Chapter 2010 Good News

With the anticipation of countless people, MiKe Electronics’ winter conference has once again appeared.

Because MiKe Electronics has suffered unfair treatment, many people are rushing to buy MiKe products to support MiKe Electronics. This press conference can be said to be the most anticipated.

MiKe Electronics can also release new products!

MiKe Electronics also has the ability to release new products!
Unfair treatment, as well as some shameless robbery, cannot defeat MiKe Electronics.

On this day, half an hour before the launch of the press conference, the ratings of a program had soared.

Many people sat directly in front of the TV, waiting for the press conference to begin.

In Dongzhou, anyone who is not at work is basically waiting for the press conference to start.

All Mihu electronic manufacturers hung red banners to celebrate the conference.

Not only that, there are many agents living in Dongzhou hotels at this time.

Their purpose here is to ship out the new products they have ordered for sale as soon as possible.

Because they all know that the new products just released by MiKe are the best-selling ones.

Half an hour before the MiKe press conference started, many people gathered at the press conference.

Basically, they did not enter the press conference directly. They were all waiting to interview guests from all walks of life.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from the Evening News. What are you most looking forward to about MiKe Electronics' winter press conference?"

A reporter in his 30s stopped a young man in his 20s and asked.

The young man smiled and said: "I look forward to releasing a PHS with new functions. I have to say that the current PHS is a bit too single in function."

"What price do you think you are willing to buy for the new PHS?"

"If it's a new model of PHS, I think I can accept around [-]," the young man said.

The reporter looked at the young man wearing sportswear and already attributed this young man to a person with a good family background.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t ask for a PHS.

He talked to the young man for a few words and then set his interview target on a middle-aged man in his 40s.

"Hello, I am a reporter from the Evening News. I would like to ask, what product are you most looking forward to at this MiKe Electronics new product launch?"

“What I’m most looking forward to is the MiKe car from MiKe Electronics.”

"To be honest, I hope Director Shen can develop a Mihu electric car with a longer battery life."

"That way I can replace my gas car."


one, two, three...

The reporter interviewed seven or eight people in succession. Just when she felt that they were about the same, she saw a middle-aged man wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses walking over.

Seeing this person, he was stunned for a moment.

But then, she ran over quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Yin, I am Xiao Li, a reporter from our Evening News. I have interviewed you before."

Having said this, Lao Li said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yin, what new product are you most looking forward to in this winter launch of MiKe Electronics?"

Mr. Yin was very hesitant about coming to this new product launch conference.

He felt that there was no need for him to come, because if he came, he would definitely cause some unnecessary trouble.

But in the end, he came.

He wanted to see what other methods Shen Lin could use.

Of course, it would be better if MiKe Electronics gave up the MiKe Yi operating system.

At this time, he had already prepared for the reporter's interview.

After hearing the content of the interview, he smiled and said: "The new Mihu product that I am most looking forward to is naturally their latest operating system." "To be honest, the reason why our company does not cooperate with Mihu is because We feel that the MiKe operating system still has many flaws."

"Although people have some misunderstandings about our company, I still want to say that the purpose of our company has not changed over the years."

"We want to give the best to our customers."

After hearing what Mr. Yin said, the reporter interviewing him turned pale.

I thought that Mr. Yin's face was really not that thick.

At this time, he is still here to discredit Director Shen.

Although he was disdainful, he finally forced a smile and said, "Mr. Yin, I hope your goal can be achieved today."

These were polite words, and the reporter was preparing to end the interview with these words.

Unfortunately, Mr. Yin shook his head and sighed: "I think it is unlikely to be realized!"

"Otherwise, Director Shen would not have brought forward this winter conference."

"He, this time it's... haha..."

Mr. Yin didn't say what it was, but his smile could make people think a lot.

As the guests walked into the press conference one by one, time passed little by little, and the time for the press conference was almost here.

On the live TV, live scenes began to appear at this time.

Shen Lin sat down the day after tomorrow, quietly looking at the information in his hands.

He has basically memorized all of this information, and now he is just trying to deepen his memory.

"Director Shen, Director Shen!" Just when Shen Lin looked at his watch and realized that it was time to go on stage, Shi Congyun walked over quickly.

Behind Shi Congyun is the person in charge of the company's legal affairs.

"Director Shen, news just came from Lawyer Zhang that our patent registration for Mi Ke Er has been completed." Shi Congyun said quickly.

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment and said, "Why so fast?"

"Lawyer Shi said that because we already have the registration for MiKe [-] operating system, it is much simpler to register MiKe [-] as its upgraded version."

When Shen Lin heard the news, the smile on his face suddenly grew a lot.

Although the patent lawsuit has been lost, Shen Lin knows very well that some things cannot be repeated again and again.

If you do too much, you will lose face.

Therefore, the registration of this patent must be completed no matter what.

And Mr. Yabo’s face is not useful every time.

"In this case, we will install the MiKe [-] operating system on this new computer release, and take advantage of this opportunity to release the MiKe [-] operating system."

"I believe it will definitely surprise some people."

Although Shen Lin's decision sounds hasty, as the chairman of MiKe Electronics, Shen Lin's decision is an order.

Shi Congyun agreed and started to make arrangements.

Shen Lin, on the other hand, took the microphone and strode towards the stage of the press conference.

Shen Lin, who has hosted many product launches, was extremely calm at this time.

He came to the stage and said with a smile: "We welcome everyone to this Mihu Electronics winter product launch conference. I hope our products can bring greater convenience to everyone."

"Making everyone's life more comfortable and convenient has always been our pursuit."

"And the purpose of our rice shell is..."

Shen Lin deliberately did not say it out loud, but pointed his microphone towards the stage. Following his move, almost everyone at the press conference shouted loudly: "Technology makes dreams come true!"

(End of this chapter)

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