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Chapter 184 Lu Xiaorong, Be Gratitude

Chapter 184 Lu Xiaorong, Be Gratitude

Borrow money for three days, and you can earn [-] in interest!
Chen Yongge has enough confidence in his gimmick. Even Shen Lin, his cousin-in-law, can be regarded as a character after all, but compared with him, Chen Yongge is still far behind.

From Chen Yongge's point of view, the smarter a person is, the more greedy he is when it comes to making money. This legendary cousin-in-law who is a bit capable will never escape his grasp.

Lu Xiaorong glanced at his mother, Chen Hongying had already waved his hand and said, "Let's go, I'll go to the commissary with you to make a phone call."

Chen Yongge said: "Gu, let's go together, anyway, I have nothing to do when I'm idle."

The canteen was not far from Lu Xiaorong's home. Five minutes later, Lu Xiaorong called the number left by the No. 5 Match Factory on Paris Street.

Qiangzi answered the phone. Hearing that Lu Xiaorong was looking for Shen Lin, he said regretfully, "Sister-in-law, my brother just went out for less than 10 minutes."

"I don't know where he went, or I'll ask him to call you back before he comes back."

Hearing that Shen Lin had gone out, Lu Xiaorong had no choice but to put down the phone and said, "Mom, cousin, Shen Lin has gone out, why don't we wait and see if he will call back in a while."

Chen Hongying was a little unhappy: "This Shen Lin, what is he busy with every day, you can't see him in this shop!"

Chen Yongge smiled and said, "Auntie, my brother-in-law is the boss, how can I do everything myself. There are so many important things waiting for him to plan and talk about. It's normal not to stay guard in the store."

What Chen Yongge said made Chen Hongying nod repeatedly. After all, this nephew is a man who has seen the world. Look at how reasonable his words are!Unknowingly, I feel a little more favorable.

Chen Yongge looked around, and pointed to a restaurant in front of him: "Auntie, this state-run Dongfeng Restaurant, the other dishes are so-so, but the noodles they make are very good. Auntie, I invite you Let's eat here, let's talk while eating."

Chen Hongying also knew about Dongfeng Restaurant, but she was used to frugality and had never eaten here.

At this time, when she heard that her natal nephew was going to invite her to dinner here, she immediately felt very honored, but she still said loudly: "Yongge, you came to my place, how can I let you treat me?"

"Well, let me treat you, let's have a good meal."

Chen Yongge repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Auntie, next time I come to see you, I want to eat home-cooked meals cooked by Auntie herself! But this time, let's give your nephew a chance to honor Auntie!"

"After all, your nephew is about to get rich!"

Looking at her complacent nephew, Chen Hongying felt that she had a special face. She waved her hand and said, "Okay, I'll invite you this time, but you have to remember, don't tell your mother, or my sister-in-law It's time to nag me again."

"I'm a aunt, but my nephew came to the house and didn't care about the food!"

Although it was noon, there were not too many people in Dongfeng Restaurant. There were several waiters wearing white caps and white sleeves, some were sitting, and some were chatting leaning against the door.

They didn't pay much attention to Chen Hongying's coming in. He was an old neighbor who worked as a waiter. After seeing Chen Hongying, he hurried over to say hello.

"Oh, Hongying, you are rich, and you are willing to come to our place for a meal." The old neighbor joked with a smile while arranging them to sit down.

"My natal nephew is here and insists on inviting me to eat here. My nephew is now a big manager, and his aunt cooks at home. He probably can't get used to it anymore!" Chen Hongying's voice was very loud, although she was complaining, But with that tone and expression, anyone could tell it was showing off.

The old neighbor glanced at Chen Yongge, who was in a suit and leather shoes, and a strangeness flashed across his expression.

After all, at this time, there are really not many people who dare to dress like this, and Chen Yongge is quite a leader in the trend.

"What do you want to eat?"

According to Chen Hongying, that is to have a stir-fried dish, and then each of the three of them will have a bowl of bald noodles with meat sauce, but before she can speak, Chen Yongge has already said: "Here is a sweet and sour carp, the best fish is the Yellow River Big carp, and half a roast chicken, my aunt likes this!"

"By the way, cousin, why don't you have a pig's trotter soup, which is good for pregnant women. Your sister-in-law liked to drink this back then."

Chen Yongge was quite enthusiastic. Before Chen Hongying could express his opinion, he had already handed over the money and food stamps.After Chen Hongying gave in several times, she finally followed Chen Yongge's choice and ordered four dishes and three bowls of noodles.

That's it, the money alone cost more than seven yuan.

"Auntie, don't feel sorry for your nephew spending money. Let me tell you, after your nephew earns the money, if I want to treat my aunt to dinner, I must not be here. At least I have to go to the Foreign Trade Hotel in Donghai !"

Chen Yongge patted his chest and said, "This opportunity is really great. If our manager hadn't watched me work hard for him for so many years, he would never have given me such an opportunity."

Chen Hongying nodded and said: "Yongge, why is your manager so sympathetic? He can think of you, but you can't let him down."

This meal, Chen Hongying ate very proudly, and even forced her old neighbor to taste two mouthfuls of sweet and sour carp during the meal.But as the person who was invited this time, Lu Xiaorong was quite uncomfortable.

After all, this time, her cousin borrowed too much money, and she didn't know what to do.If there was no mother by her side, she would definitely refuse, but seeing her mother's appearance, she was very embarrassed.

It would be fine if Shen Lin came and refused directly.

After eating for an hour, Shen Lin didn't call back at all. When he called again, Qiangzi said that Shen Lin hadn't come back yet.

Helpless, Lu Xiaorong called his landlord Aunt Chen again, but Aunt Chen told her that Shen Lin hadn't come back yet.

In this case, the time has come to two o'clock before you know it.

Chen Yongge didn't speak, but he kept looking at his watch, walking up and down, looking like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Xiao Rong, let me tell you, what you say about your family's affairs doesn't count? You can't even decide on this matter? Let me tell you, it's your cousin who is borrowing money now."

Chen Hongying was the first one who couldn't sit still anymore. She slapped the table and challenged her daughter: "Don't even think about how important this opportunity is to your cousin."

"Who is your cousin? He also cares about face! If he hadn't been helpless, would he have asked you?"

Just as Lu Xiaorong was about to explain, Chen Hongying said loudly, "Shen Lin is here, so I want to say the same thing."

"You girl, I don't even think about how you came here when you were young. You grew up with your grandma. How did your grandma treat you? At that time, the family was difficult. Even if your cousin, your grandma and uncle were hungry Let's eat right now."

"Why, when you grow up, you're going to be a white-eyed wolf?"

"Your cousin borrowed it, and it's not that he borrowed it and didn't pay it back. You see, it scares you! Do you not trust your parents, or your grandparents, or your uncles and aunts!"

Lu Xiaorong blushed when Chen Hongying reprimanded him, and was in a dilemma.

"Lu Xiaorong, I'll leave this to you first. If you borrow the money without hesitation today, you will still be your mother's own daughter. If you insist on being a white-eyed wolf, then you and your mother's family will make a clean break." Chen Hongying patted the table and said firmly.

Under Chen Hongying's persecution, Lu Xiaorong's thoughts surged rapidly. She hesitated for a while before she said to Chen Yongge: "Cousin, are you sure you can return it in three days?"

"Cousin, don't worry, my three days are still long, and there is a high possibility that I will be back in two days. Don't worry, I won't lose you a penny of the [-] interest!" Chen Yongge patted his chest and firmly promised .

Lu Xiaorong felt really uncomfortable looking at her mother who was staring at her closely. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I will lend it to my cousin first, and I don't want my cousin's interest, so please write an IOU for three months." It will be returned as promised in a few days."

Speaking of this, she timidly said to Chen Hongying: "Mom, I have to explain to Shen Lin."

"Hahaha, cousin, don't worry, I will definitely write an IOU, and I will definitely give you the benefits." Chen Yongge laughed and said, "We are all relatives, so I won't cheat you and my aunt if I cheat anyone!"

ps: Fourth update, please support

(End of this chapter)

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