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Chapter 174 Ye Yichen, You Have Today Too

Chapter 174 Ye Yichen, You Have Today Too
In the second workshop, the pungent smell of white phosphorus made Ye Yichen feel very uncomfortable.

Although he is from the No. [-] Match Factory, he basically works in the General Affairs Department. When he comes to the workshop, he seldom doesn't say anything. Even if he comes, he won't go deep into the workshop.

From Ye Yichen's point of view, staying here is too uncomfortable.

Damn Director Liu, damn Shen Lin, just beg, beg yourself not to fall into the hands of me, Ye Yichen, for the rest of your life.

Although he felt ruthless in his heart, Ye Yichen knew that there was basically no possibility of him getting revenge on these two people.

Take Factory Manager Liu as an example. After dealing with himself, the current Factory Manager Liu's status in the factory is already in full swing.

The few deputy factory directors who had made friends with him in the past basically ignored him.Not to mention the fact that someone would turn him over.

So what he has to do now is to dawdle in this second workshop, and then wait until the day he retires.

As for Shen Lin, the person he hated the most, although he knew very well in his heart that he had provoked this incident by himself, and it was his own fault to say it.

But Ye Yichen, whenever he was able to throw the responsibility on himself, he hated Shen Lin. He felt that if it wasn't for Shen Lin, he wouldn't have fallen into such a situation.

If one day, he gets up again, he must not make Shen Lin comfortable.

Picking up his own tea mug and taking a sip of the tea water in it, Ye Yichen felt bitter in his mouth.

The big-leaf tea that costs two cents a catty is really too uncomfortable to drink. When did I drink this before.

Just as Ye Yichen was secretly cursing those villains who ignored him, he saw a swaying figure walking in.

Seeing this person, Ye Yichen curled his lips.

This person was also a worker in the second workshop. He had a big fight with Ye Yichen because of the house division.In the end, Ye Yichen was annoyed, and now the whole family is still squeezed into a one-story house of more than ten square meters.

Some time ago, this guy even went to his house with something to visit, trying to ease the relationship, but he scolded him out for a while.

Now this kid has almost become the laughing stock of the Second Match Factory.

It was with the help of this fearful chicken that Ye Yichen's reputation was established in the No. [-] Match Factory.It can be said that basically no one wants to offend Ye Yichen.

Just as Ye Yichen crossed his legs and was drinking tea leisurely, the person Ye Yichen despised came to Ye Yichen's side.

Before Ye Yichen could open his mouth, the visitor had already slapped him heavily on the head.

Ye Yichen was directly dropped to the ground by the cup. Although it was an enamel jar, the moment it collided with the concrete floor, a big hole was made, and the white enamel fell off, revealing ugly black marks.

"Wang Wang, you... what the hell do you want to do?" Ye Yichen almost growled.

"What do I want to do!" Wang Laoshi rolled up his sleeves and said, "Ye Yichen, everyone is working, why don't you work?"

With these words, Ye Yichen's expression changed.He really wanted to say that if I don't work, what can you do.

But if this sentence is said, it will provoke public outrage.After all, so many people are busy with their work now, if he does nothing and still speaks so confidently, how many people will be angry?
"I'll take a rest for a while. I don't even care about Director Cheng. Are you in control?" Ye Yichen rubbed his head and said loudly.

Wang Laoshi snorted and said, "Ye Yichen, I really can't control other people, but I can control you."

"Let me tell you, from today on, I am your master, and you have to learn my craft from me. As a worker, you can't even drive a machine, so what kind of worker are you!" At this point, Wang Laoshi looked at him fiercely. Ye Yichen reached out and slapped him on the head: "Remember, when talking to the master, you must have an attitude of speaking to the master."

"What kind of attitude are you, motherfucker?"

Ye Yichen, who had been hit twice on the head, was completely outraged at this moment. When did he, Ye Yichen, receive such bullying?

But apart from anger, there was more horror in his heart.Wang Laoshi regards himself as a master, which is definitely not something Wang Laoshi can be sure of.

In the factory, the masters of newcomers are basically determined by the workshop director.Now, Cheng Fugui not only regards himself as a newcomer, but also identifies his enemy as his master. In this...

"Wang honestly, don't be a villain here, let me tell you, if you jump around again, I will take care of you in the future." Thinking in his heart made Ye Yichen's mood even more irritable.

He was already sure that Cheng Fugui was definitely cheating himself.

But when he roared loudly, Wang Laoshi slapped him on the head again.

"Ye Yichen, you still want to deal with me. Why, do you still think you are the chief of the general affairs section? Let me tell you, even if you are the chief of the general affairs section, I am not afraid of you."

Wang Laoshi grabbed Ye Yichen's arm that was about to resist, his hands were like iron pliers, and Ye Yichen suddenly discovered that this person who had always been submissive in front of him actually had such strength to fight.

In front of him, I couldn't resist at all.

"Let me live in a small house, so that my family can't get a house. Aren't you a cow? You fucking give your master another try." Wang Laoshi patted Ye Yichen's head heavily with his hands while talking. , and even didn't slap well, it was directly slapped on Ye Yichen's face.

Ye Yichen wanted to resist at first, but slowly, he found that he couldn't resist at all.The slap of Wang Honest was really too heavy.

Even at the end, Ye Yichen didn't even dare to say a single harsh word.

He looked at Wang Laoshi with red eyes, and knew that the more he talked this time, the more humiliation he would suffer.

So he gritted his teeth tightly, waiting for that Wang honestly to vent the resentment in his heart.

Wang Laoshi didn't know how many slaps he had slapped, and this was considered a bad breath.He looked at Ye Yichen whose face was flushed, and said bitterly: "Ye Yichen, wipe your face and come with me to carry wood."

Moving wood is the most tiring job.

Ye Yichen looked at the logs not far away that were as thick as an adult's thigh, and said involuntarily, "I won't do it."

"Don't do it, others can do it, why can't you do it? Let me tell you, if you don't work, I will report to the director and deduct your salary. Let me see how much salary you can deduct, Ye Yichen. Money is for you to waste like this."

When Wang honestly said this, he pointed to the wood and said, "You finish moving this morning, otherwise, don't rest this afternoon."

Speaking of this, he picked up Ye Yichen's tea mug, took a look at it and said, "Turn around, find a glass bottle to drink water by yourself, and you can also use an enamel mug."

"I'll save this jar for you now."

Ye Yichen politely held his beloved enamel jar away, and felt a flame burning in his heart.

But in the end, the flame in his heart turned into a sigh.

ps: The third update is here today, please support the big guys, and the fourth update will resume tomorrow, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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