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Chapter 200 Xiaoshen Form 2: Dialect Killing

Chapter 200 Xiao Shen’s Second Style: Dialect Kill
Chen Yongge's face was always gloomy!

When he came to the office in the afternoon, almost everyone looked at him very strangely.

There were even some people pointing at him from behind, and some even smiled mysteriously after seeing him.

Damn, these guys are extremely hateful.

From the moment he entered the office building, he saw those guys holding signs asking for money, and he wished he could rush up and beat them up.

It's a pity that he couldn't beat him. If he rushed forward, he was more likely to be beaten.

However, fortunately, these guys didn't shout any more, which is considered a blessing in misfortune.

"Chen Yongge, pay back my hard-earned money!" Just when Chen Yongge was rejoicing, the voice like a magic voice suddenly rang out again.

At this moment, Chen Yongge had the urge to run away, he came, he came again!
Chen Yongge looked up, and saw the colleagues who were working with him, all of them couldn't help frowning.

Some even looked at themselves with disgust.

These people are hateful, they are not happy, why don't they do something to those who shout, why don't they beat those who shouted hard.

It's not me who shouted, and it's not me...

Chen Yongge, who was roaring in his heart, wished he could rush to a colleague and grab him directly, why didn't he have the courage to face those villains.

"Chen Yongge, you idiot, you pay back your hard-earned money!"

Chen Yongge, who was already numb, suddenly froze. The words filled with Guanzhong's voice made him froze.

what's going on?Can anyone tell me what's going on?
When did I owe money to Guanzhong? I just owed Shen Lin some money. Why is this person shouting like that?

Those colleagues who were already a little uncomfortable hearing this all ran out quickly one by one at this time. They were all curious about how much debt Chen Yongge owed.

And when they came to the corridor outside the office, they saw a young man with a schoolbag hanging around his neck and a straw hat outside the yard, who was shouting loudly towards this side with his head raised.

"Chen Yongge, you idiot, you pay back your hard-earned money!"


Hearing the completely different accent from the local, several colleagues glanced at Chen Yongge again, and couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yongge couldn't take it anymore, he rushed downstairs like a gust of wind.

"Yong Ge, don't be impulsive, let alone do it, you can't beat them." A colleague who looked in his 40s said with concern.

However, many people felt that there was something in the words when they heard the words of concern, otherwise, why did they sound so strange.

Chen Yongge rushed downstairs in a frenzy. He passed the young people holding signs and came to the young people who were shouting in Guanzhong dialect outside the office yard.

"Chen Yongge, you idiot, you pay back your hard-earned money!"

The young man didn't notice Chen Yongge's arrival at all, he was still shouting loudly, and the look on his face showed that he was having fun shouting.

"Do I owe you money?" Looking at the sturdy figure of the young man, Chen Yongge's face twitched, and finally he let go of his fist.

He felt that he was no match for this person.So pay attention to a ritual first, then soldiers, and then talk about other things.

"No, but you owe me money, Brother Shen, and Brother Shen asked me to come and help him pay for the debt." The young man said this, and took a step towards Chen Yongge: "Gua, it's reasonable for you to owe money, isn't it?" Come on, I want to fight!"

Chen Yongge naturally didn't dare to fight. At this moment, he had already noticed that the young man named Guangzi was walking towards him.

Behind Photon, there were several people following. "Can't you shout in the dialect we speak here? Why do you use Guanzhong dialect?" After holding it in for a long time, Chen Yongge finally roared out in a low voice.

"My father is from Guanzhong, what's the matter, can't I use the language of my hometown?" The young man touched his face when he said this, and then said to a young man next to him: "He doesn't like to listen to our words. Guanzhong dialect, then you come to the Northeast.”

The young man, who couldn't wait for a long time, rushed up immediately. He looked at Chen Yongge with a hint of teasing and said, and then shouted loudly: "Chen Yongge, you bastard, pay me back my hard-earned money."

At this moment, Chen Yongge felt that his palms were trembling a little. He never thought that these people would play like this.

"I... If I had a gun, I would have shot you bastards every single one of you." Chen Yongge's eyes were red, he pointed at the crowd, and said a little madly: "Let me tell you, this matter is endless. "

"You tell Shen Lin for me, don't be proud of him, sometimes he will cry."

"This money, I just won't pay him back."

After saying this, Chen Yongge, who was in a state of desperation, frantically walked upstairs to his own.

And when he went upstairs, he saw those shouting people, laughing and drinking water, and some even smoked with a pack of cigarettes.

What made him unbearable the most was that the gatekeeper, Uncle Wang, even took a cigarette from him.

What kind of thing doesn't know how to be close to your own people, and you raise a dog yourself, and when it comes to the enemy's house, can you still bark twice?

Chen Yongge, who was extremely resentful in his heart, returned to his seat slumped again. At this time, he felt that the people around him were full of malice.

What, dare to look down on me, watching my colleagues being bullied and not saying a word.When I get rich in the future, I will definitely let you go around without eating.

Guanzhong dialect, Northeast dialect, Sichuan dialect...

In just one hour, in Chen Yongge's ears, he heard six or seven kinds of dialects, and among them, there was even Cantonese, which was incomprehensible.

Even though his ears were covered with paper, Chen Yongge was still getting more and more irritable. He felt like a bound giant, with all the strength in his body, he couldn't use it no matter what.

Just when he drank another glass of water and was about to suppress his anger, someone suddenly walked in.

"Brother Chen, the section chief asked you to go."

Although Chen Yongge was somewhat unwilling, he finally followed.After all, my immediate boss is recruiting, so I can't do it if I don't go.

And he knew in his heart that nothing good happened this time.

However, he had already thought about it. If the section chief asked him to solve this matter, he would say that he had no money and was negotiating.

This is my own business, even if the section chief is angry, he can't help him.

But when he came to the section chief's office, he heard someone say: "Section Chief Lin, you are an educated person, tell me, where is the integrity of our society?"

"My brother Shen and my sister-in-law didn't want to borrow it at first, but because of the face of their relatives, he borrowed it. They agreed to pay it back in three days and pay interest."

"But what about now? If you say you have no money, let alone interest, you won't give any capital. I think you must take care of him as the section chief!"

"This person has a quality problem!"

Hearing these words, Chen Yongge felt his eyes go dark.

ps: The plot has been adjusted in the past two days, and the previous one has been adjusted from Chapter [-] to the end, so it is only updated normally until now. Brothers take care of it, you can review it, there are some changes, just for everyone to watch more enjoyable!Now that the adjustments are complete, today's first update is here.

(End of this chapter)

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