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Chapter 2177 There are too few people like Director Shen

Chapter 2177 There are too few people like Director Shen

After a day of anxiety, a little baby finally came to Shen Lin's eyes.

Lu Xiaorong was lying on the bed, her face a little pale, but her eyes were indeed full of joy.

But after chatting with Shen Lin for a few words, she frowned and said, "Why does the baby look uglier than Guoke when he was a child?"

Shen Lin looked at the little baby and said with a smile: "She is just born. After half a month, you will find that our little princess is the most beautiful."

"Don't think too much, just take good care of yourself."

"Are you hungry? If you are, I will bring you a bowl of millet porridge."

Living in the hospital's exclusive suite, Shen Lin enjoyed the treatment of the greatest VIP.

No matter what the request is, it can basically be realized quickly.

Lu Xiaorong shook his head and said, "I'm not hungry. By the way, how about the huokake? Does he know that his sister was born?"

Shen Lin said: "My parents have come from Dongzhou and are taking care of Guoke."

"He is in school now. When he gets out of school, I will ask Cong Yun to pick him up."

"I believe he will like his sister very much."

Although he knew that Shen Lin would not slack off for his son, Lu Xiaorong was completely relieved after listening to Shen Lin's arrangements.

As she spoke, she slowly closed her eyes.

Shen Lin looked at the sleeping Lu Xiaorong, a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.He gently helped Lu Xiaorong pull the quilt, and his eyes fell on the sleeping figure again.

The baby holding her fists wondered if she was dreaming of something. In her sleep, Shen Lin even felt her smiling.

"Boom boom boom!"

A gentle knock on the door suddenly reminded him. Shen Lin, who was lying on the sofa feeling tired, quickly stood up and saw Shi Congyun standing at the door.

"What's going on?" Shen Lin asked in a low voice.

"Director Shen, I just received a call from Jingli..."

After Shi Congyun whispered a name, she said in a deep voice: "I heard that your daughter was born and wanted to come over and visit."

Shen Lin didn't like this kind of visit very much. After all, Lu Xiaorong needed to rest more now.

But he also understood that this kind of visit was just a courtesy.

With so many things going on every day, she was able to know that her daughter had been born as soon as possible. Although the hospital contributed to this, it cannot be denied that she also put a lot of thought into her own affairs.

In this case, Shen Lin couldn't refuse.

After hesitating for a moment, Shen Lin said: "Please find out when they are coming, and I will greet them at the door."

When Shen Lin hesitated, Shi Congyun was still a little worried.

Although she felt that Director Shen was very rational most of the time, there were times when Director Shen acted a little too irrationally.

Just as Shen Lin was preparing to receive the visiting guests, Li Mei had already filled out the last record.

As the doctor in charge this time, Li Mei's recent affairs are basically over.

According to the rules of the obstetrics department, most of the next things are the affairs of the nurses and have nothing to do with Li Mei.

"Li Mei, are you ready to leave?"

When Li Mei was carrying her handbag and preparing to leave, Dean Qin appeared in front of her.

Looking at Dean Qin, Li Mei said calmly: "Dean, my matter is over, and there is a doctor on duty today. I am going to go home and take a look."

"After all, you haven't been home for three days?"

Listening to Li Mei's complaints, Dean Qin smiled awkwardly and said, "Li Mei, you are indispensable for Ms. Lu's smooth delivery this time!"

Speaking of this, she said with a smile: "Director Shen admired our hospital's technology very much and decided to donate money to help our hospital build an additional ward building." Li Mei's eyes suddenly lit up.

She has been in the hospital for many years and is aware of the problems in her own hospital.

In the past few years, I have been thinking about expanding the ward, but unfortunately, I have always encountered the biggest problem, which is lack of money.

Dean Qin put a lot of thought into this matter, but it was of no use.

But now...

Li Mei couldn't help but said: "Director Shen is really generous!"

"Yeah, but this is a big deal in our eyes, but in Director Shen's eyes, it's actually a small matter." Dean Qin said: "Compared with Mi Ke City, our ward building is really inferior. Too far."

Li Mei said: "Dean, you must put more effort into implementing this matter."

"Well, I should go, otherwise I won't be able to catch this bus."

Looking at Li Mei who was about to leave, Dean Qin waved his hand and said, "Li Mei, you can't leave yet."

"My Dean Qin, I have finished all my work. You are not going to let me personally take part in the recovery of the mother, are you?"

"Let me tell you, there is no one like you."

Dean Qin looked at Li Mei, who looked serious, and said in a deep voice: "Our immediate boss will come to see Director Shen and Lu Xiaorong later."

"When the time comes, I'll have to let you introduce the situation."

"So, you can't go."

Hearing the words of his immediate boss, Li Mei said, "Is Lao Chen from the Health Bureau coming? You have a good relationship with him, is this necessary?"

"What's more, he also came out of our system and doesn't understand this yet."

Lao Qin looked at Li Mei who looked completely unconcerned and could only say patiently: "It's not Lao Chen. Lao Chen wants to accompany you. It's..."

While speaking, Dean Qin pointed in one direction.

Li Mei was not a fool, and she immediately understood what was going on.She said helplessly: "Dean, why did this person know so early? He was really timely enough."

"Okay, don't say these words. I also hope that when Director Shen donates money to build a ward for us, this person can give us some support?"

Dean Qin said: "So at this time, it is more difficult for you to leave."

"You must support me."

Dean Qin had already said what he said, and it was because of the hospital's own affairs, so although Li Mei was a little reluctant, she still honestly stayed in the end.

After all, she has to think about the unit.

However, Li Mei did not expect that she originally thought it was just a reception, but she did not expect that there would be an endless stream of people coming.

And the status of these people is not too low.

So much so that after she introduced this person, she immediately had to change someone to introduce him to.

After these introductions, her lips felt a little dry.

After sending away the guests who could not remember which wave they were, Li Mei couldn't help complaining: "Dean, you must give me two days off when you come back. This is too tiring."

Dean Qin was in high spirits, and he said to Li Mei: "Li Mei, although you are a little tired today, you have accomplished several important things."

"You also heard that we have funds to renovate the outpatient building."

"Tsk, tsk, come back, I must give you a good holiday."

"You said, if we had a few more people like Director Shen here, wouldn't everything be solved?"

Seeing Dean Qin's expectant look, Li Mei stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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