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Chapter 2040 The ambition to build a car

Chapter 2040 The ambition to build a car

Dongzhou, thousands of lights.

Cheng Zhenyuan was sitting in the courtyard of his villa, drinking tea and watching the popular TV series "Desire", looking very leisurely.

However, Cheng Zhenyuan was not as relaxed as he appeared at this moment. In fact, he was really worried at this moment.

The thing that worried him the most was that Shen Lin was going out to promote the MiKe II computer operating system.

Although it was unlikely that others would use dirty tricks, he knew very well that the success or failure of MiKe Electronics was related to Shen Lin himself.

Once something goes wrong with Shen Lin, then...

He was thinking so much that he didn't even notice what the TV series was about.

"Old factory director, you are so leisurely!" At this moment, a hearty voice broke Cheng Zhenyuan's calmness.

Cheng Zhenyuan looked up and found that it was Lu Zhongyong!

Lu Zhongyong is now the person in charge of Mike Electronics Electric Vehicles, and can be said to be a well-known figure.

Back then, when Cheng Zhenyuan was the director of the light bulb factory, Lu Zhongyong was the workshop director under him.

Publicly and privately, the relationship between these two people is very deep.

For Lu Zhongyong to become the person in charge of electric vehicles, Cheng Zhenyuan's recommendation is naturally indispensable.

Seeing Lu Zhongyong, Cheng Zhenyuan smiled and said: "Zhongyong, why are you free to come to my place today?"

"sit down!"

As he spoke, he said to his wife: "Old lady, go cut some watermelon. Zhongyong likes to eat watermelon the most."

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife glared at Cheng Zhenyuan, and then said with a smile: "Zhongyong, sit down, and I'll cut some watermelon for you."

"This is brought by Photon from the desert. It's very sweet."

Lu Zhongyong was not polite in front of Cheng Zhenyuan. He sat down with a big smile and said with a smile: "Mr. Cheng, you leaders are treated well. Even the watermelons are shipped from the desert."

"As for me, I just bought it myself!"

"Okay, you kid, please don't let me take advantage of you and act like a good boy." Cheng Zhenyuan waved the book in his hand and said, "If you are envious, I will give Director Shen a suggestion and ask you to help Guangzi."

"He is lacking a deputy, please help him."

Hearing Cheng Zhenyuan's words, Lu Zhongyong quickly waved his hands and said: "Old leader, please spare me. I can't bear the trouble with my body."

"What's more, the person Guangzi has been trying to recommend has been called back by Director Shen. If I go and occupy the position, haha, then he will stare out his eyes and hate me to death!"

"I'm not going to occupy the magpie's nest. It's annoying!"

Listening to Lu Zhongyong's words, Cheng Zhenyuan snorted and said, "This old Shao should teach him a lesson!"

"Now that I have become famous, I don't know how much I weigh."

"A man in his 40s must marry a girl in her 20s."

"He threw aside his wife who had lived a hard life with him, huh, as if no one could cure him."

"Wouldn't it be possible for the entire rice shell electron to rotate without him?"

Having said this, Cheng Zhenyuan glared at Lu Zhongyong and said: "Old Lu, you should also remember this for me. This is a lesson for Lao Shao."

"Although Director Shen spends most of his time in Beijing."

"But if there is any trouble on our side, we can't hide it from him at all."

"Hmph, even if I don't deal with you in the future, if Director Shen does deal with you, he will not show mercy."

Listening to the old leader's warning, Lu Zhongyong quickly waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, you don't know who I am."

"I will never commit the bad habit of Lao Shao, who is arrogant when he gains power! What's more, my wife is in charge of me. Even if I have a thief heart, I don't have the guts. If I have the gall, I won't have the chance to make mistakes!"

At this point, he whispered again: "Mr. Cheng, have you heard that Mr. Guang recently went to Beijing to talk to Director Shen about this matter, and was scolded and came back in despair."

Cheng Zhenyuan did not say anything. Although he knew this matter in his heart, he also knew that this matter was not suitable for discussion.After all, this matter is related to the prestige of Photon, the leader of Mihu Logistics.

"Okay, if you come to me to talk about this, just go back, I have other things to do!"

Seeing Cheng Zhenyuan's face darken, Lu Zhongyong hurriedly said: "Mr. Cheng, I have a big thing to report to you this time."

"Did you hear that Taiyu Group's car manufacturing business is ready to be sold?"

"Now several of our major manufacturers are eyeing this business."

"For example, Donglei Factory, for example..."

When Cheng Zhenyuan heard about the work, his expression suddenly became serious. After listening to the factories introduced by Lu Zhongyong, he pondered for a moment and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

"Mr. Cheng, this is natural. Our Mihu electric car brand has also been launched."

"But you also know what people say about us. They say that what we built is Laotou Le, which is basically used by retired people to buy groceries."

"It's not a real car!"

"I just thought that if we acquire Taiyu Group's car manufacturing business, then our Mihu Electronics' car business will be up."

"There are electric cars and ordinary cars. With such complementarity, aren't we better than other manufacturers?"

Cheng Zhenyuan did not speak immediately, but stood up, walked back and forth for a few steps and said, "Have you reported your idea to Director Shen?"

"Not yet. I'm afraid that Director Shen won't be able to get through, so I'll report it to you in advance and ask you to check it and see if there's anything that needs to be added."

For Shen Lin, Lu Zhongyong's heart was not only full of admiration, but also full of fear.

He knew very well that the chairman was the top leader in the company.

Basically, the young chairman has the final say on everything in the company.

If at any time, the chairman becomes dissatisfied with himself, then his good days will basically come to an end.

Cheng Zhenyuan pondered for a moment and said, "How much are they going to sell this car-making business?"

"Mr. Cheng, they said they would provide a full set of technology and equipment."

"According to their statement, they spent more than one billion yuan building the automobile production line."

When Lu Zhongyong said the number of billions, his voice was a little trembling.

Cheng Zhenyuan has seen money in these years, but when he heard more than one billion, his expression became serious.

After all, this is more than a billion!
But just as he was feeling something in his heart, he heard Lu Zhongyong continue: "More than one billion, a beautiful sword!"

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "You'd better take a knife and see which side of my old man is worth more than one billion. Wherever he is worth, you can start from there. Don't be polite to me."

"More than a billion, you can't say that!"

Having said this, he said to Lu Zhongyong: "I don't have more than a billion dollars. If you can come up with more than a billion dollars, let's talk about this matter."

Lu Zhongyong said: "Mr. Cheng, this is a rare opportunity!"

“The demand in our automotive market is huge and I think it will be even bigger in the future.”

"If we can acquire Taiyu Group's car manufacturing business, coupled with our Mihu brand, it will definitely become a pillar industry in the future."

"Otherwise, Donglei Factory and the others wouldn't be interested in this."

Cheng Zhenyuan sat back on the recliner and pondered silently.

He knew in his heart that what Lu Zhongyong said was not unreasonable, but spending more than a billion dollars at once was not a small thing for Mike Electronics.

He couldn't afford so much money, let alone make this determination.

"Let me think about it."

Lu Zhongyong became anxious when he heard this: "Mr. Cheng, I think you can't be hesitant about this matter. You should make up your mind as soon as possible. After all, I can afford to wait, but others can't!"

(End of this chapter)

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