Chapter 2191
Shi Siluo glanced at his assistant.

A trace of emotion arose in his heart. Although Saiwen was a smart person, there were still big gaps in some things.

So after taking a breath, he said calmly: "Sai Wen, although everyone knows what is going on with some things, it is enough as long as you understand them in your heart."

"But once things like this are brought to light, we will be in great trouble."

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "At that time, how should our partners treat us?"

"Also, we are doing business here. If what we do is too good, then how should others treat us?"

Saiwen nodded and said nothing.

One day passed quickly.

For Saiwen, life is very good, the salary is not low, and the work is not too tiring.

Not enough. When he came to the branch office early the next morning and started categorizing the newspapers as before, preparing to report the important news to Shi Siluo, her expression changed.

Because she suddenly saw an extremely eye-catching report: "It's stuck again, the motorcycle company refused to sell communication chips to Mihu Electronics."

Seeing this question, Saiwen's expression changed.

She already felt that things seemed not simple.

Just when she hesitated, she saw the above content: According to the latest news received by this newspaper, in order to prevent Mihu Electronics from producing mobile phone equipment, the motorcycle company refused to sell communication chips to Mihu Electronics...

Saiwen felt that there was nothing to say about this content.

Although it sounds harsh, it is true.

But what followed made Saiwen's heart tremble.

Because it clearly says on it that motorcycle companies have always liberalized sales of communication chips.

Even his old rivals can use their communication chips.

Although the price was a bit higher, the motorcycle company still sold it.

However, in the face of Mihu Electronics' request to purchase communication chips, the motorcycle company decided to refuse to sell.

The purpose is to block the neck of MiKe Electronics and prevent MiKe Electronics from producing mobile phones...

Looking at these contents, Saiwen felt a very bad criticism.

She felt that her company might be facing criticism.

After all, this is not the headquarters of a motorcycle company.

Just when Saiwen was about to mark the content of the newspaper and send it to Shi Siluo, she saw it read: "Chairman Shen Lin of Mihu Electronics and Deputy General Manager Lian Shaofeng have contacted the motorcycle company many times."

"Shen Lin went to the motorcycle company at the agreed time and waited for two hours, but in the end he still didn't see anyone..."

Looking at the content of these reports, a trace of solemnity flashed in Saiwen's eyes.

At this moment she seemed to understand something.

After reading all the news, she quickly walked towards Schroth's office.

Schroth hasn't gone to work yet.

In the past, Saiwen would not have dared to disturb Schroth when he was not at work, but the current situation made her feel that she had to tell Schroth about this matter in advance.

"Mr. Schroth, I'm very sorry to bother you." After answering the phone, Saiwen said in a deep voice.

Schroth's voice was a little unhappy as he said, "I thought you should know my rules."

"Mr. Schroth, of course I know your rules."

"The reason why I'm calling you at this time is because MiKe Electronics mentioned a lot of things in the newspaper that are not conducive to our company."

Saiwen said in a deep voice: "It also said that Shen Lin came to our company to wait for you in order to get our communication chip." "But you have been left alone for more than an hour, and no money has come to you."

Schroth on the other end of the phone had calmed down. He no longer scolded Sai Wen, but said in a deep voice: "Sai Wen, you did the right thing."

"When something happens, report it to me as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll be in the office in a minute. Let's meet up later and give me all the information you need."

Sai Wen was just about to agree, but the other end of the phone hung up the call.

This situation made Saiwen feel that her boss might not be as panicked as he showed on the phone.

In just 10 minutes, Saiwen came to Schroth's office again.

Schroth was still able to sit at the desk, but he didn't pay attention to Savin's arrival. His eyes were always on the newspaper on the table.

After reading the contents of the newspaper over and over again, he said to Saiwen: "Saiwen, please go and inform us so that everyone can work with peace of mind and not discuss issues that should not be discussed."

Regarding this order, Saiwen was stunned for a moment and then respectfully followed it.

But after walking out of Schroth's office, she heard various sounds of banging on the table.

The incident about the motorcycle company’s Kami shell electronic neck spread quickly with reports.

Motorcycle companies have long been trying to create an image of fairness.

But now, as Shen Lin tears away this veil, the image of the motorcycle company has been greatly affected.

Some people have even publicly said that they want to boycott motorcycle mobile phones. If you want to buy a mobile communication tool, buy a PHS phone from Mihu Electronics.

For a time, PHS sales directly increased Wucheng.

However, the wider the matter spread, the more delayed the motorcycle company was in handling the matter.

Although Schroth, the general manager, has not admitted the suppression of MiKe Electronics, he does not deny it either.

Under such circumstances, many companies have analyzed that it is difficult for MiKe Electronics to obtain communication chips from motorcycle companies.

Although this is frustrating, it is a fact that cannot be changed.

Without communication chips, it would be difficult for Mishell Electronics’ mobile phones to come out.

Many MiKe fans lamented that most of them could not afford mobile phones at this time.

But they are extremely supportive of Mishell Electronics' manufacturing of mobile phones.

Nowadays, Mishell Electronics’ mobile phones can be said to be ready for everything, but they are stuck in key places.

Things like this are only for Mi Ke.

So things like this also make many people feel aggrieved.

"Beep beep..."

Just after Shen Lin declined a daily interview, the phone in his office rang again.

Although he was not too happy, Shen Lin still answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Wen Zaisong's voice came through again: "Director Shen, I heard that your communication chip has encountered difficulties. How are the talks now?"

"It's still the same. Some people are so open-minded that I can't tolerate them."

Shen Lin said flatly: "We are now hesitating whether to give up the mobile phone industry. After all, we can't make mobile phones without call chips."

Wen Zaisong smiled and said: "Dr. Shen, given your current situation, quitting is also an option."

"But as an old friend, I feel that as long as you have the means, you must not back down."

(End of this chapter)

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