Chapter 2051

During one meal, Shen Lin and Li Qingbo drank more than a bottle of wine.

Although both of them had good drinking capacity, after drinking this bottle of wine, both of them felt dizzy.

Especially Li Qingbo, he was really a little drunk.

As a messenger, he has completed his task.

But he didn't know what the consequences would be after he said these words.

So his heart was full of anxiety.

Naturally, you will get drunk quickly after drinking alcohol.

Although Shen Lin was a little drunk, he was very sober. After returning home to Mi Ke Garden, he drank a glass of water, and all he thought about was Li Qingbo's words.

What he was thinking about was not the words conveyed by Li Qingbo, but what Li Qingbo said that Mi Yuan's child was very much like him.

How did that happen?

Shen Lin thought about that dream, Mi Yuan's quick marriage, and the current situation of Mi Yuan's divorce.

For a time, a lot of doubts arose in Shen Lin's heart.

After all, it was all too fast.

In Shen Lin's view, all this is abnormal.

After all, Mi Yuan's divorce was not normal.

Could it be, wasn't that a dream?
But it's easy to have such suspicion in your heart, but it's not easy to verify it.After all, Shen Lin couldn't call Mi Yuan at this time to find out what was going on.

Because of this guess, Shen Lin's head was so dizzy that he didn't even know when he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after washing his face, Shen Lin decided to find someone to investigate the matter.

Some things are time-consuming and labor-intensive for ordinary people, but for Shen Lin, some things are very easy.

Soon, Shen Lin decided to arrange for someone to conduct an investigation into Mi Yuan's situation.

After a simple breakfast, Shen Lin returned to his office at MiKe Electronics.

There were many people waiting to report to Shen Lin. When Shi Congyun came to the office at eight o'clock, he met seven or eight people queuing up.

For example, practicing Shaofeng, such as Lu Zhongyong, such as...

These people are all big shots in MiKe Electronics who stomp their feet and tremble everywhere, but when Shen Lin returns, they are still waiting for Shen Lin's interview.

Although Shen Lin granted them huge independent rights, they knew very well that everything they had came from Shen Lin.

If Shen Lin is unhappy, everything they have now will not last long.

Within two hours, Shen Lin chatted about the company with Lian Shaofeng, Lu Zhongyong and others. Just when Shen Lin felt a little tired, Shen Lin received a call from Li Qingbo.

"Director Shen, everything is over." Li Qingbo's words seemed extremely relaxed.

Although Li Qingbo's words were confusing, Shen Lin understood what this old friend meant. Li Qingbo was telling him that he no longer needed to pay attention to the above request.

He smiled and said: "Thank you, Director Li, it's all thanks to you this time!"

Li Qingbo smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, you said it was thanks to me because you think too highly of me."

"Hey, this matter can be solved only because of you, Director Shen!"

At this point, Li Qingbo lowered his voice a lot and said: "I heard that you intend to move most of MiKe Electronics' production lines to the East China Sea. That person was already worried."

"He asked me to tell you that what he said was just a suggestion."

"How MiKe Electronics will develop will ultimately depend on your opinion, Director Shen."

"And he will support all your decisions."

After listening to these words, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Li, I will never thank you for your kindness. I will treat you to a nice drink later." "Well, please convey this to me and say that I hope to be able to go there." Let’s pay a visit, report on the work, and see when I’m free.”

Hearing what Shen Lin said, Li Qingbo hurriedly said: "Dr. Shen, when you say this, I am completely relieved."

"Okay, let me convey your message and see what it means."

"I think you won't have to wait too long."

Shen Lin hung up the call from Li Qingbo with a serious expression.

He has no regrets about his choice.

But the next work...

While Shen Lin was silently calculating in his mind, Li Qingbo called and said: "Director Shen, I am very happy to have your visit."

"Said he was looking forward to having a long chat with you."

"But he wants to come to our MiKe Electronics to have a look."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Li, I welcome you very much, anytime."

Li Qingbo and Shen Lin talked about some things about the inspection at MiKe Electronics, and then said in a low voice: "Director Shen, I drank too much yesterday. Did I say something I shouldn't have said?"

Shen Lin suddenly thought of what Li Qingbo said about Mi Yuan.

He felt that Li Qingbo must have thought of something, so he had this question.

He said calmly: "You said a lot yesterday, I can't even remember a lot of it."

"I don't remember what you said that you shouldn't have said!"

Li Qingbo laughed dryly and said: "I wish I didn't say anything wrong. Hey, as I get older, my ability to drink has become worse and worse."

"And once drunk, they like to talk nonsense."

"Dr. Shen, if I talk nonsense in the future, please don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Hearing Li Qingbo's words, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Director Li, we are old friends. If you are joking, how can I care about it?"

After putting down Li Qingbo's phone call, Shen Lin thought more and more about Mi Yuan.

At this time, he had become more and more suspicious that the child Mi Yuan gave birth to had something to do with him.

Rubbing his head vigorously, Shen Lin felt a little complicated.

He didn't know whether he should be looking forward to this, or...

After arranging the investigation of this matter, Shen Lin signed a decision to downgrade several middle-level managers who had fallen behind in continuous evaluation.

Along with these middle-level demotions, there are also decisions to dismiss some people who are not suitable for the job.

With this decision, people who were still talking about the listing suddenly became silent.

For example, Fat Aunt has been like an eggplant beaten by frost in the past two days.

Although Fat Aunt was not among the people who were demoted this time, Fat Aunt was very clear in her heart that she was not among them, which did not mean that Shen Lin had no objections to him.

Although she has earned a lot of money, she is naturally reluctant to leave MiKe Electronics.

"From now on, please stop following others around."

"The matter of the company's listing will naturally be decided by Director Shen, Mr. Cheng and others. Why are you making noises?" Fat Aunt's husband said to Fat Aunt in a low voice: "We do our job well, but we can't let it be done by some people with ulterior motives. Cannon fodder."

In the past, the fat aunt didn't take her husband's words very seriously, but this time, she solemnly said: "I understand."

"You think it's time for me to admit my mistake to Director Shen now?"

"After all, many people blame me for this!"

(End of this chapter)

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