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Chapter 212 It's mine, not even one point less

Chapter 212 It’s my turn, and I can’t lose even a cent.

Chen Yongge's head was buzzing right now!

At this time, he fully realized that the gap between himself and Shen Lin was too great. He originally thought that this guy was just a low-level ruffian, and it was fine to make a stumbling block. There are many ways.

But now, he realized that he underestimated Shen Lin. If he got into a hurry, the consequences would be very serious.

Thinking of what Shen Lin said, he felt as if his throat was being choked by a big hand!

give him money!Damn, don't you just want money? For me, problems that can be solved with money are not difficult!
However, giving money is easy to say, but it is too difficult to do.

Not to mention Shen Lin's 8 yuan capital, there is also 1 yuan in interest, which adds up to 9 yuan. If the money is returned to Shen Lin, then he can only earn [-] to [-] yuan this time.

This made him feel reluctance in his heart, but what can he do if he doesn't give up?This aggressive son-in-law won't give in to him. If he doesn't obey, will the next one be even more terrifying?
Chen Hongying silently thought about Shen Lin's words, feeling complicated.

Shen Lin asked Chen Yongge for interest, which was reasonable, after all, when borrowing money, Chen Yongge insisted on paying interest.

After going through such a thing now, if Shen Lin doesn't want interest, then Shen Lin will be too wronged.

But looking at her natal nephew's appearance, she couldn't help feeling a little soft-hearted.

Just when Chen Hongying's heart was filled with uneasiness, Chen Hongbing stood up and said to Shen Lin, "Xiao Shen, I know your cousin is wrong about this matter."

"He didn't pay you back the money, which is a bit too much."

"On behalf of him, I will compensate you. We are relatives. You can see if this works. The three-day loan has not caused you any losses. As for the interest, let's forget it."

While Chen Hongbing was speaking, he pretended to bow his hands towards Shen Lin, as if to make an apology.

Shen Lin looked at Chen Hongbing who looked like I was wrong, you forgive me, a trace of contempt rose in his heart, he could see that this Chen Hongbing had no sincerity at all.

He is clearly reluctant to give up the interest, and he wants to use this method to play a family card for himself, so that he will be embarrassed to ask for interest.

How could Shen Lin be embarrassed about this kind of person.

He smiled at Chen Hongbing and said, "Uncle, I still call you Uncle here, do you still remember that we are relatives!"

"Just yesterday, I went to you in person and said that I don't want the interest. Give me my money first. What did you say?"

"You told me confidently that you have no money, and your son has no money, but your son, my cousin, holds the money and refuses to give it to me. He wants to look at me because he has no money. The shop couldn’t sign the agreement.”

"Now I'm afraid and want to give money. Uncle, I keep my word. When you told me about your family relationship, I didn't care about the interest."

"But now, since I've left my words here, I will pay back whatever you owe me!"

Shen Lin's voice was not high, but it was loud and resolute.

Chen Hongbing's complexion became extremely ugly, and he even felt that his breathing was not smooth.At this moment, he wanted to scold someone, but when his eyes fell on Shen Lin, he felt that Shen Lin was not someone he could scold at will.

After all, at this time, he and his son had something to ask Shen Lin.

"Hongying, tell Shen Lin about this matter..." Chen Hongbing was still unwilling to give up, and he looked at Chen Hongying.

Seeing her brother's begging expression, Chen Hongying felt a sense of relief, thinking that she knew this earlier, so why bother.

However, although she is soft-hearted, she also knows what is happening now. If she begs for mercy, it doesn't matter if she begs or not, I am afraid Shen Lin will still have opinions on her.Facing her brother's prayer, she finally opened her mouth: "Shen Lin, your cousin did something wrong in this matter, but he..."

"Mom, don't say it. I understand what you mean. But, I have a characteristic. If I speak loudly, I will hit the ground and hit the ground. If I say everything, it will not change."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin looked at Chen Yongge and said, "Cousin, you didn't lose money, you are still making money. Why, are you going to wait for me to force you to spit out all the money?"

When Chen Yongge opened his mouth, he hoped that Shen Lin would soften his heart. After all, he really didn't want to take out the money.

However, Shen Lin's words made his heart tremble.He has already felt the cruelty of this brother-in-law. If he is allowed to act recklessly, then the final result can be imagined.

"Dad, Auntie, stop talking, I will definitely fulfill what I promised!" This statement was straightforward, but Chen Yongge felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

He took out a passbook from his pocket and said, "Shen Lin, I'm going to withdraw money for you right now, just wait a moment."

Shen Lin nodded casually and didn't say anything else. After Chen Yongge glanced at his father again, he strode away.

"Shen Lin, our family will not have relatives like you in the future." Chen Hongbing looked at his son who was unwilling to leave, and his heart was full of resentment.

Shen Lin looked at Chen Hongbing and said with a smile: "Uncle, I don't take you seriously when you say this time, but if you dare to say that again next time, then we are really not relatives."

Chen Hongbing's face twitched, and he could feel the threat in Shen Lin's words at this time.His temper made him really want to fight back, but in the end, he still didn't say anything.

Not only is he afraid of Shen Lin now, but also because of Shen Lin's current achievements, in his eyes, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

If such a relative is lost, then there may be many fewer opportunities in the future.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Hongbing finally did not speak.

As for Chen Hongying who was standing aside, even though she felt uncomfortable at this moment, she still stood up and said, "Brother, it's okay, don't make such jokes. A little conflict between relatives is a trivial matter, and the tongue must grind its teeth!"

"The matter is settled, we are still relatives, what should we do!"

At this moment, Chen Hongbing was finally off the donkey. He snorted and sat down on the small bench, but at this moment, he stopped talking.

As for Shen Lin, he began to put the money from the auction into his bag, and then said to Qiangzi: "Continue to do business."

Chen Yongge came back very quickly, within ten minutes, he hurried over, holding a big canvas bag in his hand.

With a look of panic on his face, after he came in, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "This is [-], not only your money, but also my aunt's money and interest."

"Shen Lin, I've already given you the money, do you want your people to come back quickly?"

Shen Lin looked at the big bag, smiled and said: "Qiangzi, go and call Guangzi and the others, let them come back."

"By the way, if you can't get in touch, call your cousin's office and ask them to notify Photon to answer the phone."

When Chen Yongge heard Shen Lin's words, he felt that he was holding his breath again. This is too bullying.

ps: Ladies and gentlemen, the second update is here, please support, there will be more

(End of this chapter)

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