Chapter 2049 I have a plan

Chu Feng really wasn't being pretentious when he said this.

If in the past, he was full of motivation for struggle at work, now, these motivations are almost gone.

He is now the leader of his department, and a few days ago, he was nominated as a candidate for deputy position.

As long as the time is up and nothing happens, he will be the deputy of the unit.

According to the estimates of Chu Feng and everyone he knew, this accident would basically never happen.

In other words, after a while, he will be able to occupy the position he has dreamed of for many years.

But he really didn't like this situation.

It could even be said that at this time, he was somewhat repelled by such a situation.

Shen Lin had the best relationship with Chu Feng in his previous life, so he naturally understood what his second brother-in-law was thinking. He smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I think it's better for you to take this deputy position."

"But what? We can adjust the division of labor a bit."

"For example, I'll ask someone to tell you how to divide the labor for you."

“It’s less hectic and gives me more freedom.”

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Shen Lin, although no one said it, I know that most of them think that I came here because of you."

"I'm afraid of what impact this thing about me will have on you."

Shen Lin was naturally aware of his second brother-in-law's little thoughts. He smiled and said, "Second brother-in-law, don't worry about what other people think. Let's do our own thing well."

"I remember someone said that relationships are actually a type of strength."

"As for the second sister, it's better to go to school and become the vice principal."

While the family was talking, the food was already laid out.

Although Shen Xingye has more white hair, he is more energetic.

As Shen Lin's father, Director Shen is much more prosperous than before when he was the director.

Whether he was in Mihu Garden or outside, whenever he went out, he was basically being pointed at.

Even when he goes out to buy something, others give him a larger portion.

Not to mention the attitude of the employees of MiKe Electronics when they met him.

Just a while ago, he was specially invited to attend a retirement symposium in Dongzhou.

Sitting with his old bosses in the past, Shen Xingye was filled with emotion, but he was also filled with pride.

So living here in Dongzhou, Shen Xingye was very happy.

While the family was eating, Shen Xingye put down his wine glass and said, "Shen Lin, I heard that listing the company will bring a lot of benefits to Mihu and everyone."

“Not only is financing fast, but our stocks can also appreciate in value.”

"I also heard that all places are competing for the index of listing, and many places even have to conduct several rounds of assessments for one index of listing."

"The superiors gave us such a good opportunity, why did you refuse?"

Shen Xingye's expression was full of doubts.

Shen Lin looked at his father and pondered for a moment: "Dad, going public is a good thing most of the time."

"But after listing, many of the company's development strategies will be subject to considerable restrictions."

"The biggest advantage of going public is actually being able to raise a large amount of funds from the stock market, so you don't have to be controlled by others."

"But these are not of much use to our rice-shell electronics."

"We have a lot of financial reserves."

Having said this, Shen Lin coughed and said, "But there is also a lot of uncertainty in the stock market."

"Even some situations in stocks will affect the company's operations."

"It was only after careful consideration that I decided that MiKe Electronics would not be listed on the market." At this point, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry about the listing."

"For those who feel they have been wronged by not listing the company, I have given them a compensation package."

"You can sell the fictitious holdings to me, to the company."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "The bonuses for virtual shareholdings are tens of thousands a year for some, but tens of millions for a boss like Mr. Cheng."

"How could they be willing to sell it to you?"

"But Shen Lin, there are many people who want to list the company. You should also pay attention to the following opinions."

Shen Lin smiled at Chu Feng and said, "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I know this matter well."

A family dinner lasted for more than an hour.

Shen Xingye was used to taking a nap after meals, so after eating, he went to rest by himself.Shen Lin, on the other hand, was sitting and chatting with Chu Feng and other peers.

During the chat, Chu Feng took advantage of the fact that no one was around and said in a low voice: "Shen Lin, I heard that the superiors are very dissatisfied with the result this time!"

"You refuse to go public with MiKe Electronics and expand MiKe Electronics' automotive industry. In this person's eyes, you are not giving them face!"

Chu Feng did not name who this person was, but he believed that Shen Lin should be familiar with the person he was talking about.

Shen Lin frowned slightly.

Shen Lin naturally has no regrets about his decision. He knows that his decision is the most beneficial to the development of Mihu Electronics.

And Shen Lin didn't take these dissatisfactions to heart either.

He pondered for a moment and said, "It's okay, I know what's going on."

Chu Feng knew that he could not participate in the next situation, so he said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, there are some things that I can't help you with."

"But I can still inquire about information."

Shen Lin patted Chu Feng on the shoulder and said, "Brother-in-law, I will have to ask for your help in the future."

After taking a rest in the afternoon, Shen Lin arrived at Ermei Restaurant at six o'clock in the evening.

As before, Ermei's restaurant is still bustling with activity.However, the hotel proprietress gave people a cleaner and neater feeling than before.

After seeing Shen Lin, she quickly greeted him.

"Director Shen, you haven't been here for a few days." The landlady smiled and said, "I was thinking about opening a branch in Beijing so that you wouldn't be able to eat at home."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Madam boss, if you want to open a branch in Beijing, I will definitely support you with both hands."

"To be honest, sometimes, I really miss our dishes!"

During the chat, a group of people welcomed Shen Lin to the largest private room, and just as Shen Lin was sitting down, Li Qingbo also walked in.

This time, only Li Qingbo himself came.

When he saw Shen Lin, he smiled and said, "I originally made an appointment with Lao Wang, but this guy suddenly had a lot of things on his hands and couldn't come."

"He asked me to apologize to you, Mr. Shen, and say that I would treat you to a few drinks tomorrow."

The Lao Wang mentioned by Li Qingbo is another old friend of Shen Lin, and he is very familiar with Li Qingbo. The three of them often chat together.

This time, Shen Lin originally thought that Lao Wang was coming, but he didn't expect that he would not arrive either.

Li Qingbo came by himself, Shen Lin had some understanding in his heart.

These are some of Li Qingbo’s words, and I feel uncomfortable saying them in front of too many people.

Therefore, he only came by himself.

Looking at Li Qingbo's appearance, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I have to stay in Dongzhou these days, so I have plenty of time to drink Lao Wang's wine."

"When the time comes, Director Li, you will go too!"

(End of this chapter)

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