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Chapter 2193 Doing a Big Business

Chapter 2193 Doing a big business
An Yanyan Shaofeng contacted Qunxing Company, and Shen Lin made a call.

After talking for another 10 minutes, Shen Lin lay leisurely on the sofa, quietly thinking about his next step.

Although it was only a motorcycle company that popped up, Shen Lin already felt that there was a net coming over him.

But fortunately, I was already prepared in this regard.

Not to mention that the Walnut Company under its control already has mature technology in this area. After two years of development, its wafer factory in the East China Sea has also reached a level that can produce communication chips.

This is also thanks to the chips in today's mobile phones, which are not as complex as later generations of smartphones.

Of course, a lot of this is due to planning for a rainy day.

Just as Shen Lin was thinking about it, Shi Congyun knocked on the door and walked in.

"Director Shen, Boss Shen is here and wants to see you." Shi Congyunhui reported: "He said he has something important and needs to ask your permission."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Invite him in."

In just one minute, Boss Shen walked in.

Boss Shen, who was wearing a suit and hair gel, looked even more like a boss at this time.

However, he still seemed cautious in front of Shen Lin.

"Director Shen!" Shen Xiluo knew that Shen Lin had encountered something in the past two days and was probably not in a good mood, so he spoke very carefully.

If things hadn't been imminent, he would never have come to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Boss Shen, congratulations!"

"Once your auction house opens, I believe it won't be long before it becomes the top spot in our auction industry!"

Seeing the smile on Shen Lin's face, Shen Xiluo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Director Shen was not in a good mood, Director Shen was able to laugh after seeing him again, which showed that Director Shen could still control his emotions.

In this case, it is easier to talk about your own affairs.

"Thank you, Director Shen, for your compliment. I will definitely run this auction house well according to Director Shen's requirements."

"Director Shen, I came here this time because I have something to report to you." Shen Xiluo said solemnly: "In order to build up the reputation of our auction house, I am planning to hold an auction to donate money to Hope Primary School."

After hearing Shen Xiluo's thoughts, Shen Lin nodded gently.

Boss Shen's future achievements are inseparable from his vision and ability.

It is a very good choice to hold a charity auction before other auctions have started.

As soon as he thought about it, Shen Lin smiled and said: "The plan is very good. This is indeed a good choice to build our reputation."

"If you need me to do anything, just say it."

Shen Xiluo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his idea was confirmed by Shen Lin.

It can be said that he has put all his thoughts into this charity auction in recent times.

The purpose is not to make money, but to become an instant hit.

At this time, this plan was approved by Shen Lin, and he felt that his efforts these days had not been in vain.

"Director Shen, in order to increase my influence, I am going to invite some top bosses in the business world, as well as some well-known celebrities."

"In this case, we can build our reputation."

"As the richest man here, you..."

As soon as Shen Xiluo said the invitation, Shen Lin waved his hand and said: "Old Shen, remember one thing, I am not the richest man."

"Not now, not before, not in the future!"

Looking at Shen Lin with a serious face, Shen Xiluo felt speechless.

The two words "richest man" are a compliment to you, Boss Shen. Your current attitude is really puzzling, as if there is something wrong with the two words "richest man".But you are the big boss, and whether I can succeed in this matter depends entirely on you, so whatever you say, we will do it.

"Yes, you are not the richest man."

"But as one of the most influential people in our industry, I hope you can attend this auction."

The smile returned to Shen Lin's face again.

He really doesn't want to be the richest man.

"Boss Shen, I naturally support this kind of thing."

While talking, Shen Lin picked up the teapot and added some water to Shen Xiluo's teacup, and then said with a smile: "If these are the only things, it seems there is no need for you to come here." '

"Dong Shen Mingjian, because this auction is for charity, and because of our hasty preparation for this auction, we don't have any good auction items yet."

"So I hope that Director Shen can come up with something of low value but of great significance as an auction item."

"This demonstrates your influence, and secondly, it also helps our auction house."

Shen Lin pointed at Shen Xiluo and said, "Boss Shen, no wonder everyone says you are so scheming. It seems that you had already set your sights on me before you came here."

But despite saying this, Shen Lin agreed to this request immediately.

In Shen Lin's view, a good idea must be supported, not to mention a good idea that can help him make money.

Boss Shen was relieved when he heard Shen Lin agreed.

After all, Shen Lin is not an ordinary person. If he can agree, it means that the matter is half done.

"By the way, Director Shen, it would be better if Ms. Lu Xiaorong could come." Although he knew that his request was a bit excessive, Boss Shen still said with a smile.

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll mention it to Xiao Rong later to see if she has time arrangements."

"Thank you, Director Shen." Boss Shen said solemnly.

Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Besides the two of us, who else are you going to invite?"

"Director Shen, I'm going to invite Mr. Zhong from Binglu, Mr. Li from Jianlibao, and Mr. Liu..." In one breath, Boss Shen said six or seven names that everyone was familiar with.

Shen Lin was not surprised that these people were invited, but he pondered for a moment and said: "These guests are all worthy, but I think if we want to do it, we must do it the best."

"Let's do this. I'll contact you in advance, and then you can go to Xiangjiang yourself."

"Invite the big bosses in Xiangjiang to participate in our charity auction."

"I believe they will give this face."

Shen Lin's words were spoken lightly, but there was strong confidence in his words.

Boss Shen's eyes suddenly opened wide.When he came here this time, he originally just invited Shen Lin, but he was afraid that Shen Lin wouldn't agree.

But I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise.

Director Shen not only participated, but also...

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Boss Shen grabbed Shen Lin's arm and said, "Director Shen, your support for me is really great."

"If you have anything to do in the future, just ask."

"As long as I can do it, I will definitely try my best."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Boss Shen, you are too polite. Although you are in charge of this auction house, I also have shares. I should contribute a little."

Having said this, Shen Lin patted Boss Shen on the shoulder and said, "If you have any difficulties, just come to me."

"I may not be able to solve it, but I can come up with some ideas."

(End of this chapter)

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