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Chapter 210 Cousin, the front is all appetizers

Chapter 210 Cousin, the front is all appetizers

One stack, two stacks, three stacks...

As Shen Lin took out the stacks of Great Unity from his black leather bag, Chen Yongge's expression began to freeze.

His greatest reliance at this time was that Shen Lin was in urgent need of money. As long as he grasped this problem, he felt that he could make Shen Lin succumb.

But now, stacks of great unity were taken out from Shen Lin's black leather bag. Looking at these great unity, Chen Yongge's self-confidence began to crumble.

"Cousin, this is 35 wads, which is 5000 yuan. Do you want to count them..." After Shen Lin took out the last wad of money, he smiled and said to Chen Yongge.

Chen Yongge tightened his lips and did not speak.

At this moment, Chen Hongbing immediately woke up from the shock. Although the great unity shocked him, he knew very well that this was not the time for them to reconcile with Shen Lin.

"Shen Lin, where did you borrow this from? Others will never lend you money for no reason. Let me tell you, if you borrow this money to scare your cousin, you will have to pay a price."

"People's interest, do you think about it first, can you afford it?"

When Chen Hongbing said this, he turned to Chen Hongying and said, "Sister, hurry up and persuade your son-in-law, don't do anything stupid, bow your head to me and his cousin, it's better than borrowing other people's money!"

Chen Hongying was already dumbfounded when Shen Lin took out the piles of money. She didn't expect that Shen Lin would get so much money out like a magic trick.

And her brother's words made her believe it all at once.

After all, Lu Xiaorong had already told her that all the money in the family had been lent to Chen Yongge, and now he had no more money.

There was no money at home, and Shen Lin managed to conjure up so much money in one day, there was no other way but to borrow it.

The only way to borrow so much money is at high interest rates.

Thinking of some rumors about high interest rate, she couldn't help but said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, how did you get all this money?"

"Let me tell you, no matter how unhappy you are, it's always wrong to borrow money with high interest rates. You have to think about Xiaorong and your future children."

Chen Hongying's words were sincere. No matter what opinion she had on Shen Lin in the past, Shen Lin is now her son-in-law.

She couldn't just watch Shen Lin take a detour, let alone let Shen Lin take a detour because of her, Chen Hongying.

Shen Lin looked at Chen Hongying helplessly. He wanted to explain, but he didn't want to waste his words.He said to Qiangzi who was standing on the side: "Tell my mother about the origin of the money."

Qiangzi was on guard right now, for fear that someone would enter the shop, after all, there was too much money on the counter.

But when Shen Lin asked him to talk, he really couldn't delay, so after taking a breath, he said in a deep voice: "Auntie, my brother really didn't borrow this money."

Having said that, he said to Chen Hongbing and Chen Yongge who were paying attention to him: "My brother was forced to be helpless by you, and then he went to borrow usury, only you pigheads can think of it!"

Having said that, he pointed to the outside: "Those places, open your eyes wide and take a look. Let me tell you, my brother already rented out these places in advance yesterday."

"A store costs [-] yuan, and you need to pay [-] yuan as a rental deposit. Yesterday, the money was paid in full."

Speaking of this, Qiangzi patted his thigh and said: "I think, as long as Brother Shen is willing, it's trivial for him to charge 10 yuan."

"Do you know? Those who paid the money yesterday almost got into a fight because of the queue, and some even went to the police station."

"Pay a rental deposit of 1000 yuan. Brother Shen asks for too little. I think it's totally fine to pay one year's rent first." At this point, Qiangzi pointed at Chen Yongge and said: "Just because you are so stupid. Are these things worthy of comparison with my brother Shen? Hehe, it’s best to get a mirror and look at yourself first!”

Chen Yongge's head was a little dizzy, he didn't have the mind to pay attention to Qiangzi's sarcasm at this time, all he thought about was Qiangzi's words just now.

On the opposite side, those unfinished, dilapidated places that seemed worthless for 1000 yuan a year, Shen Lin actually rented them out in advance!

Not only was it rented out, but also a rent of 1000 yuan was charged for each room.

There are 35 shops, that is 10 yuan. If you add the rest, Shen Lin can earn nearly [-] yuan in one fell swoop.

How can this be?

I have worked so hard and worked hard, but because I seized this opportunity, I only earned 3 to [-] yuan.

But Shen Lin, he was able to rake in 10 yuan all of a sudden by selling these unprepared broken doors. is this possible?

Although he was dubious in his heart, looking at the swearing Qiangzi and the calm Shen Lin, Chen Yongge felt that this matter was very likely to be true.

At this time, Chen Hongying was not calm at all. She always felt that the money she asked Lu Xiaorong to lend to Chen Yongge was Shen Lin's life-saving money.

This time, she came here because she wanted to let Shen Lin take a step back temporarily, get 2 yuan, and get through the immediate crisis first.

But what Qiangzi said just now taught her a solid lesson. At this moment, she deeply realized how much she underestimated this son-in-law!

2 yuan, in the eyes of ordinary people, is difficult to get even if it is hard to die, but for Shen Lin at this time, it turned out to be a hand-made move.

What she never dared to think about has now become a reality.

"Shen Lin, so what if you earned the [-]? We can still afford it. If we don't pay back the money, what can you do." Chen Hongbing stood up from the bench and said aggressively.

At this moment, although he was full of anger and full of aura, he was already at the end of his strength in his heart. Now he was only relying on this tone to carry out the final persistence. This was his last attempt to protect his face.

Shen Lin saw Chen Hongbing put on a posture that you can't do anything to me, and said calmly: "What uncle means is that we continue."

"So what if it continues, our family Yongge, the big deal is that you won't be promoted in the foreign trade company, what else can you do."

Although Chen Hongbing didn't want to do this in his heart, he still stiffened his neck and said loudly to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Uncle, why are you doing this? What I did yesterday was just a small fight. After all, we are still relatives. I don't want to put my cousin in a situation where there is no redemption!"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said to Qiangzi: "Qiangzi, how many brothers are there to collect second-hand appliances for us now?"

Qiangzi is very familiar with this number, after all these people are under his management.

"Brother Shen, there are more than 30 full-time workers and more than 100 part-time workers. If you add the students who repair electrical appliances for us, I think it will not be a problem to organize two to 300 people."

When Qiangzi said this, he said regretfully, "Brother, if you give me some more time, I can organize more people."

"No need, these are enough." Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Uncle, there is an old saying that people leave their names when they pass, and geese leave their names. If I let these people go to every community, they will help my cousin to promote If he has a reputation for not repaying his debts, then his credibility will definitely skyrocket, and it will be hard to match him! What do you think?"

ps: The fourth update is here, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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