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Chapter 1780 Don’t let everyone get hurt

Chapter 1780 Don’t let everyone get hurt

Mr. Yin knows very well that if this kind of matter is handled well, he will naturally gain a lot of admiration.

But if you don't handle it well, you won't be able to catch the fox, and you'll get into trouble.

In the past, if he encountered something like this, he would naturally hide and hide.But now, he has become more and more ambitious. If he wants to expand his influence, he must do something.

After coughing lightly, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, Mr. Li's words make sense."

"For this competition, I am an outsider, and I should not have said some things."

"But as a friend, I don't want everyone to fight to the death over one thing. In the end, we don't get anything, and it hurts the harmony."

"I see, we might as well discuss it."

"Although the cooperation quota for Super VCD Player this time is based on strength, those who are not strong enough cannot come in vain."

"Why don't you all make some compensation?"

Having said this, Mr. Yin turned to Mr. Li and said, "Mr. Li, what do you think of my suggestion?"

Mr. Li laughed heartily and said, "People say Mr. Yin is a loyal and loyal elder. Today I found out that what everyone said is true."

"Here, let me tell the truth. Our company is bound to win the cooperation spot for this super VCD player."

"Whatever conditions you offer, we will follow."

"I believe that in the end, there will always be one of us."

"But most of those who compete with us will probably get nothing."

Having said this, he solemnly said: "But Mr. Yin said that we can't let everyone come in vain, so we should do as Mr. Yin said."

"Anyone who withdraws voluntarily can put forward any conditions."

"As long as I can do it, I can definitely do it for everyone."

After Mr. Li finished speaking, he glanced around twice, looking unquestionable.

Under Mr. Li's gaze, someone finally couldn't help but said: "Mr. Li, although our strength is not as strong as yours, we are not without the ability to compete."

"But Mr. Yin said, let's give everyone a start."

"Since Mr. Li wants to devote his main resources to super VCD players, your radio cassette player will not be the focus of future products."

"I wonder if Mr. Li is willing to sell your new production line to us."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, we will not disappoint you in terms of price."

Mr. Li frowned. The cassette recorder was an important business of their company. Although it could not be said to be the most profitable, it was also one of the pillars.

He has put a lot of thought into the current production line, which is considered to be the most advanced one imported from outside.If you let him out, it would be like taking his eyeballs.

But if you don't let it...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Mr. Li already had a decision in his mind.

He said in a deep voice: "Mr. Sheng, what you want is the backbone of our company, isn't it?"

"If it were normal and Mr. Sheng told me this, my answer to Mr. Sheng would be to go as far as you want."

"But now, we are cooperating."

"In order to express our company's sincerity, we agreed to President Sheng's request."

Having said this, Mr. Li glanced around a few times, and then said to Mr. Yin: "Brother Yin, you have also seen the sincerity of our company. Do you think we can win among these five places?" Occupy one.”

Mr. Yin could feel that there was a hint of coercion in Mr. Li's words.

However, in Mr. Yin's view, treating himself as a target of forced marriage is a recognition of his identity.

Under this situation, he laughed and said: "I believe everyone has seen Mr. Li's sincerity." "Both in terms of strength and sincerity, Mr. Li has shown his courage. I think , there is no problem for Mr. Li to occupy a quota."

"Does anyone have any objections?"

Everyone present fell silent.

Although some of them are unwilling to give in, they also know that their strength is worse than Mr. Li, not to mention that after Mr. Li pays the price, Mr. Sheng will also help Mr. Li wave the flag and shout.

If you object forcefully, not only will you lose the benefits, but you will even offend Mr. Yin and others.

So in the end, no one objected.

one, two, three...

There were a total of five places, and four were quickly agreed upon, and some companies that withdrew were not considered to have come in vain, and they all received the compensation they deserved.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the room seemed extremely harmonious.

"For this last quota, I think our company should do our part." A short middle-aged man who looked like a skinny monkey said.

Mr. Yin frowned slightly when he saw this middle-aged man.

There are a total of five places, four of which have been confirmed, and the remaining one is Boss Qin.

This person stepped forward and somewhat disrupted Mr. Yin's plan.

But at this time, Mr. Yin was not suitable to talk, he just smiled quietly.

Mr. Yin didn't say anything, but Mr. Qin couldn't retreat. He smiled and said, "Brother, I'm really sorry. You can't get this last spot."

"Our company wants to win this spot."

Boss Qin's appearance makes him particularly easy to recognize.When the skinny middle-aged man saw Boss Qin, he chuckled and said, "Boss Qin, if you don't sell your nutritional solution, why are you arguing with us who sell home appliances?"

"Ask Mr. Yin, is your strength stronger than ours?"

"Haha, we can discuss which one of our two families is stronger."

Listening to the skinny man's provocative words, Mr. Qin smiled lightly and said, "Brother, there is no need to discuss this further."

"We got this quota with the approval of Mr. Kazuo Shuangjing."

"If you have any comments, you can go to Mr. Kazuo Shuangjing."

"Maybe he will change his decision."

The skinny man's face changed. Although he was also the person in charge of a company, his energy was not yet in a relationship with Kazuo Fusui, let alone others.

Mr. Li and others, who had just exchanged some of their benefits, now looked at Mr. Qin with wide eyes.

They never expected that while they and others were still working hard on the exchange here, Mr. Qin had already obtained a quota from Shuangjing Kazuo.

This seems unfair!
"Mr. Qin, has Mr. Kazuo Shuangjing really promised you this?" Mr. Li asked in a deep voice.

Mr. Qin said calmly: "Mr. Li, if you don't believe it, you can talk to Mr. Shuangjing Kazuo."

"I feel that Mr. Kazuo Shuangi will not deceive me in this matter."

"After all, this is not a big deal to him."

The skinny man's expression kept changing. He saw that some people were looking at him with some hostility, so he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, when Kazuo Shuangjing started, he made an agreement with us to let us compete fairly. "

"Now he's going back on his word like this."

"I think we won't go this time to let Kazuo Shuangjing know that he can't fool us like this."

(End of this chapter)

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