Chapter 2028 No Time To See You
Mother Liang looked at Shen Lin on TV and felt that there was no need to continue the conversation with her daughter.

She immediately looked at Shen Lin on the TV screen.

In the past, I had only heard that Shen Lin was rich, but listening to her daughter's tone and the current TV show, Mother Liang deeply felt that Shen Lin might be richer than she thought.

His assets have reached this level!

"By the way Jiajia, I heard from my friends that many bosses now start to turn bad once they have money. This Shen Lin, he..."

Mother Liang was halfway through asking the question when she suddenly felt that it was not appropriate to ask her daughter this question.

Liang Jialuo was extremely smart. From his mother's hesitant words, he instantly understood what she wanted to ask.

I immediately understood what my mother meant.

But she really didn't want to answer this question, because in her heart, she had a vague expectation that Shen Lin would turn bad one day!
From the current point of view, it seems that it is difficult for people to find a breakthrough point in the relationship between Shen Lin and Lu Xiaorong. She hopes that one day, Shen Lin, this stinky stone, will suddenly understand.What about yourself?Will she be like a moth to a flame, flinging herself into his arms without hesitation, and finally get what she wants?
"Beep beep..."

The phone rang for a while, and Liang's mother hurriedly answered the phone.

After saying a few words to the phone, she handed the phone to Liang Jialuo and said, "Jiajia, your uncle is looking for you."

"Uncle, what do you want from your lovely niece?" Liang Jialuo answered the phone and teased with a smile.

Liang Jialuo's brother-in-law is more than ten years older than Liang Jialuo, and the two have a very good relationship.

"Jiajia, Jin Yuanbo's brother came to me and said that his brother was a jerk in some things and asked me to help him plead for you!"

"He has no other request. He just wants to meet you."

"Although what Jin Yuanbo did is not authentic, his brother and I have a good relationship."

"If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, just meet Jin Yuanbo."

Liang Jialuo frowned when he heard his uncle's words, and finally said: "Uncle, this is what you said."

"If it were anyone else, I really wouldn't give him face."

"This Jin Yuanbo, you don't even know how annoying he is!"

"Humph, now that I have been taught a lesson, I know how to beg for mercy. I don't know how arrogant he was when he didn't pay me back!"

"Uncle, I waited for him at home for 10 minutes. If he didn't arrive in 10 minutes, I went out."

Uncle Liang Jialuo on the other end of the phone said, "Okay, I'll call his brother right now, Jiajia, Jin Yuanbo, you don't have to worry about him, he won't become a big deal."

"But his brother is still a good person."

"Okay, I'm done!"

Putting down the phone, Liang Jialuo said dissatisfied: "Uncle, too. If you don't help me usually, you will only cause trouble for me."

Liang's mother said: "There is nothing you can do about your brother-in-law. Okay, just help him once."

Liang Jialuo's eyes focused on the TV again.

Shen Lin's exclusive interview is still continuing, but the questions asked at this time have become matters about the MiKe [-] operating system.

"The MiKe II operating system has now occupied 80.00% of our market. I believe that with the rapid development of our computer technology, more and more people will identify with the MiKe II operating system."

"As for the situation of plagiarism, we will not give up, but we will not stop eating because of choking. We are preparing to hold two press conferences in the United States and Europe."

"We want to tell some people with facts that those who plagiarize will always plagiarize."

"When they get used to this way of getting something for nothing, in the fierce competition, their ability to innovate..."

After Shen Lin finished speaking, Liang Jialuo continued to complain: "Old Shen, everything he says is old-fashioned."

"I still like him the way he was before."

"Life and death are bearish, do not accept it!"

"You can speak fluently like this!"

Mother Liang originally wanted to educate her daughter and try to be more ladylike when speaking, but looking at her daughter who was showing her teeth and claws, she finally put the words of education in her stomach.In less than a quarter of an hour, there was a knock on the door.

Liang Jialuo opened the door and saw Jin Yuanbo walking in holding a cardboard box.

"Oh, Mr. Jin, you are here as a grand guest. This little girl is far away from me, so please don't remember the villain's fault!"

When Liang Jialuo saw Jin Yuanbo, he teased him rudely.

Before Jin Yuanbo came, he knew that he would never look good when he came to the Liang family to plead guilty.

But at this time, he could only say: "Jia Luo, I am really short of money."

"Alas, this time I really realized my mistake."

"Then, please, for the sake of us being friends, please spare me this time."

"I'll give you the money right now."

Liang Jialuo snorted and said, "Jin Yuanbo, thank you for remembering that we are friends. Don't you think you insulted the word friend!"

"Back then, I recommended you as an agent against all odds, but what about you? How did you treat me?! Not to mention being ungrateful, at least you were repaying a favor with an enemy, right?"

"Humph, you still want me to let you go, but you don't even look at how thick-skinned you are!"

"Let me tell you, when I heard you say that we are friends, I felt goosebumps all over my body!"

At this point, Liang Jialuo said angrily: "Not only do we have to pay back the money this time, but we must also pay no less for the liquidated damages."

Jin Yuanbo looked at the angry Liang Jialuo. Although he was heartbroken, he could only agree reluctantly: "Okay, I admit defeat this time."

"I won't pay you a penny more than I should pay you."

"But Jialuo, after I pay you the money, can you take me to see Director Shen and tell him that this matter has been resolved."

"Don't worry, I will only say one thing."

Liang Jialuo originally wanted to refuse, but for some reason, she agreed: "I can take you to see Director Shen."

"But if he doesn't forgive you, I can't control it."

"Thank you, Sister Jialuo. I will definitely apologize to Director Shen and try to get his forgiveness." Jin Yuanbo said honestly.

At this time, Jin Yuanbo had realized the gap between himself and Shen Lin, so his words at this time were extremely sincere.

"Okay, you can pay back the money first. After you pay the money, I will take you to see Shen Lin." Liang Jialuo had no intention of getting entangled with Jin Yuanbo and said straightforwardly.

Jin Yuanbo said: "My financial staff has arrived at the bank, and I believe the transfer will be possible soon."

"Jialuo, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I'm really miserable this time!"

Liang Jialuo ignored Jin Yuanbo's misfortune. After confirming that Jin Yuanbo had paid the company's money, Liang Jialuo called Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin, Jin Yuanbo has already paid back the money. He wants to apologize to you in person. I will take him to you."

"Jia Luo, I just received a call. Someone is coming to inspect our MiKe Electronics." As Shen Lin spoke, he whispered a name and said: "I still have a lot of things to prepare here, and I really don't have time. "

"Please tell Mr. Jin for me that you can correct your mistakes and do good. This matter is over. It's over."

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

At this time, Liang Jialuo also woke up from the shock. She said to Jin Yuanbo: "Shen Lin is not free today. If you want to know what he did, you can find out by watching the news tonight."

"By the way, he asked me to tell you that if you recognize your mistakes and correct them, the matter will be over."

"Okay, stop nagging. Since he said this matter is over, he won't cause you any trouble on this matter."

"So be it."

(End of this chapter)

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