meal at lunch today as a token of appreciation!"

(End of this chapter)

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