Chapter 2102 I also want to...

Zhong Qing put down the water glass in her hand, her expression a little solemn.

She said in a deep voice: "Jialuo, I heard from my classmates that this matter is very difficult to handle."

"The other party will not give up until it achieves its goal!"

"They have taken a fancy to the MiKe operating system in the hands of Director Shen!"

"If Director Shen doesn't give in, there may be a lot of trouble."

Liang Jialuo said: " there no other way?"

"The higher-ups are actively communicating and have prepared corresponding response measures. However, according to my classmates, Juying Company is not the only company fighting."

Liang Jialuo pondered for a moment and said, "Sister Zhong, I want to go to Europa."

"This idiot Shen Lin is not very familiar with that place. It would be a bit uneasy if he were there alone."

"Why don't you let me go with him? In this case, I can give him a little help."

"Besides, we're not too busy here. Even if I'm not here, you can definitely handle it."

Zhong Qing looked at Liang Jialuo, who seemed to be discussing with him, but in fact had already made a decision in his heart.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "Okay, since you have to go, then go ahead."

"But let me tell you Jialuo, regarding this matter, you must pay attention to your own safety. Remember, we are here to help, not to cause trouble."

"When you get there, you must not act without authorization. You must listen to Shen Lin's words."

"I think Shen Lin will not be unprepared for this matter."

Liang Jialuo was a little surprised when he heard that Zhong Qing happily approved his vacation without saying a word.

She was already prepared to fall out with Zhong Qing, but she didn't expect that Zhong Qing actually agreed to her directly.

This made Liang Jialuo's mood immediately improve.

"Sister, don't worry. I am also a general manager after all. The impulsiveness of a young child is long gone."

"I came here this time because I wanted to use my abilities and connections while studying abroad to help Shen Lin. I will definitely not cause any trouble to him."

"You can rest assured about this!"

Hearing Liang Jialuo's assurance, Zhong Qing said with a smile: "That's good. I'm afraid that if you get a stick in your neck, you'll become lawless. That wouldn't be good."

Liang Jialuo smiled and said, "How could it be?"

"I'm usually a very reasonable person."

While the two were talking, Zhong Qing's cell phone rang.

The moment he answered the phone, Zhong Qing smiled and said, "Brother, how are you?"

Zhong Tianyang on the other end of the phone didn't know what he said, which made Zhong Qing look a little sad.

Liang Jialuo, who was standing behind Zhong Qing, couldn't help clenching his fists again.

Although he felt that Zhong Tianyang's news might not be pleasant from his loving expression, Liang Jialuo couldn't help but ask, "Sister, what did Brother Zhong say?"

"Brother Zhong said that we can't get involved in this matter, so we should just do our own thing honestly."

When Liang Jialuo heard this answer, he snorted and said, "Brother Zhong, how can he talk like this? I met him later and had to talk to him properly."

"No matter what, I have to go there this time."

Zhong Qing looked at Liang Jialuo's appearance and said with a smile: "If you want to go there, then go ahead. I won't stop you."

"But I tell you, you must listen to Shen Lin when you go."

"I know this." As Liang Jialuo spoke, he came to Zhong Qing. While Zhong Qing was in a daze, he stepped forward and kissed her on the face.

"Sister, it's better for you, but I don't know who can marry you!"

While talking, Liang Jialuo ran out quickly.Seeing Liang Jialuo leaving, Zhong Qing shook her head helplessly.As she took out a piece of paper and wiped the saliva on her cheek, she sighed softly in her heart.

To be honest, she was very envious of Liang Jialuo's character of daring to love and hate.

In her heart, she also had an expectation that one day she could be like Liang Jialuo.

Instead of like now, my heart is full of expectations, but I can't follow my own temper to see that person.


Mi Yuan still lives her peaceful life.

To be honest, she also hopes that her life can go on like this.

Except for those blind dates that made people feel unhappy, Mi Yuan's life was still very good.

"Mi Yuan, I have a friend whose cousin is a lecturer at the university and is now studying for a doctorate."

"I heard someone say that you can become an associate professor in a few years."

"According to his level, he might even be able to get a house by then!"

"I showed him your photo. He fell in love with you at first sight. When you are free, go and meet him."

Standing next to Mi Yuan is a middle-aged woman who is thin but gives off a sharp look.

Mi Yuan was a little impatient, but this middle-aged woman was her colleague after all, so it would not be polite to refuse directly.

So she said patiently: "Sister Li, thank you for your concern, but I don't want to look for it anymore."

Sister Li frowned, feeling very unhappy about Mi Yuan's rejection.

"Mi Yuan, I'm not talking about you as a sister. Good opportunities like this are hard to find!"

Sister Li reluctantly advised: "Look at you, not only have you been married once, but you also have a child. Let alone someone who has never been married and has such a good job. Such conditions are so rare. You Stop being picky!"

Mi Yuan felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Sister Li said.

She originally didn't want to offend this person, but Sister Li's words clearly touched her sore spot.

So she turned around and walked away.

Sister Li looked at Mi Yuan walking away, rolled her eyes, and muttered in a low voice: "Why are you so arrogant? You were dumped by someone else!"

Mi Yuan didn't know what Sister Li said about her, so she quickly adjusted her mood.

However, just when she was thinking about what to cook for her children when she went home today, she suddenly heard someone shouting: "Mi Yuan, come to the conference room for a meeting."

Hearing this, Mi Yuan quickly came to the conference room.

Originally, Mi Yuan thought that this meeting should have some routine work arrangements, but when she walked into the conference room, she felt that the atmosphere in the conference room was very depressing.

Mi Yuan rarely encounters situations like this.

The department they are responsible for is not too big, but it is very important to MiKe Electronics.

Normally, everyone has a pretty good relationship, so even in meetings, they are basically talking and laughing.

And it's rare that everyone looks so serious like now.

"Did something happen?" Mi Yuan asked strangely as she sat down in her seat.

The companion glanced at Mi Yuan, and then whispered: "Something happened to Director Shen!"

Something happened to Director Shen? !

Mi Yuan felt her head buzzing when she heard these words.

What happened to Shen Lin? Is he... is he okay?
Just when Mi Yuan felt dizzy, she heard someone say: "Everyone, let me tell you some bad news."

(End of this chapter)

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