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Chapter 186 1 point of understanding, 1 point of tolerance

Chapter 186 An understanding and a tolerance

Lu Xiaorong listened to Shen Lin's words with ease, and finally let go of his strained heart.Just now she was worried, how could she tell him such a big matter.

At that time, 8 yuan was equivalent to eight households with [-] yuan. In Lu Xiaorong's view, it was money that many people would never earn in their entire lives.

If my cousin's investment fails, then...

"That's 8 yuan!" Although Lu Xiaorong relaxed a lot, he still felt scared.

"What is money? Money is a bastard, if you don't have it, keep earning it! It's worth making my daughter-in-law worry about gains and losses!"

"What's more, your cousin is the section chief of a foreign trade company. He said that he can buy steel at the internal price, so he can definitely buy it."

"Even if the price of steel does not rise, he will not lose money. What's more, the construction of the motherland is advancing rapidly, and steel is needed everywhere!"

"Don't worry, he will earn his money back soon."

Shen Lin's reassurance finally reassured Lu Xiaorong a lot, but she still said with some guilt: "Shen Lin, I... I lent the money to my cousin without your consent, I..."

"Even if I find out, I have to lend it to your cousin, or else, it will be embarrassing for our mother to go back to my mother's house!"

Now that the matter was over, Shen Lin had no choice but to follow Lu Xiaorong's words.After all, what's the use of his objection now?Just give your daughter-in-law peace of mind.

"Husband, according to what you say, this cousin can really make a fortune?"

"No problem, maybe after a while, when he pays back the money, he can really give an extra [-]!" Shen Lin tried to comfort him.

"By the way, Xiaorong, we can't withdraw the 8 yuan at once, right?" Shen Lin asked doubtfully when he thought of the 2 yuan he would have to pay the day after tomorrow.

Lu Xiaorong said: "My cousin has acquaintances in the bank. He found a director of the bank and took out all the money."

Hearing what Lu Xiaorong said, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, if you borrow it, you will borrow it. You should take a rest first, and I will go to fish."

Looking at Shen Lin who turned to go to the kitchen, Lu Xiaorong suddenly thought of something.

"Husband, are you also in a hurry to use money?"

At this time, Shen Lin was packing the yellow bag, thinking about stewing the tofu first, and thinking about what to do with the 2 yuan.Lu Xiaorong has already borrowed the money, it's too late to say anything now, what's the use of complaining.

Although he had no real contact with his cousin Lu Xiaorong, his relationship with Chen Hongying had improved these days, but he had heard Chen Hongying talk about how promising his natal nephew was.

From these performances of Chen Hongying, Shen Lin knew how much Chen Hongying valued her natal nephew.With high interest rates, internal indicators, and indelible family affection, Shen Lin could fully imagine that it was almost impossible for Lu Xiaorong at that time not to borrow money.

Therefore, he did not blame his daughter-in-law.I am also responsible for this kind of thing.

Giving so much money to Lu Xiaorong is a kind of trust, but it is also a burden on Lu Xiaorong.

"It's okay, daughter-in-law, don't worry, I can take care of it."

"Husband, if you think that I am your closest person, you shouldn't hide it from me."

Seeing Lu Xiaorong's serious appearance, Shen Lin knew that if he kept prevaricating, Lu Xiaorong would not know how to think wildly!

Immediately, he readily admitted: "It can be regarded as needing money. I negotiated with the cotton and linen company today. In the past five days, I will pay them more than 1 yuan in rent and more than 1 yuan in decoration costs. .”

"But don't worry, I can pay them the money." Lu Xiaorong looked at the confident Shen Lin and felt something surge in her heart. She couldn't help but come to Shen Lin and stretched out her hands. Hug this man.

This man who shielded himself from the wind and rain.

"Why don't you scold me, and don't give me a word if you use the money."

Although Shen Lin really wanted to turn around, but he was cooking now, and his hands were stained.

"Daughter-in-law, how can I blame you for this matter," Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, have you ever heard a saying, carp meat and catfish soup, if you want to eat it, it's still delicious! This yellow catfish My name is Geya! Wife, just wait, let me show my skills and cook you a delicious meal! What's more, my cousin will pay back the money in three days, we still have time!"

Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but shed tears.Although Shen Lin said it didn't matter and there was still time, she was a little scared.

"But, what if my cousin doesn't pay back?"

"It's okay, you have to have some confidence in your cousin, not to mention that I have other ways, the worst thing is that we don't rent those shops opposite." Shen Lin spread his hands towards Lu Xiaorong and said: "It's okay, I'll put the Boil the soup, you go outside and wait a while, and eat in a while."

"Why don't we ask my cousin for [-] yuan first?" Lu Xiaorong went outside to put on his shoes while speaking.

You have to return [-] yuan first, which will save you trouble.But thinking of Lu Xiaorong's words just now, Shen Lin said: "Xiao Rong, didn't your cousin already spend the money this afternoon? It's useless if we go, let's wait."

Lu Xiaorong was stunned for a moment, she really forgot about this problem, Lu Xiaorong who put down his shoes couldn't help but said: "Husband, do you think my husband can really exchange our money?"

At this time, Shen Lin also lost confidence in whether he could be replaced. He looked at the anxious Lu Xiaorong, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I think your cousin should still have this ability."

"After all, now that the internal price of steel is falling, it is a good business in itself that can make a profit without losing money."

Shen Lin's consolation reassured Lu Xiaorong a lot, but thinking of the money, her brows were still hard to untie...

In Lu Xiaorong's eyes, time passed too slowly, three months, abruptly made Lu Xiaorong feel more uncomfortable than three years.On the afternoon of the third day of borrowing money, Lu Xiaorong got on Shen Lin's tricycle as soon as he got off work.

"Hurry up!" Sitting on Shen Lin's motorcycle tricycle, Lu Xiaorong kept urging Shen Lin to hurry up.

Driving a motorcycle tricycle, Shen Lin smiled and said to Lu Xiaorong while blowing the wind: "Daughter-in-law, don't be too impatient. We will definitely be able to reach your cousin before seven o'clock."

"What's more, this car is only so fast."

Although Lu Xiaorong usually has a gentle temper, in fact, his personality is still somewhat influenced by his mother Chen Hongying, for example, he is a little twisted about some things he believes.

Ten minutes later, Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong came to a community in the east of the city. Most of this community is three-storey buildings. Although it is not time to sleep at this time, the lights upstairs are scarce. Sparse.

"Shen Lin, stop at the third building to the north. My cousin and uncle live together on the first floor." Lu Xiaorong is familiar with this place, and she pointed to a building not far away: "His house Turn on the light, cousin should be at home."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong who was looking forward to it, and immediately reminded: "Xiao Rong, if cousin has already spent the money, don't worry too much, let's find a way."

Lu Xiaorong didn't speak, although Shen Lin tried to comfort her, but the more she was like this, the more she felt that she had done something stupid.

Before Shen Lin helped her, Lu Xiaorong quickly walked towards her uncle's house. She knocked on the door and prayed in her heart, cousin, don't spend all the money, and give them [-] anyway. Let Shen Lin turn around.

ps: The new book sets sail, the second update, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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