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Chapter 217 Shen Lin, he is here for me

Chapter 217 Shen Lin, he is here for me

Second Sister Restaurant, Shen Lin is treating guests. After all, this time he was able to get the money back, thanks to the help of Guangzi and others. Now that the matter is over, he can't keep silent.

Greeted by Qiangzi and Photon, there were more than 20 young men, and Shen Lin arranged three tables at once.

Put 100 yuan on the counter, and serve any special dishes.Drinking in a big bowl and eating meat in a big piece, happy!

For a big client like Shen Lin, the proprietress certainly likes it.For them, Shen Lin is a source of income.

Especially a bold client like Shen Lin is the most welcome.

"Miss Boss, serve two more beers." Shen Lin picked up the glass with Double Happiness printed on it and said, "Everyone, thank you for your help in the past two days. Come on, let's have a toast together."

Guangzi and the others also raised their wine glasses and said, "Brother, this is as it should be, you are too polite."

"Brother, if there is such a thing again, you can just say something, I haven't had enough fun yet, tsk tsk, if only I can persist for a few more days."

"Brother, that cousin of yours is really too careless. Brothers, this trick of playing monkeys is not enough!"

Hearing these words, Shen Lin shook his head for a while. These people still disliked Chen Yongge for being too helpless, and they didn't know what Chen Yongge would think when he knew about it.

A large plate of stewed chicken, a large pot of meat and bones, as well as washed and cut cucumbers, cold pork head meat and spinach liver...

Dishes were served quickly one by one, and soon the entire Second Sister restaurant began to become full of enthusiasm.

Shen Lin sat in the middle of the crowd. Although he controlled his drinking capacity, he still didn't feel that he drank too much when he saw people coming over to toast.

"Brother, these two days have been really fun. In our factory, I'm really aggrieved. Not only do those women do the work, but I often don't have work to do." A young man with a crew cut grabbed Shen Lin Karate.

Shen Lin is also well aware of the tertiary production situation of the Hardware Machinery Factory, he smiled and said: "Brother, don't worry, if you want to drink in the future, just come to me."

"I don't have any other skills, but I still have the ability to treat my brothers to a meal."

While Shen Lin was talking, he saw a young man running over and said, "Brother, the factory just came to report that we have been absent from work for the past two days, violated work discipline, and withheld all of us for three months' wages. Photon fired."

These two days of absenteeism, withholding of three months' wages, and the dismissal of Photon, these things made the originally noisy scene calm down all of a sudden.

Almost everyone looked at Shen Lin and Photon next to him.

For the people present, they lost more than 100 yuan. Although this is not small for them, it is acceptable.

But Photon was fired.

Although they are all temporary workers in the tertiary industry of the hardware machinery factory, they are all waiting for the hardware machinery factory to recruit workers, and as long as the hardware machinery factory recruits workers, they will recruit from the tertiary industry.

The expulsion of Photon means that from now on, Photon will not be able to recruit workers in the hardware machinery factory.

Guangzi drank a lot of wine, and when he heard the news, he was stunned for a while, and then cursed loudly: "Which bastard wrote this notice, there is no work for ten and a half fucking days, and there is no one in the processing factory, who is it?" Fuck me."

The young man who reported the letter glanced at Guangzi, then said in a deep voice: "Brother Guangzi, I heard that Wang Youzhu sent someone to send the notice."

Wang Youzhu and Shen Lin are no strangers to this name.

Although he was mainly working for the happiness of himself and Lu Xiaorong these days, he had never forgotten the man who poured sewage on himself and kicked him out of the hardware machinery factory.Unexpectedly, before he took action, Wang Youzhu had a surprise for him.

It seemed that this was clearly aimed at him.

"Guangzi, don't worry, this matter is not for you, Wang Youzhu is for me." Shen Lin grabbed Guangzi's hand and said, "You are just troubled by me."

"Brother Shen, what kind of person is Wang Youzhu? He knows how to flatter horses. If he didn't know how to flatter the white-eyed wolf, he would be the deputy director of the factory like him? Pooh! How can a weasel be so good!"

Photon patted his chest and said: "Brother, I have long disliked this kid. Since he dared to fire me, I will punish him now."

Having said that, Photon turned his head and was about to go out.

Several young people who are good with Guangzi also stood up, and they said loudly: "Yes, let's teach this kid a lesson, let him have a good memory."

"Grandma, Wang Youzhu is just looking for trouble. No one has been at work for half a month, and he just spotted us. Isn't this obviously going to make things difficult for us?"

"Beat him, whoever doesn't beat him is a grandson."

Once young people become impulsive, once their desire sparks, it will immediately become a sweeping trend, and it will soon start a prairie fire.Shen Lin looked at these passionate young people, hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I know you are holding your breath and want to beat Wang Youzhu."

"To be honest, among us brothers, the one who wants to beat up that grandson the most is definitely me."

Guangzi and others agreed with Shen Lin's words. After all, where is Shen Lin's matter? If it weren't for Wang Youzhu, Shen Lin would not have been fired.

It is no exaggeration to say that this Wang Youzhu stepped on Shen Lin's shoulders.

"Brother Shen, we listen to you, what do you think we brothers should do?" Guangzi touched the sweat on his face and said loudly.

Shen Lin patted Guangzi's shoulder and said: "Guangzi, this matter is not a big deal. Wang Youzhu wants to kill chickens and scare monkeys, so he can show me."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said in a deep voice: "Everyone, relax, you should eat and drink, and we will deal with him tomorrow."

While speaking, Shen Lin raised his glass again and said, "Come on, let's have another drink. Please rest assured that they will make up for everyone's salary this time, and he will not lose the job of Photon."

"If you can't make it up, I, Shen Lin, will make it up for everyone."

Shen Lin's words raised everyone's already low morale, and some even said loudly: "Brother Shen, how can you make up our wages!"

"Let's go find that Wang Youzhu, he has to make up for this money for me."

"Yes, this matter, what can't he say?"

At this moment of chaos, the young man who came to report the news came to Shen Lin and said, "Brother Shen, I heard that the old factory manager objected to buying that... what kind of equipment from Zhutian Club, and the factory manager Lu was suspended. .”

His father was suspended?Shen Lin's head turned quickly.

Guangzi and the others sitting beside Shen Lin also looked at Shen Lin with a solemn look at this time. In their view, Shen Xingye's affairs were much bigger than their own affairs.

ps: The third change today, please support, there will be more

(End of this chapter)

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