Chapter 2183 Unequal Negotiation
No. [-], Pingan Road, is a building with only eight floors.

The gray walls of this building give people an inconspicuous feeling.

However, this building without any sign has an extremely luxurious interior decoration. The mahogany furniture and the shining marble floors all indicate that this place is different.

At this time, in a living room on the seventh floor, Mr. Li was smoking a cigar, and next to him was an A-list female star that many people were familiar with.

However, Mr. Li's attention was not on the female star, but on a middle-aged foreigner in his 40s with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Dear Li, we have already agreed on the conditions when we cooperated before."

"Our Su Clan auction house will be the first to open, and the market here should be dominated by us."

"But now, other people's auction times have to be decided."

"But we are not ready for anything yet."

Having said this, the middle-aged foreigner said: "Do you want to give me an explanation for this situation?"

"After all, when we signed the agreement, this was one of the prerequisites."

Second Young Master Li talked about the ashes on the cigar, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Kurt, hasn't the matter not happened yet?"

"My friend, don't be anxious or angry just yet."

"It was very easy to fix."

"Isn't it just to solve the problem that I invited you here this time?"

Having said this, he waved his arms and said, "I've always been a person who can't keep up with my words."

"Since I promised you something, I will never change it."

While Mr. Li was speaking, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Second Young Master Li smiled and said, "Mr. Kurt, the person we are waiting for has arrived."

"Trust me, everything will work out."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Come in."

The door opened slightly, and a young man who looked to be in his 20s walked in with a smile on his face.

He smiled and said to Mr. Li, "Young Master Kai, Boss Shen will be here in a minute."

Young Master Li opened the cigar box in front of him, threw a cigar at the young man and said, "Have you told him what you meant this time?"

"I said that Mr. Kai has something to do with him. I believe he should understand what I mean."

Second Young Master Li nodded, and then said: "Mr. Kurt, this is my friend Xiaogang. He has no other abilities, but he has many acquaintances."

"There are many things that are inconvenient for you to do, but you can arrange them for him in the future. As long as you say you are my friend, Xiaogang will definitely give you the biggest discount."

Xiaogang also had a smile on his face after listening to Mr. Li's words.

He smiled at Mr. Coote and said, "Hello Mr. Coote, I hope you will make more arrangements for me in the future."

Kurt can come here to hold an auction, and he knows some situations in his heart.

So he smiled and nodded to Xiaogang: "I think we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Just as the three people were saying hello, there was another knock on the door outside.

This time, Xiaogang quickly came to the door of the room, then whispered a few words to the person who knocked on the door, and then quickly walked over and said: "Master Kai, Boss Shen is here."

"Did he bring someone here?" Second Young Master Li asked with a smile.

Xiaogang shook his head and said, "He came alone."

Second Young Master Li frowned and said, "He is really brave for coming here alone."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "Then let him wait outside for a while." Xiao Gang was not surprised by Second Young Master Li's arrangement. He said with a smile: "Second Young Master asked him to wait for a while." Wait outside for a while to watch him."

"I'll let someone arrange it."

After Xiaogang left, Mr. Coote said to Mr. Li: "Let's conduct business negotiations, wouldn't it be better as soon as possible?"

Second Young Master Li said with a smile: "Mr. Kurt, you have a bit of a misunderstanding about this meeting."

"Most of the time, in the process of business negotiations, the sooner the better, without giving the other party time to react. But sometimes, we should delay the time and let them feel the pressure from us, such as this time."

"In this case, everything will run according to the trajectory we determined."

Mr. Coote thought for a moment and then said to Mr. Li: "It seems that you are very confident!"

The star sitting aside looked at all this with a smile, her eyes full of admiration for Mr. Li.

Time continued to pass while chatting. More than an hour later, Mr. Li dialed Xiaogang's number on his mobile phone and said, "Let him come in."

As soon as Mr. Li hung up the phone, within three to four minutes, Boss Shen walked in quickly holding a handbag.

His arrival made Mr. Li frown.

This guy is about the same age as me, but in terms of appearance, he seems to be no worse than me.

For Mr. Li, the thing he dislikes the most is those who look similar to him.

Of course, he doesn't like people who are stronger than him.

"Boss Shen, I believe you already know the reason why I invited you here this time." Mr. Li said calmly: "Explain to me why you misunderstood Mr. Coote?"

"Don't you know that Mr. Coote is a good friend of mine?"

Kurt had a faint smile on his face.

At this time, he was already enjoying the scene created by Mr. Li Er.

He believed that at this time, Boss Shen must be feeling very uncomfortable, even extremely aggrieved.

"Master Kai, I was ready to give up on the auction house matter." Boss Shen's expression was extremely calm, as if he had not been insulted.

His voice was full of indifference.

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of Second Young Master Li Li. Didn't he create such an environment to make him afraid?
He looks so disgusting.

"However, one of the founding shareholders of our auction house disagrees. He feels that in the shopping mall, if everyone wants to compete, they need to show their true abilities."

"As for those little tricks, he doesn't think he needs to pay attention to them at all."

"It won't last long anyway."

Boss Shen's voice was calm and devoid of any emotion.However, this kind of words made Mr. Kai extremely uncomfortable.

He said coldly: "That shareholder of yours is really loud. Have you brought him here today?"

"He doesn't have time." Boss Shen said, "He has many things to do, so he has no way to come."

"Boss Shen, can you tell me the name of your shareholder? I can go back and visit you to see who he is."

There was a hint of coldness in Mr. Li's words.

Boss Shen did not speak immediately, but took out a copy of the contract and said: "Mr. Li, this is the agreement for our cooperation."

"Please correct me."

Second Young Master Li took the contract without paying much attention, but when he saw the words on the contract, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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