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Chapter 2077 You have made your family miserable

Chapter 2077 You have made your family miserable
"Asshole, what have you done?" Just as the call was connected, a roaring voice rang in Wu Yunda's ears.

When Wu Yunda heard this roar, his heart trembled.

Normally, Wu Yunda felt that he was not afraid of anything.

But at this moment, he felt a little scared all over.

Because this roaring person is his father.

He is nothing without the support of his father.

"Daddy, I really didn't do anything. I..." Wu Yunda almost relied on his feelings to excuse himself.

He knew very well that if he admitted it honestly, it would be of no benefit to him.

Unfortunately, before his defense could proceed, he was rudely interrupted.

"What didn't you do? Then let me ask you, why didn't MiKe Electronics target others this time, but specifically targeted us?"

"Do you know! Our stock has plummeted now. Although the company is trying its best to save it, someone is buying our stock."

"Once it is successfully acquired by others, our family's foundation will be completely destroyed."

"Asshole! I usually don't object to you finding women. Even if you flirt with women everywhere and always give up, I will turn a blind eye and never ask anything. After all, you will give up after a few years of playing. But, look Look at what nonsense you did this time! Tell me how to end it. I ask you to use your brains for dad when you are looking for a woman. Don’t just pounce on her all at once. Look. Look what evil you have done..."

Listening to his father's roar, Wu Yunda felt his face twitching.

After his father calmed down, he said: "Daddy, although MiKe Electronics is great, you can also find our friends to support us."

"Didn't you say that we all have friends in Xiangjiang and Lion City?"

"As long as these people support us, maybe we can counterattack those who maliciously buy our stocks."


"Okay, okay, shut up! Wake up quickly and don't act like crazy here!" Wu Yunda was only halfway through what he said when his father interrupted impatiently: "Those people you mentioned are all They are the people who followed Shen Lin to attack our stocks."

"Let them help us? Haha, by then, the company will no longer be ours."

Hearing this, Wu Yunda said in disbelief: "They...why did they do this?"

"Why, besides profit, there are naturally other reasons."

"But you don't need to worry about this. Now I have one thing for you to do. Go to Director Shen immediately to apologize."

When Wu Yunda's father said this, his voice became colder and colder: "If you can't be forgiven by Director Shen, then you will no longer be my son."


He is not his father's son. Wu Yunda wanted to sneer at this statement. They all said that an adopted son is not filial to his father. Even if you make some small mistakes, you can still deny that I am your son!
I've been out of the factory for so many years, and you still want to deny this. Isn't it ridiculous!

He intended to make a harmless joke with his father, but he did not dare to make a mistake easily. After all, it was because of his status as a son that he had his current worth.

For example, the shares of this trading company, such as annual dividends...

But asking him to apologize to Shen Lin, he felt that he couldn't save the face, but if he didn't apologize, what would happen to him...

Just as various thoughts were flashing through Wu Yunda's heart, his father had already hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind voice on the other end of the phone, Wu Yunda already knew what happened this time, and I'm afraid he was in trouble.

Apologize to Shen Lin?

You must, otherwise, I may really be alone in the future.

And for a young man without money, the future will...

Call Fang Xiaomei?

Wu Yunda felt that he couldn't bear this face, but looking at the glass of the window and thinking of his father's roar, he finally dialed Fang Xiaomei's number.

"Hello, Miss Fang Xiaomei, I am Wu Yunda!"

The moment he answered the phone, Wu Yunda said politely.Fang Xiaomei on the other end of the phone said calmly: "Is there something wrong with Mr. Wu? If not, I will hang up."

"Miss Fang, I know something was wrong with what I said some time ago. Please don't take offense to Miss Fang." When Wu Yunda said these words, although he felt very uncomfortable, he still had to say them.

After all, he had offended Fang Xiaomei to death some time ago.

Fang Xiaomei smiled and said: "Mr. Wu, if you have anything to say, just tell me. Regarding your sincere apology, I don't think you need to waste my time."

No sincere apology!
Listening to these words, the corner of Wu Yunda's mouth twitched.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Miss Fang, I know there is something I did wrong that made you prejudice me."

"I can assure you that something like this will never happen in the future."

"And I……"

"Mr. Wu, if you only have this matter, then I will hang up. I am very busy now and I don't have time to talk to you." Fang Xiaomei's unceremonious voice came through the microphone again.

Although Wu Yunda's heart was full of anger, he still said honestly: "Miss Fang, I want to see Director Shen. I know there are some things I did wrong."

"Please also report to Director Shen and see if Director Shen can give me a moment.

Fang Xiaomei felt extremely comfortable listening to Wu Yunda's apology.

This Wu Yunda is really hateful.

Thoughts flashed in her mind, and she said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wu, Director Shen is very busy now and doesn't have time to see you."

"So sorry."

While talking, Fang Xiaomei hung up the phone directly.

Shen Lin didn't have time to see him, so... what should he do?
His father was urging him to apologize to Shen Lin.

If the apology fails, it will cause considerable damage to the family.

But what should Shen Lin do if he doesn't see him?
Looking for Mi Yuan?


Mi Yuan is just an employee of Mi Ke Electronics. She may not have such ability. If she goes to find her by herself, maybe Director Shen will be even more angry with herself because she doesn't listen to his arrangements.

But if he doesn't look for Mi Yuan, then he should...

Yes, Miss He Er!

Director Shen had used their family's help to warn him some time ago, but he was able to deal with it.

Thinking of Miss He Er, he took a deep breath and then dialed the phone.

"Ms. He, this is Wu Yunda." The moment the call was connected, Wu Yunda introduced himself.

Miss He Er said with a hint of unfamiliarity in her voice: "Hello, Mr. Wu, what can I do?"

Hearing these words, Wu Yunda felt cold in his heart.

In the past, when he called Miss He Er, Miss He Er basically called him Angkor. Such a formal address as Mr. Wu meant that the other party was keeping a distance from him.

"Miss He, I know that you have a relationship with Director Shen. I want to meet with Director Shen. Could you please help me contact him."

Miss He Er said calmly: "Mr. Wu, Director Shen and I are not very familiar with each other, so I can't help you with this."

"I believe Mr. Wu, you should also know that in order to help you, we have lost Director Shen's trust."

"So you can handle this matter on your own."

Listening to these words full of indifference, Wu Yunda didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, Miss He Er on the other end of the phone hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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