Chapter 2162
"Yanyan, the girl I sent you just now is your female colleague, right?" Chu Feng said with a meaningful smile while driving.

Chu Feng was very willing to make fun of his nephew who had just entered society.

Luo Yan looked at the smiling Chu Feng, hesitated and said, "Second uncle, that's Li Li."

"Haha, Lili, you call me so kindly, I think you two have an unusual relationship!" Chu Feng continued to smile while driving and dug deeper: "How about taking this opportunity to take it home to care for your parents? have a look?"

Luo Yan said: "Oh, uncle, don't laugh. My surname is Li and my name is Li Li. It's not what you imagined."

Luo Yan's explanation made Chu Feng laugh again.

Shen Lin sat in the car with a smile on his face.

In Shen Lin's opinion, this matter was just a trivial matter.This nephew is already working and has a girlfriend, which is very normal.

If you don’t have a girlfriend, that’s abnormal!
Chu Feng continued to ask: "Yanyan, Li Li's family conditions should be good. I saw that just now, Lao Ni was with her family!"

Luo Yan said: "Second uncle, I don't know what Li Li's parents do, but her family should be well off."

"Our top leader was also a guest at Li Li's house just now!"

Chu Feng listened to Luo Yan's words, laughed, and joked: "Yanyan, if you like it, go for it. Although your uncle is an ordinary person, your uncle is amazing!"

"Haha, just go boldly. I will back you up."

Seeing Chu Feng teasing him, Shen Lin pretended to be angry and shook his head. As his second brother-in-law, he was getting younger and younger now.

Shen Lin looked at the embarrassed Luo Yan and said with a smile: "Yanyan, when young people fall in love, just let nature take its course."

"By the way, your second uncle will retire after the Chinese New Year. From now on, he will be the upright deputy director. Now that you are in this position, why don't you be careful when talking to your children?"

When Chu Feng heard what Shen Lin said, he chuckled and said, "As a deputy director, I am really not worth mentioning in front of you, Director Shen."

"Hehe, it's not worth mentioning!"

Luo Yan naturally knew what his second uncle did. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Uncle, didn't you say last time that you could just be the head of the department? Why did you become the deputy director again?"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Don't ask me about this, I'm also dizzy!"

"If you really want to find out, you'd better ask your uncle."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I don't know either. I have never been involved in your affairs."

"I think you were promoted because you work hard. Otherwise, why would you be promoted? After all, only those who are promising can get a position!"

Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, Chu Feng smiled and stopped talking.

In Luo Yan's view, the chance encounter at Li Li's house was just a small wave in life. However, he never thought that this incident would change the trajectory of his life.


Luo Yan woke up early in the morning and felt a little headache.Last night's New Year's Eve dinner, the second uncle Chu Feng made sure to take him to drink.

Although the wine is very good and is a fine wine collected by my uncle Shen Lin, I still feel uncomfortable after drinking too much.

After Luo Yan got up, he was thinking about how to avoid his second uncle, but he didn't expect that someone would call him during the Chinese New Year.

Looking at the number names stored on the PHS, Luo Yan couldn't help but feel nervous.

Because the person making the call was the boss of their unit.

Of course, when the boss called me at this time, he wasn't calling me to wish me New Year's greetings. I was asking him to work overtime.

Although Luo Yan was not afraid of working overtime, he was still a little unhappy about working overtime at this time, but he had to answer the phone.

"Director, I am Luo Yan. Happy Chinese New Year. I was just about to call you and wish you a Happy New Year!" In the past, Luo Yan was like a transparent person in the workplace.

The top leader rarely arranges for him.In his feeling, he didn't even know if his director remembered his name.

But now, none of that matters!

"Xiaoyan, have a great New Year, haha..."

On the other end of the phone, the director's hearty laughter came. Listening to this laughter, Luo Yan felt that his fate in the past few days seemed not to be good.

After all, if the director, who is usually not close to him, is so affectionate at this time, it can only mean one thing, that is, there is a thorny and embarrassing matter that needs him to deal with.

But at this time, Luo Yan also knew that whatever he was thinking was useless.

All I can do now is grit my teeth.

"Xiao Yan, Leader Qu called me just now and asked for your phone number. She also said that she would call you personally later and asked me to tell you so as not to make you feel rude."

The director smiled and said: "Xiao Yan, why do you think I am an outsider? I didn't expect you to know Leader Qu."

"Actually, Leader Qu and I have an old relationship. I think back then, when we were in school, we were alumni of the same school in different years..."

Are you alumni and do you have anything to do with me?

Luo Yan complained in his heart, but on the surface, he said solemnly: "Director, do you know what Leader Qu wants from me?"

"I still want to ask you!" The director said in a deep voice: "Do you really not know why Leader Qu called you?"

"I don't know!" Luo Yan said aggrievedly, "I just met Leader Qu once."

"Okay, no matter why the district leader calls you, the leader values ​​you so much. If you can do it, you must do it."

The director warned: "If you need anything, just contact me."

"If you don't have enough time, call me and I will arrange a time for you."

While talking, the director hung up the phone.

Luo Yan put down the phone and felt that Qu Hongmei's visit to him must have something to do with his uncle.

Otherwise, why would Qu Hongmei, who had only said hello to me before, call me?
What should I do myself?

Just when Luo Yan was feeling anxious, his PHS rang again.

This time it was an unfamiliar number, but the director had called before. Luo Yan knew that the caller should be Qu Hongmei.

After a moment of hesitation, he answered the phone and said, "Hello, I'm Luo Yan."

"Hello Xiaoyan, I'm Qu Hongmei. We met at Li Li's house yesterday."

Qu Hongmei smiled and said: "Xiao Yan, happy New Year!"

Hearing this blessing, Luo Yan felt a little uneasy, but he still said honestly: "Leader Qu, I wish you a happy New Year."

"Oh, you child, you called me the wrong one. When we were at Li Li's house, you all called me aunt. You haven't seen me for a day, why did you change it again?" Qu Hongmei pretended to be angry and said, "What's this again?" If I’m not in the workplace, you might as well call me Aunt Qu.”

Although Luo Yan knew that when he was polite to others, he had to ask for something, but in this situation, as a young man, he really didn't have much choice.

Since Qu Hongmei said so, he could only say honestly: "Happy New Year, Aunt Qu."

Qu Hongmei said: "Xiao Yan, are you doing your job well? What's the matter..."

After listening to Qu Hongmei's greetings for a few more words, Luo Yan felt a little uncomfortable. Just when he didn't know how to continue the conversation, he heard Qu Hongmei say: "Xiao Yan, I'm calling you this time because of something. , I want to ask you to do Auntie a favor."

(End of this chapter)

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