Chapter 1773 Different Treatment

MiKe Electrical Appliances Mall is flooded with visitors!
With the arrival of May, many young people have begun to come to shopping malls to prepare for their weddings.

Television sets, VCD players, and home theaters have become a necessity for many young people with good family conditions to get married.

"Is there an LCD TV?" A young couple came to the door of MiKe Home Appliances and asked with concern.

The waiter in red clothes smiled and said: "Sorry, the LCD TV is not in stock right now."

"Can you make a reservation if needed?"

The young man originally wanted to perform in front of his fiancée, but when he heard that the LCD TV was being reserved, he immediately said anxiously: "Don't you have one?"

"Sir, this is a sample for exhibition. According to regulations, it cannot be sold."

The waiter's explanation made the young man a little unhappy. He said in a deep voice: "If you make a reservation, when will it be available?"

"Sir, this is our reservation. It has been booked for the date 970."

"If you make a reservation now, we can guarantee that the LCD TV will be delivered to your home within half a month."

Nearly 2000 people have been appointed, and the young man suddenly became anxious.

"Can you hurry up? We are in a hurry to get married."

"Can the goods arrive within a week?"

The waiter shook his head and said: "Sir, for your situation, we really want to help you, but everything has been booked and we have no choice."

"Why don't you choose other brands of color TVs? We also represent Caihong and other color TVs here. You can take a look, we have discounts."

The young woman glanced at the large TVs nearby and said impatiently: "I like LCD TVs. Not only do they not take up space, but they are also clear."

"If we buy an LCD TV, the TV won't be available when we get married."

The young man explained: "We..."

"I'm not blaming you. I told you a while ago that you should buy an LCD TV early, but you guys have never acted."

"It's okay now. I can't buy LCD TVs anymore."

"Let me tell you, if there was no LCD TV, I would not get married now."

Listening to his partner's words, the young man's expression became more and more anxious.

He has been looking forward to getting married for a long time, and now everything has been agreed upon, but this happened because of the TV.

This left him wondering what to do for a moment?
Just as the young man was scratching his head, a waiter came over and said, "Young man, you don't have to worry. I also ordered an LCD TV for my home a few days ago."

"Well, you can have mine. Mine will arrive this week. I'll make a decision later."

After hearing what the waitress said, the young man who was afraid that his wife would run away hurriedly said: "Thank you, eldest sister, thank you so much. I will..."

"It's okay. Getting married is a big deal. We have a color TV and you can watch it anytime."

"Okay, I'll ask our colleagues to change my name to yours, and you can just pay the deposit."

With the young man's gratitude, the waiter from MiKe Electronics helped complete the reservation procedures.Looking at the pair of young people leaving happily with the delivery slip, the waitress responsible for selling LCD TVs said: "Sister Chen, if you continue like this, you won't be able to buy LCD TVs even during the Chinese New Year."

The one called Sister Chen was the waitress who handed over her order for the LCD TV. She smiled and said, "It's okay to be a little late."

"People's marriage is a big deal."

"In our family, it doesn't matter if we wait a few days."

"How's it going? Is everything going well today?" Listening to Sister Chen asking about work, the waitress in charge of the LCD TV said: "Sister Chen, today's sales have increased a lot compared to yesterday. Young people are getting married now. They all regard LCD TVs as a must-have."

"Oh, when I get engaged, I also want an LCD TV."

Sister Chen smiled and said, "When the time comes, we must be the biggest."

While the two were chatting and laughing, the waiter in charge of the LCD TV said: "Sister Chen, I just heard from Xiaoting that the sales of VCD players are not very good now, and some people are even planning to return them."

Sister Chen frowned when she heard the news.

VCD players have always been a hot-selling product in MiKe Electronics Mall. Now fewer people are buying them, which is not a small thing for MiKe Electronics Mall.

She pondered for a moment and said, "I'll go over and take a look."

Soon, Sister Chen came to the VCD player counter. In the past, the DVD player counter was always crowded three floors inside and three floors outside. At this time, there were not many people.

He Xiaoting, the waiter in charge of the counter, seems to be arguing with someone about something at this time?
"Xiaoting, what's going on?" Sister Chen came to the counter and asked in a deep voice.

He Xiaoting naturally did not dare to neglect Sister Chen, the supervisor.

"Sister Chen, this customer wants to return the product, but his product has been purchased for ten days and there are no quality problems. According to our regulations, it cannot be returned."

He Xiaoting's words made the young man who returned the product suddenly unhappy. He said in a deep voice, "Why is there nothing wrong with it?"

"I spent two to three thousand yuan to buy a product that has been eliminated. Isn't this wrong?"

Hearing what the young man said, He Xiaoting said reluctantly: "There is no problem with our VCD player in terms of quality or other aspects. Why do you say that our VCD player will be eliminated?"

"I'm telling you, don't talk nonsense!"

"What nonsense? I saw the news a few days ago. Nissor has launched a super VCD player. Not only is it clearer than your video player, but the video storage is also larger."

“I can’t afford to spend so much money on something that is going to be eliminated.”

After hearing this, Sister Chen also frowned.

She naturally knew about the super VCD, but she didn't expect that this super VCD would actually affect her subordinate's counter at this time.

After taking a breath, she said in a deep voice: "Sir, if our DVD player has quality problems, it should be returned."

"But now, there are no quality issues, and the time for return without reason has passed, so we really can't refund it to you."

"If you must withdraw, you can only go through legal procedures."

Hearing this, the young man who was clamoring to return the goods suddenly became unwilling.

He glanced at Sister Chen a few times and said angrily: "You guys are being unreasonable. Okay, I'll find a place to reason with you."

"I don't believe that your MiKe Electrical Appliances Store can cover the sky with one hand."

As he spoke, the young man took his DVD player and left quickly.

"Sister Chen, this person is simply unreasonable." He Xiaoting said angrily.

Sister Chen said: "Xiaoting, have many people come to return goods recently? Also, please write me the sales situation of our VCD players in the past two days, and I will report it to the manager."

Seeing that Sister Chen spoke so solemnly, He Xiaoting said worriedly: "Sister Chen, will our DVD players be unsellable in the future as they said?"

"That shouldn't happen. What about Director Shen?"

(End of this chapter)

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