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Chapter 2104: Looking for a husband

Chapter 2104: Looking for a husband from thousands of miles away

Decisions were made quickly one after another following the research of Cheng Zhenyuan and others.

The entire board meeting went very smoothly.

But soon, Cheng Zhenyuan and others encountered a problem.

"Mr. Cheng, what should we do with the reporters who want to interview them?" Lian Shaofeng said: "Although we are sending special personnel to receive them, there are too many people and we can no longer handle them."

Cheng Zhenyuan couldn't help but feel dizzy when he heard what Lian Shaofeng said.

Naturally, those reporters cannot be offended.

But as more and more reporters arrived, reception became a big problem.

As Shen Lin's story was widely reported, they encountered countless voices of support, but having too many people to interview became a headache.

"Mr. Lan, what can you do?"

Lan Weidong, whose name was called by Cheng Zhenyuan, hesitated and said, "Mr. Cheng, I don't think we can relax in the reception."

"With the reports on Director Shen's situation, Director Shen's experience has attracted more and more attention."

“And we’ve had an outpouring of support.”

"I think the problem of not being able to accommodate people is just a small problem. We can take a variety of methods, such as increasing manpower, such as holding a press conference on some issues that everyone is concerned about."

"This will reduce our reception pressure."

Cheng Zhenyuan said: "I think Mr. Lan's method can be tried."

"Mr. Lan was right just now. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we cannot relax our work in this area. This is very important to Director Shen."

Two hours later, the board meeting was completed and decisions were made on most matters of the company.

In the past, Shen Lin liked to take everyone out for a meal after board meetings, but this time, no one was interested.

As the vice chairman, Cheng Zhenyuan has no interest in organizing.

He felt that although the board of directors could still be organized in his hands, without Shen Lin's presence, the board of directors always felt like it was missing something.


Shen Lin's life was very leisurely.

Although his activity area was restricted, many things were not delayed.

Such as reading books, such as dealing with the company brought by Shi Congyun.

"Director Shen, we have received news that the case brought against us by Juying Company will be heard in ten days at the latest."

Zhang Yuqing looked at Shen Lin and said, "I think we should invite some local barristers to participate in this matter."

"According to the connections of these barristers, they can also help us a lot."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, it's your decision on this matter."

"As for how much money it will cost, just tell Shi Congyun."

While the two were chatting, Shi Congyun walked in from outside.

She glanced at Zhang Yuqing, and then reported to Shen Linhui: "Director Shen, we have received several invitations."

“One of them is a local tech newspaper that wants to interview you.”

Before Shen Lin could answer, Shi Congyun had already said: "This newspaper has very little influence, but some of their reports support us."

"Then accept it." Shen Lin said with a smile: "If someone dares to speak out for justice, we naturally cannot refuse him thousands of miles away."

Shi Congyun continued: "There are a few international students who want to come over and meet you."

"Look at this matter, should we refuse or should we meet."

Several international students came to see him, and Shen Lin found out their purpose instantly.

He smiled and said, "Let's make an appointment and I'll treat them to a meal." Shi Congyun quickly recorded Shen Lin's decision, and then said, "Director Shen, Juying Company called and said that their lawyer, I’d like to pay you a visit.”

The lawyer from Juying Company visited him. Shen Lin frowned slightly, then looked at Zhang Yuqing and said, "Lawyer Zhang, what do you think they mean by meeting me at this time?"

Zhang Yuqing said: "Director Shen, I think they should want to negotiate with you about the conditions for an out-of-court settlement."

Court settlement!

Hearing Zhang Yuqing's introduction, a smile appeared on Shen Lin's face.

He smiled and said: "Lawyer Zhang, should I see them?"

"According to some unconventional rules, you should meet them." Zhang Yuqing said: "Of course, if you don't have time, you can let me meet them on your behalf."

Hearing what Zhang Yuqing said, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then I'll meet them."

Having said this, Shen Lin turned to Shi Congyun and said, "Congyun, make an appointment for them before meeting a few international students."

"I don't want to leave them to eat."

Shi Congyun agreed and made arrangements according to Shen Lin's requirements.

But just when Shen Lin and Zhang Yuqing were talking about things, Shi Congyun hurried over again.

As the time spent working beside Shen Lin increased, Shi Congyun, who gradually gained experience, became more stable.The hurried look at this time made Shen Lin's expression change.

"What happened?"

"Dr. Shen, Mr. Lan at home called and said... that Sister Xiaorong has boarded the plane here and wants to come here to accompany you."

After Shi Congyun said these words, she looked at Shen Lin nervously.

When Shen Lin heard Shi Congyun's report, he couldn't help but be stunned.

He did not expect that Lu Xiaorong would come to find him without saying hello.

"Didn't I tell my family that I would go back after this matter was settled? Why is Xiaorong here again?"

Shi Congyun didn't say anything, and she didn't know how to answer at this time.

Zhang Yuqing said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shen, Xiaorong is not only your wife, but also a well-known writer."

"She is not involved in the management of MiKe Electronics, so she has nothing to do with this matter."

"Don't worry, she won't be treated badly."

"I think it's better for me to help you greet her. If anything happens, I can deal with it as soon as possible."

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I'll beg you to do this."

Zhang Yuqing smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, every year MiKe Electronics and you pay a large amount of money to our law firm."

"Now, it's time for us to show our worth."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I believe our cooperation will last for a long time."

While talking, Shen Lin picked up the phone and dialed Lu Xiaorong's mobile phone.

Unfortunately, what he heard were words that no longer served.

Although he was a little worried about Lu Xiaorong, Zhang Yuqing's words made Shen Lin feel that they made sense.

Lu Xiaorong's arrival did not pose any great danger, so he focused on the next meeting with the lawyer of Juying Company.

Although Shen Lin knew very well that such a meeting would have no results, he still had to follow the procedures.

"Hello, Director Shen, I'm very happy to meet you. My employer, Mr. Yabo, would like to meet you in person, but it's a pity that your current mobility is not so convenient. Even if Mr. Yabo wants to see you, he is very difficulty."

A tall lawyer from Juying Company wearing a suit came to Shen Lin and said to Shen Lin with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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