Chapter 19 Shen Lin, I beg you
The food at the police station was just like that, but to Lu Xiaorong, she felt that the food was extremely sweet.

From the day she married Shen Lin, she hardly lived a good life, let alone a wife is more expensive than a husband.

Today, Shen Lin was treated as a distinguished guest by Director Song, and she was very happy from the bottom of her heart.

After eating the meal full of joy, Director Song also made a special arrangement: "Wait a minute, use the Pian San motorcycle in our office to send Master Xiao Shen back, and then tell the neighbors about Shen Lin. Ability."

"We want to prove Shen Lin's innocence."

Originally, Director Song did not plan to arrange this matter for Xu Ruibing, but at this time Xu Ruibing took the initiative to ask Ying to say: "Director, Master Xiao Shen and I are also acquaintances, why don't you just let me see it."

Although Director Song was surprised by Xu Ruibing's initiative to invite Ying, looking at Xu Ruibing with a smile on his face, Director Song said in his heart that this kid seemed to be trying to turn the fight with Shen Lin into friendship.Director Song was very happy with the suddenly mature subordinate, so he simply agreed: "Okay, then let Xu Ruibing send it."

But when Shen Lin was about to leave, Director Song patted his head and said, "Guang Gu talked, and forgot an important thing."

"Xiao Xu, you can go to the finance department later and withdraw 30 yuan to Mr. Shen. The 20 yuan is the repair fee of the radio FM transmitter, and the [-] yuan is to compensate Mr. Shen for the material cost of the radio."

Shen Lin never expected that Director Song would not only treat him to a meal, but also give him money, which caught him off guard and made him very moved.

"Director Song, please don't give me this money. I'll help you repair this radio FM transmitter. It's just a matter of little effort. As for the cost of materials, the parts removed from a second-hand radio don't cost much money."

Shen Lin firmly refused.

Shen Lin's father is the director of the factory, and he has been influenced by it since he was a child. Although he is not motivated, he is shrewd in dealing with people.

Although he has no one to help Director Song for the time being, human feelings cannot be dealt with overnight.

Maybe in the future, there will be something that requires Director Song to come forward.Such a good opportunity, why not pave the way for yourself?
Director Song insisted on giving it, but Shen Lin insisted on refusing it. The two argued for a while, but Director Song did not insist on Shen Lin in the end.

"Xiao Shen, if you have such a skill, you should carry it forward. I think you can open a repair shop in the future." Director Song patted Shen Lin on the shoulder and said, "Young man, work hard!"

On a hot day, the Pian San motorcycle looks imposing, but in fact, it is not comfortable.Among other things, the leather seat that was scorched by the sun, the moment I sat on it, I just felt very sour!
Chu Feng left on his bicycle because he had a job.But when I left, I was in a very good mood.

He thought that this unworthy brother-in-law would have to beg his grandpa to sue his grandma, but he didn't expect this kid to have a meal at Director Song's place without saying anything.

Riding out of the gate of the police station, he hummed a song.

As for Fang Boyuan, he flatly rejected Xu Ruibing's insincere suggestion to send him off later, and walked towards the factory in a hurry.

The Pian San motorcycle roared, far exceeding the speed of ordinary bicycles, and soon brought a gust of hot wind.After Xu Ruibing left the police station, he did not immediately send Shen Lin back to the family courtyard of the factory, but took him to the shade of a tree.

"I said little brother, I have something to discuss with you." Xu Ruibing stopped the car, took out a cigarette and handed it to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Brother Xu, you helped me today, if you have anything to say, just say anything, I will definitely do it for you!"

"Hahaha, I knew you were happy, little brother!" Although Xu Ruibing didn't help Shen Lin, but Shen Lin's attitude made him feel very good.

He lit the flue and said, "Brother, you really don't brag about your maintenance skills. Just take the radio and FM transmitter in our office as an example. Director Song has hired so many experts, but they can't fix it well."

"It's no exaggeration to say that this thing is almost becoming Director Song's heart disease."

"Brother, as soon as you took action, you took away the trouble that our Director Song had. If Director Song doesn't thank you, who do you want to thank?" "But you have to pay attention to Fang Boyuan, this kid is shady."

Shen Lin smiled, but didn't say anything.

Xu Ruibing continued: "Do you want to sell this second-hand color TV? The son of the master chef who cooks in our shop is getting married and wants to buy a TV set."

"But the tickets for this black and white TV set are a little tight right now. Master Liu can't get in the line. I saw your color TV set today. As for him, I fell in love with it right away."

Shen Lin looked at the [-]-inch color TV in the pocket of Pian San's motorcycle, and thought that Master Liu's vision was really accurate.

Although this color TV is second-hand, in terms of quality, the domestic black-and-white TV and this color TV are not a bit worse.

What's more, [-]-inch is a big color TV at this time.

"I was going to show this color TV to my daughter-in-law for a few days, but since you said it, Brother Xu, then I won't say anything, and the beauty of adults will be enough!"

"That's it, sell this color TV to Master Liu."

Shen Lin's straightforwardness made Xu Ruibing smile a bit more, he laughed and said: "Thank you, little brother, I will bring this good news to Master Liu later."

"By the way, how much are you going to sell this color TV for?"

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother Xu, since Master Liu bought this thing, I think it's better to let Master Liu bid."

Xu Ruibing thought about it, and felt that what Shen Lin said was right, and he really shouldn't come forward in this matter.

"Master Liu's home is not far from our place, why don't we go to his place first, so that he won't have to wait in a hurry."

Both Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong actually wanted to go home, but Xu Ruibing was very important to them. After all, Shen Lin was taken away by the police station, and now no policeman followed him back, so many things had to be explained.

Looking at each other, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, then let's go to Master Liu."

The chubby Master Liu has already returned home.But now, he was in a panic.

Just when he came back, the eldest son and his future daughter-in-law had a quarrel at home, and there was only one content, and that was the TV.

According to the daughter-in-law-to-be, every time her little sisters got married, they had 32 legs with three turns and one sound. Why did they come to her place without a black and white TV.

If there is no black and white TV, then this marriage, why not get married at all!
It may be that he felt that his family was in a dilemma, and the eldest son and daughter-in-law couldn't deal with each other, so they quarreled.Fortunately, his old lady was cooking and stopped him, otherwise, this marriage, which was finally settled, would probably be ruined.

"Old man, I think we need to figure out a solution for this TV set, otherwise we will be in trouble if we can't get married."

The frowning wife muttered to Master Liu while doing needlework.

Master Liu also knew that he had to hurry up, but he couldn't get the TV tickets.For a moment, he thought of Shen Lin's color TV, and he didn't know what Xu Ruibing said, and whether he was willing to sell it.

ps: The new book sets sail, if you like it, please add it to the bookshelf!

(End of this chapter)

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