Chapter 1770 Super VCD
In the expectation of many people, the opening ceremony of Kunjing Electric Appliances is here!
The main store in Jinling City is decorated with lights and colorful banners, and all kinds of promotional banners are hung around the main store.

Rainbow TV, Chuncao air conditioner, Black Swan washing machine...

The heads of various brands have gathered in Jinling City!

There is only one reason why the people in charge of these brands are so supportive, and that is that they feel that MiKe Electronics is the dominant one in the electronics market, and they really hope that there will be an electrical appliances mall that can compete with MiKe Electronics.

Of course, part of it is because of the good news that Kunjing Electric is preparing to announce.

Although I don’t know what this good news is, Kunjing Electric’s publicity has aroused the curiosity of many people.

It was Lan Weidong who came to MiKe Electronics to attend the opening ceremony.

As the person in charge of Jiale Electrical Appliances, it was more than enough for Lan Weidong to attend this opening ceremony.

After all, they are still friends and businessmen.

The arrival of Shen Lin and Cheng Zhenyuan showed that MiKe Electronics paid too much attention to this matter.

"Haha, Mr. Lan, how have you been recently?" Mr. Liu, the person in charge of Chuncao Air Conditioning, greeted Lan Weidong with a smile.

Lan Weidong and Mr. Liu are also old friends. He smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, I have been very busy these days!"

"You also know that I have just accepted Jiale Electric. The integration of the company alone is enough for me to drink a pot."

"Several times, I wanted to visit Mr. Liu, but before I even set off, I was stopped by something. Alas!"

Mr. Liu smiled. Although he didn't believe everything Lan Weidong said, he didn't bother with it. Instead, he smiled and said, "Mr. Lan, this Kunjing Electrical Appliance is a bit evil!"

"He has a joint venture background!"

"What does Director Shen think of Kunjing Electric?"

Lan Weidong smiled and said, "When I came here, I actually asked Director Shen about this matter."

"Director Shen said that the most important thing for our Mihu Electrical Appliances Mall is to do our own thing well."

"As for other people's affairs, we don't have to worry so much."

Hearing what Lan Weidong said, Mr. Liu smiled and said: "We can't learn from Mr. Shen's free and easy attitude. In the future, we hope to cooperate more with Mihu Electrical Appliances Store."

While the two were talking, Boss Zhang walked in accompanied by several people.

As the boss of Kunjing Electrical Appliances, Boss Zhang is undoubtedly the target of praise from everyone this time.But at this time, Boss Zhang was accompanying the group with a smile on his face.

In the end, these visitors were placed in a separate reception room.

"Why did I just listen to Xiaoli's words?" A boss standing next to Lan Weidong asked with a hint of teasing in his words.

Some people laughed at these words.

"I heard it's someone from Tianle Shopping Mall. Do they have a lot of shares in Kunjing Electric?"

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that in the future, Boss Zhang will still have to look at other people's faces."

"It's not..."

Lan Weidong listened to the discussions around him and thought about the situation of Kunjing Electric.

He doesn't have any contempt for Kunjing Electric.

In Lan Weidong's view, Kunjing Electric will definitely be a powerful opponent for him in the future.

For this kind of opponent, the most important thing is to know yourself and the enemy.

Just as Lan Weidong was thinking about the comparison of his own advantages with Kunjing Electric, the opening ceremony of Kunjing Electric officially began.

Boss Zhang delivered a speech, Director Ma as a shareholder of the company spoke, and a director of Niso also spoke...

This series of actions took more than 20 minutes.

Just when Lan Weidong felt that the opening ceremony was almost over, a person in charge of Nisuo Company walked out.He said in a deep voice: "Everyone, taking advantage of the great opportunity of Kunjing Electric's opening, we have some good news to announce."

"Through our joint research with Sanyang and other companies, we have developed super VCD technology."

"Super VCD is far superior to VCD in terms of storage and other aspects, and we have also developed a DVD player that plays Super VCD..."


When Lan Weidong came, he had already prepared for the bad news, but now, hearing the news, Lan Weidong felt his head buzzing.

It was at this moment that he realized what the bad news was.

Lan Weidong is very clear about the status of VCD players.

At this time, MiKe Electronics became a super profitable business.

Now, the emergence of this super VCD player not only means that MiKe Electronics' video players have encountered challenges, but also means that this cash flow may be cut off.

Although MiKe Electronics currently has a lot of profitable businesses, Lan Weidong would feel extremely distressed if the VCD player could not make money.

He calmed down and saw a lot of eyes looking towards him.

Some of these looks are gloating about others' misfortune, some are eager to act, and some are...

At this moment, the manager of Nissot who announced the news said: "We, Nissot, welcome capable companies to develop super VCD players with us..."

"In terms of technology, we will provide the greatest support..."

At this moment, Lan Weidong couldn't bear to listen anymore, but as a representative of Mihu Electronics, he still had to hold on at this time.

When the manager of Nisso Company finished speaking, many people gathered around the manager.

These people naturally want the Super VCD player.

"Mr. Lan, should we report this matter to Director Shen immediately?" The subordinate who followed Lan Weidong asked Lan Weidong in a low voice.

Lan Weidong nodded and said, "Use your PHS phone to call Director Shen and tell him everything that happened here."

"Let Director Shen get ready."

After his subordinates left, Lan Weidong sat calmly in his seat, chatting with others as usual.

Mr. Liu of Chuncao Air Conditioning is one of the few people who remains unmoved. After Lan Weidong calmed down, he whispered to Lan Weidong: "Old Lan, this person is not doing well?"

"This super VCD is just for your VCD."

Lan Weidong smiled and said: "Mr. Liu, I don't know much about technology, but I think that what is called Super VCD is not necessarily better than our VCD player."

"What's more, our DVD players have been promoted for so many years. Our technology cannot catch up all at once."

Mr. Liu smiled and said: "Mr. Lan, I believe in your company's capabilities."

"But in the future, I'm afraid there will be many manufacturers of super VCD players!"

"At that time, the profits were very thin."

Lan Weidong smiled and was not discussing this issue.

At this moment, the subordinate in charge of the phone ran over gently. Seeing this subordinate, Lan Weidong asked in a low voice: "What did Director Shen say?"

"Dr. Shen said that you should eat and drink as you should."

"All problems will be handled by him."

"He said it was okay!"

It's okay. The launch of this super VCD is equivalent to cutting off an arm of MiKe Electronics. How can it be okay?
Is Mr. Shen’s heart too big?

(End of this chapter)

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