Chapter 2196 The Details Determine Success or Failure
Wen Zaisong has read Romance of the Three Kingdoms many times.

For Prime Minister Zhuge among the Three Kingdoms, he was filled with admiration from the bottom of his heart.

Now when I hear someone comparing myself to Zhuge Liang, I feel like a confidant.

After all, this person who compared himself to Zhuge is not an ordinary person.

Shen Lin said a few polite words, agreed on a time, and then put down the phone.

Lian Shaofeng stood next to Shen Lin, listening to the content of Shen Lin's call.After he put down the phone at Shen Lin, he asked curiously: "Dr. Shen, do you believe Wen Zaisong?"

"I don't believe it." Shen Lin said with a smile: "But Wen Zaisong is a talented person, and it won't do us any harm to recruit him."

"What's more, he is bound to not agree to our solicitation."

"But as long as we recruit him, Wen Zaisong will be shaken no matter what."

Lian Shaofeng smiled and said nothing.

Wen Zaisong on the other side of the phone put down the phone and fell into deep thought.

Shen Lin's solicitation made him feel very uneasy.

He is a person who thinks highly of himself. This time he became a pawn in the hands of Qunxing's big boss, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

But Qunxing now holds the lifeline of Taiyu Group. If he does not give in, the future of Taiyu Group will be very miserable.

So he has no other choice.

And Shen Lin recruited him at this time, which gave him the feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant.

such a pity!
After calming down, Wen Zaisong picked up the phone again.

"Hello, President Li." Wen Zaisong said softly after the call was connected.

Wen Zaisong didn't like the title of president.

He prefers to call his boss the chairman, but now this person is not his boss, but he can still command him.

"How's it going?" The man on the other side of the phone didn't mean to be polite to Wen Zaisong at all. It was like he was facing a machine and asked directly.

In Wen Zaisong's mind, he thought of Corporal Li Xian of Shen Lin again.

However, although he liked these very much, he could only keep them in his own heart.

"Shen Lin wants to catch this thread very much now, so he treats me very politely."

Having said this, Wen Zaisong continued: "I think as long as we raise the price a little, Shen Lin will take the bait."

President Li on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment and said, "Wen Zaisong, your overall idea is right."

"But you also have some shortcomings, that is, you don't pay attention to details when it comes to one thing."

"I'm telling you, a lot of times, details determine success or failure."

"Shen Lin is not an ordinary opponent. If you don't pay attention to the details, he will probably see the flaws."

"That's when our plan fell short."

"So I tell you, you must pay attention to the details."

Wen Zaisong didn't realize that he had problems in these aspects, but since these words were said by President Li himself, he had to obey them.

"Okay, I will remember your arrangement."

President Li pondered for a moment and said, "Don't give Shen Lin any response to this matter yet."

"If he asks, just tell him that we are still considering this matter."

"You must make him anxious about this matter. Only in this way will he take the bait."

Wen Zaisong felt a sense of resistance in his heart at this time.

He felt that it was a crime for him to deceive someone who valued him.

But he had to do it again.

"Okay, I will definitely make your arrangements."

President Li on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "Mr. Wen, you have performed well this time. I have signed an order. The machines we need this time will be purchased from your company." "One hundred units are enough for you to work well." Get through this.”

The words "one hundred units" made Wen Zaisong's expression change.

He said with a trace of struggle: "Chairman, what you promised me is that after this matter is completed, you will give us an order for one thousand units."

"How come it's now a hundred units?"

President Li smiled softly and said, "Wen Zaisong, I promised you a thousand units."

"But didn't it work out?"

"A hundred units is already a lot."

"With this order, you will at least be able to pay your current salary."

"I don't think you want to lose even these [-] units."

The threatening words made Wen Zaisong's anger disappear a lot.

He hesitated for a moment and finally said: "President Li, thank you for your support of our company."

"I'll keep that in mind."

The person on the other end of the phone didn't care about Wen Zaisong's words at all and hung up the phone directly.

Sitting on his office chair, Wen Zaisong's whole body was as limp as a pile of mud.

Shen Lin naturally didn't know what Wen Zaisong had been through. He suddenly pushed forward the Mihu mobile phone matter while living his leisurely life of raising children.

But on this day, a phone call broke Shen Lin's peace.

Shen Lin's phone number is usually only known to those close to him later.

Ordinary customers, even if they want to find Shen Lin, need to contact Shi Congyun.

On this day, Shen Lin was taking his children for a walk, when an unfamiliar number appeared on his mobile phone.

Shen Lin originally didn't want to pay attention to this call, but the caller worked tirelessly and made five calls to Shen Lin.

In this case, Shen Lin finally answered the phone.

"Shen Lin, I'm Lu Xiaowang!" An enthusiastic voice came over the phone.

Lu Xiaowang, Shen Lin was stunned for a moment and then reflected that this was a classmate with whom he had a good relationship when he was in junior high school.

Although he didn't know why this old classmate made up his mind, Shen Lin still smiled enthusiastically and said, "Lao Lu, what have you been busy with recently? We haven't seen each other for a while."

"Shen Lin, I'm still doing my own thing. As you know, our bank only has so many things to do."

When Lao Lu said this, he hesitated and said, "Shen Lin, how are you doing recently? Everything is going well."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "There was a little twist, but it's nothing serious."

After the two of them exchanged polite words, Lu Xiaowang said: "Shen Lin, our class teacher Lao Xie has passed away. Are you free for the memorial service the day after tomorrow?"

The head teacher passed away!

Shen Lin was stunned for a moment. He had no such memory in his previous life.

But in an instant, he reflected that his life was in a mess back then, and he had no contact with his classmates at all. It was naturally impossible for others to tell him such a thing.

What Shen Lin remembers most about Lao Xie is that he held a cigarette in his hand while giving lessons to himself and others.

This person was very dedicated, and he also had several heart-to-heart talks with me, a gangster back then.

There was even a home visit!
During the home visit at that time, Shen Lin was very angry and felt that Lao Xie was a bit nosy by picking on mice, but now that he thinks about it, it was entirely for his own good.

"What time do you want to go? I'll be there on time."

Lu Xiaowang hurriedly said: "We are going to go there around ten o'clock, what do you think?"

"Okay!" Shen Lin responded in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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