Chapter 2110 Sudden move

It's easy to get rid of a secretary!
But for Mr. Yabo, what happens next is not easy to handle.

After all, people are still at the door, and more and more people are gathering.

If it is not dealt with quickly, it will be a big trouble.

Looking through the glass of the window at the crowd that almost surrounded the hotel door, Mr. Yabo felt a headache.

He knew that he could not solve the problem by going out on his own.

But if you don't go out, the problem will become more serious.

For a moment, he was at a loss.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just when Mr. Yabo was feeling uncomfortable, there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Yabo was very unhappy about someone disturbing him at this time.

After saying "come in", he was ready to vent his anger on this ignorant subordinate.

But when this person walked in, Mr. Yabo immediately suppressed his anger.

It wasn't because his temper suddenly changed for the better, but because the person who came was not his subordinate.

"Hello, Yabo, I'm sorry to bother you." The general manager of the hotel saluted Mr. Yabo politely, just like when Mr. Yabo and the others settled in the hotel.

Although he felt in his heart that the general manager of the hotel was definitely not doing anything good for him, Mr. Yabo still managed a smile and said: "Hello, Mr. Lauren, you are here at this time. What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Yabo, it is an honor for our entire hotel that you and your company can choose our hotel as a place to stay."

"We always hope to provide you with the best service."

Hearing these extremely polite words, Mr. Yabo's face became even more ugly.

He used this method many times, to use courtesy first and then attack.

But now, he has become the target of others using this method.

Although he felt unhappy, Mr. Yabo still said calmly: "My staff and I are very satisfied with the service provided by your hotel."

"Thank you for your compliment." The hotel general manager said with a smile: "But Mr. Yabo, our hotel not only wants to provide you with the best service, but also provides the same service to the guests who stay in our hotel."

"Now, your company's affairs have affected other guests in our hotel."

"So I hope Mr. Yabo can handle these things as soon as possible."

"I believe these are not too difficult things for you."

Mr. Yabo looked at the smiling general manager and said quietly: "What if we can't handle these problems in a short time?"

"Mr. Yabo, although I very much hope to retain a high-quality customer like you."

"But our hotel serves all customers."

"We cannot lose all our customers just because of you."

"So, please forgive me for this matter!"

Mr. Yabo's face was a little ugly. This was the first time he had been kicked out of a hotel.

But now, this seems to be becoming a fact.

After taking a breath, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Lauren, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter as soon as possible and not embarrass you."

"Okay, I believe in Mr. Yabo's ability." Lauren did not press, but after saying that he believed in this sentence, he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Yabo, we hope that you can handle it within two days. Good about this."

"Otherwise, it would be really hard for us to do it."

After sending Mr. Lauren away, Mr. Yabo's face was extremely gloomy.

He almost growled: "How dare you follow me and negotiate terms."

However, his growled words had no threatening power at all.After rubbing his head, he began to think carefully.

After all, being driven away is not a shameful thing.

After thinking for a while, he dialed John Rowe's phone number.

Their Juying Company paid John Luo so much a year just to let John Luo help solve the problem.

If you don't need John Rowe at this time, why not?

After explaining the situation to John Luo, Mr. Yabo said in a deep voice: "Mr. John Luo, I hope you can resolve this matter within one day."

"As long as this problem can be solved, we will not only sign an agreement to continue cooperation, but we will also increase your legal fees."

Regarding Mr. Yabo's inducement, John Luo said helplessly: "Mr. Yabo, although I really want to earn your money."

"But the current situation is that my ability makes it difficult for me to earn your money."

"I can't do this!"

Mr. Yabo's face turned cold, and he almost shouted: "Mr. John Luo, if you can't do it, do you want me to do it myself?"

"You need to know how much legal fees we pay you every year."

John Luo said: "Mr. Yabo, of course I understand the love you give me."

"But this matter is beyond our capabilities."

"If you don't understand, I can only say I'm very sorry."

At this time, John Luo's words sounded very weak, but Mr. Yabo could feel the firmness in John Luo's words.

Knowing that there was no use in continuing to pester him, he hung up the phone directly.

Just as he took a few steps back and forth, thinking about how to solve the problem, he saw the secretary walking over quickly and said: "Mr. Yabo, we just received the news."

"Lu Xiaorong, wait a minute, we have a meeting for book fans."

"Not only that, she plans to hold sixteen book club meetings in various places in the next week."

"Our personnel estimate that if we cannot prevent her from having these meetings, then we will fall into a more passive situation."

Mr. Yabo looked at the secretary and felt irritated.

Lu Xiaorong, when you come here to accompany Shen Lin, you should accompany him honestly. How can you charge into battle now?

If you do this, I should...

Thoughts arose in Mr. Yabo's mind, and then fell quickly.

For a moment, he really couldn't think of any good solution.

"Mr. Yabo, it's not a good thing for us to be blocked day by day. I think we should avoid the sharp edges of these people."

"Now as long as we find a place to hide for a while, and then come back after the lawsuit is over, those who come to block us will eventually disperse."

The secretary said cautiously: "On the contrary, if we confront each other head-on, it will only make the conflict more intense and it will not do us any good."

Listening to his secretary's words, Mr. Yabo felt that it made sense.

But he was very unwilling to just slip away in such a dejected manner.

After all, his current status is different. If he leaves in despair, he will become a laughing stock among some people.

After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "Is there any other way?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yabo, I think this is the best way." The secretary said in a low voice: "Other ways are simply incomparable to this way."

Mr. Yabo gritted his teeth and finally said: "In that case, let's do it this way!"

(End of this chapter)

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