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Chapter 1742 What is transcendence

Chapter 1742 What is transcendence
Basically no one has any expectations for the TV set launched by MiKe Electronics.

Even Yue Ping, who was standing next to Shen Lin with a faint smile on her face, was just looking at the rising platform indifferently.

As the host this time, she also had a key understanding of various products of MiKe Electronics.

According to Yueping's understanding, MiKe Electronics has nothing to offer in terms of televisions.

What's more, MiKe Electronics' TV sets are now being suppressed by some companies.

She looked politely at the three machines, which were all black, different sizes, and looked like flat boxes. this a TV?
Aren’t TVs supposed to be boxy and heavy? this a mistake?

Various thoughts surged through Yueping's heart.

At this time, she even had the urge to feel sorry for Mi Ke and Shen Lin.

Not to mention that the products at this conference were not the heavyweight products that could carry the weight of this conference, and the conference also had such an error.

Although no one can do anything to Dong Shen due to such a mistake, but...

In fact, there are many people who have the same idea as Yue Ping.

For example, Liang Jialuo, who was outside the TV screen, scolded in a very ungraceful manner: "I'm not in Mihu Electronics, and these guys in charge of logistics are more careless than the last."

"For such a big launch, they actually launched the wrong product."

"Damn it, I will definitely teach these guys a lesson when I get back."

Although Zhong Qing did not speak, her brows were furrowed.

Next, Shen Lin had to explain the unexpected mistake.

At this moment, Shen Lin, who was not far from the raised platform, said with a smile: "Everyone, when you see these three machines, do you think we have the wrong product?"

Hearing what Shen Lin said, many people immediately said: "Director Shen, didn't you say you were going to release a TV set? Is this also a TV set?"

"Director Shen, I think you should control your subordinates and stop letting them make such small mistakes. This kind of mistake is not big, but it doesn't sound good!"

"Chairman Shen..."

Listening to the chatter below, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Everyone, I am here to tell you with utmost sincerity that we did not buy the wrong product."

"This is the new color TV we are going to launch, the LED LCD Rice Shell Fire Phoenix TV!"

When Shen Lin said that he had not bought the wrong product, almost everyone's eyes were fixed on the three thin TV sets, which were like a flat box.

They couldn't believe it was true, but Shen Lin definitely told them that it was true.

Just when they were surprised, they saw that Shen Lin had taken out a remote control in his hand and pressed it gently.

As the remote control was pressed, the black glass screens on the three machines lit up instantly.

In an instant, the TV conference showed the scene of the press conference.

The bright colors and clear pictures made many people stand up.

"This TV is so clear!"

"It's much clearer than our color TV!"

"Is this really a television?"

In the midst of this discussion, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this is the LED LCD TV launched by our MiKe Electronics. It uses..."

Shen Lin explained the advantages and disadvantages of this LED LCD TV in one breath. However, most people did not understand the technical parameters Shen Lin mentioned, and they were all staring at the LED LCD TV that was playing.

So clear!

The colors are much more beautiful than ordinary color TVs.

This...this is also a TV.In the auditorium of the business school, Xu Xiaomu's eyes were fixed on the LCD TV displayed on the TV screen. His heart was full of excitement at this time.

Because he already felt that MiKe Electronics had launched another great product this time.

Although the previous products cannot afford this conference of MiKe Electronics, this LED LCD TV can definitely support this conference.

"Mi Ke is so awesome!"

"Let me tell you, Director Shen is not a person who is unprepared for a battle."

“With this LED LCD TV, I wonder how those who restrict MiKe Electronics’ TV accessories are restricting MiKe Electronics’ TV sets.”

“I just don’t know how much this kind of TV costs!”

"If I have less money, I will go home and buy one."

The teachers and principals sitting in the front row also started talking in low voices.

"Everyone, I just talked about a bunch of parameters, but in fact, what everyone cares about is the price of our LCD TV."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "For this kind of LCD TV, we have launched three different versions, they are 21-inch, 25-inch and 32-inch!"

"As for the price? Please look at the big screen."

Following Shen Lin's words, three prices were immediately placed on the curtain that had been prepared.


Looking at the prices on the TV, there was silence.

Not too high, but a little low!
Nowadays, a 21-inch color TV from abroad costs two to three thousand, let alone those over 30 inches.

Now, MiKe Electronics has launched a TV with this kind of picture and clarity that is much better than ordinary TVs. The 32-inch TV only costs less than 4000 yuan.

The price is so delicious!
"Wow hoo hoo!"

A burst of applause sounded like a tide.

Someone even shouted loudly: "Dr. Shen, when can you buy the Fire Phoenix TV?"

"Director Shen, I'm going to give you money now, can you give me the one on the booth?"

"Director Shen, can you make a reservation?"

Matsukou Xiaye's face was extremely ugly.When those three big black flat boxes came on stage, he didn't feel anything yet.

However, when the Fire Phoenix TV screen lit up, Matsukou Xiaye felt her heart twitch.

He himself makes electrical appliances, so he naturally feels more deeply about such LCD TVs than ordinary people.

He felt that as long as this kind of TV appeared, it would basically kill everyone.

Compared with this kind of TV, the previous TVs were far behind in every aspect.

When Shen Lin didn't announce the price, he kept insisting and wanted to hear Shen Lin's price. If the price was too high, it would be difficult for this kind of TV to be popularized.

But when he saw the price announced on the big screen, he knew that Nisos had basically no restrictions on MiKe Electronics in terms of televisions.

Under such circumstances, it may be difficult to advance some of the things he planned.

"Mr. Matsuguchi, the appearance of this TV makes me feel that if I want to criticize MiKe Electronics' products, I am afraid it will arouse readers' doubts!"

Mr. Ono looked at Matsuguchi Natsuye and said, "I think it's better to forget about this matter."

Matsuguchi Natsuye glanced at Mr. Ono, and then said calmly: "Okay, let's go."

"Mr. Songkou, please leave first. I also want to interview Director Shen and their new LCD TV. I think this is a good article."

(End of this chapter)

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