Chapter 2053 Thinking Too Much

Qi training, foundation building, elixir formation, Nascent Soul...

Thinking about the realms Shen Lin mentioned, Master Chen felt as if they were true.

Although he has always talked about qigong in great detail, it seems that he is not too clear about what level he has reached in his practice.

What Director Shen said was so accurate that it gave people a sense of style as soon as they heard it.

Director Shen can't be his colleague.

Although Master Chen had a lot of doubts in his heart, he did not dare to speak out about these doubts.

In the end, he said honestly: "Dr. Shen, I'm not good at learning, so I'll leave now."

Lao Zhou was a little confused when he saw that Master Chen, whom he had brought, only said a few words to Director Shen and then left.

Almost instinctively, he wanted to chase Master Chen out.

But before he walked out, Shen Lin had already said: "Teacher Zhou, I have something I want to ask you for advice."

Hearing this, Lao Zhou was stunned for a moment, but still stopped.

Shen Lin looked at Master Chen who had already walked out of the door and said, "Teacher Zhou, do you think I am a qigong master?"

Old Zhou instinctively wanted to say yes, after all, what Shen Lin just said made Master Chen admire him.

Moreover, he had never heard of the realms Shen Lin mentioned.

But he really couldn't connect Shen Lin with the qigong master.

"Mr. Shen, I...I..."

Shen Lin laughed and said, "Teacher Zhou, actually I don't know anything about qigong. What I just said was all made up casually."

"And Master Chen actually believed it. What do you think of Master Chen's level?"

Shen Lin's words were said lightly, but Lao Zhou's face suddenly became extremely serious.

What Shen Lin made up casually, the master he said was true, this level...

Also, what Shen Lin said seemed true to me.

It just tastes better the more you taste it.

Qi training is not qigong, but foundation building is the foundation for cultivation, and pill formation is even more...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Lao Zhou looked at Shen Lin a little strangely.

Director Shen is not an ordinary person. He said this to himself, is it because he...

"Teacher Zhou, we at MiKe Electronics are a technology company. We don't believe in those tricks at all."

Shen Lin said: "I think it would be better for you to read more books after you retire, especially books about science."

Although Lao Zhou had different ideas in his mind, he did not dare not listen to Shen Lin's words.

After all, Shen Lin is not an ordinary person.

He could only say: "Thank you, Director Shen, I know what to do."

After seeing Old Zhou off, Shen Lin shook his head. Seeing the look in his eyes, he couldn't understand that as a teacher, he might not have heard what he said.

But he had already said what needed to be said, and he had no choice whether to listen or not.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just when Shen Lin was feeling emotional, Shi Congyun knocked on the door and walked in.

She looked at Shen Lin sitting on the sofa and said softly: "Director Shen, a director Huang from the TV station wants to see you."

I really don’t know Director Huang from the TV station.

Shen Lin had just met Master Chen. He really didn't want to see him about such matters, so he said calmly: "Ask them what they have to do, and then arrange for our relevant departments to connect."

"As for me, let's just say that I still have something to do." Shi Congyun said: "Dr. Shen, this... this person has passed by Mr. Cheng first. Mr. Cheng hopes that you can meet him."

Cheng Zhenyuan passed by and then came over to see him.

Shen Lin knew that if something could be handled, Cheng Zhenyuan would basically handle it himself.

Now, his behavior can only mean one thing, that is, Cheng Zhenyuan cannot make up his mind on this matter.

"Invite Director Huang to come in." Shen Lin looked at the schedule and found that he had no special arrangements during this period, so he said with a smile.

In just 3 minutes, a middle-aged man in his 40s came over.

When he saw Shen Lin, he smiled and said: "Director Shen, I am Huang Yuhai, the assistant director of the Three Kingdoms crew."

Shen Lin shook hands with Huang Yuhai and said with a smile: "Director Huang, I have long heard that the filming of our Three Kingdoms has started. I am very much looking forward to this TV series!"

Huang Yuhai had seen people in big scenes, but when facing Shen Lin, who was much younger than him, he still felt a little nervous.

Because although this person is young, he is very powerful.

Not only is he recognized by many as the richest man, but his property has also won the favor of many people.

Even MiKe Electronics has become a banner of high-tech manufacturing.

Facing such a big boss, Director Huang felt his heart beat a little faster.

"Director Shen, I came here this time because I want to ask Director Shen for help on some matters." Director Huang took a breath and calmed down.


When Shen Lin heard these two words, something suddenly became clear in his heart.

In my previous life, I read some online reports and said that during the filming of Three Kingdoms, funds were very tight.

Even the salary of the top actors is only a few hundred yuan per episode.

Shen Lin does not object to sponsoring the filming of TV series.

After all, it’s not impossible to spend some money to show your company’s face.

What's more, it also involves cooperation with TV stations.

He immediately smiled and said: "Director Huang, although our funds at MiKe Electronics are not very sufficient, we are still willing to fully assist with this filming."

"But we hope that when the TV series is broadcast, the news of our sponsorship will be revealed."

Director Huang was stunned for a moment by Shen Lin's words.

Looking at Director Huang who was silent, Shen Lin continued: "Let's do this. Our company can support 1000 million in this aspect. By then, whenever the TV series is broadcast, there will be a 30-second advertisement for our Mihu Electronics."

1000 million sponsorship!
Director Huang's hands were shaking a little.

Thinking of his mission this time, he hesitated and said: "Director Shen, I... I am not here to solicit sponsorship. I really have some technical problems and I hope to get support from Mihu Electronics. "

"We heard that there is a technology for drone long-range shooting out there, but people are not willing to cooperate with us."

"So our director asked me to come over and see if our MiKe Electronics can help in this regard and get us a drone that can shoot."

Director Huang's words left Shen Lin speechless for a while.

You said technical support, just say it directly, but you were hesitant and made me misunderstand the meaning.

As thoughts flashed in his mind, Shen Lin thought of drones.

In recent years, MiKe Electronics has begun to research drone technology. However, the development of digital cameras has been too slow, so MiKe Electronics has not launched products for drones.

Now, Director Huang's request for help made Shen Lin feel that this was an opportunity.

If drones can be built, it would also be a good choice.

Shen Lin said: "Director Huang, we have also done research on drone shooting. Do you have any specific requirements in this regard?"

(End of this chapter)

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