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Chapter 2217 The Way of Longevity

Chapter 2217 The Way of Longevity
Vice President Li speaks Mandarin very well.

Therefore, he is very clear about the hidden meanings in some words.

Looking at the trembling Mr. Qi, he had the urge to hit him.

The old man actually said he didn't know moderation.

This is slander!

If this kind of thing spreads, he may not be able to see anyone.

For a moment, Vice President Li's face became extremely ugly.

Jin Zaixin also heard what the old man meant. He looked at Mr. Qi fiercely and said coldly: "Is there something wrong with what you said?"

"Our vice president's health has always been fine."

"Not now, and never again!"

Mr. Qi said tremblingly: "Mr. Li, it is not a good thing to hide your illness and avoid medical treatment."

"What I said is all true."

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it."

Having said this, he said to Vice President Li: "Young man, moderation is the key to longevity."

After saying this, he walked away tremblingly.

As he left, many people looked at Vice President Li with smiles in their eyes.

Vice President Li's face was ashen. He never thought that he would suffer such humiliation.

And it’s still a shame that I can’t express.

After the people from MiKe Electronics left, Vice President Li strode to Jin Zaixin's side.

"Vice president, I think you..." Jin Zaixin knew very well that if he didn't explain this matter properly, he might be angered by the vice president.

But just as he finished speaking, a slap hit him hard on the face.

The vice president looked at him with an angry look and said: "Get out!"

Although Jin Zaixin felt aggrieved at this moment, he still did not dare to say any words and ran out quickly.

Seeing Jin Zaixin leaving, Vice President Li was a little crazy.

Although he knew that his subordinates should not dare to discuss him, after this incident, Vice President Li felt that many people looked at him with strange eyes.

These looks made him feel extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Damn it, it’s so hateful!

While feeling entangled in his heart, Vice President Li slowly regained his composure.

He knew that he must not dwell on this matter for too long, otherwise, he would still be the one to suffer.

You should seize the opportunity of this matter and turn things that are not good for you into things that are good for you.

As thoughts flashed through his mind, Vice President Li had already made a decision in his mind.

Didn't he say that he should take care of himself?Then he should cultivate himself well and see if MiKe Electronics can afford it.

One day, two days, three days...

That is to say, a week passed in the blink of an eye.

The subordinates of Qunxing Group have always used the poor health of their vice president as an excuse to delay negotiations.

Fang Xiaomei, who was in charge of receiving them from MiKe Electronics, urged them several times, and even Lu Dongsheng, the person in charge of negotiations, came over once, but Vice President Li just refused to come forward.

Just when Vice President Li felt that after his repeated rejections, Shen Lin had to come out to receive him in person, he waited for an unexpected phone call.

This phone call shocked him so much that he even couldn't believe it.

"Uncle Park, what are you talking about? My father wants to replace me with my sister! This is impossible. I have done a very good job. Why would he replace me to do this?"

"I'm not convinced, I can't accept it, I..."

Vice President Li's voice became more and more excited, and at the end, he actually roared.

Listening to Vice President Li's roar, Uncle Park on the other end of the phone said in a deep voice: "Junming, you should know your father's temper." "No one can change the things he decides, let alone you."

"If you argue with him now, it will only make you more passive."

"It may even have more negative consequences."

Hearing these words, Vice President Li's face showed a trace of sadness.

He knows his father's character very well.I know that if I really argue on this matter, I will be the one who suffers in the end.

But he is not reconciled!
He did nothing wrong. Even though he suffered a little loss in the end, he still had the initiative in the negotiation.

These things are difficult for others to do.

As thoughts flashed through him, he was unable to make a decision for a while.

"Uncle Park, what do you think I should do about this?"

Uncle Park pondered for a moment and said, "I think no matter what your father asks, don't talk back to him."

"If he asks you to come back, then you choose to come back."

"Let me tell you, when faced with your father's accusations, no matter how wronged you are, your attitude must be correct."

"Because you have no right to defend yourself."

Vice President Li thought about Uncle Park's phone call, and finally nodded heavily: "Thank you, Uncle Park. I know what I should do."

After hanging up Uncle Park's call, Vice President Li thought for a while. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he hit the table hard with his fist.

The pain in his fist not only vented his anger, but also made him slowly wake up.

He thought for a moment and then dialed Jin Zaixin's number.

"Vice president, what are your plans?" Jin Zaixin's words were still full of respect.

Vice President Li said in a deep voice: "Tell MiKe Electronics that I have time now and ask their negotiator Lu Dongsheng to come over."

"I want to talk to him."

Jin Zaixin was stunned for a moment when he heard what Vice President Li said.

According to the plan they had discussed, the negotiations with MiKe Electronics were delayed as long as they needed to.

The delay has not yet expired. Vice President Li suddenly wants to meet Lu Dongsheng from Mike Electronics. What is the purpose of this?

As thoughts flashed through his mind, he couldn't help but said: "Vice president, what happened?"

"You don't have to worry about it, just carry out my orders."

"Tell Lu Dongsheng that my time is limited and I hope to meet him in an hour."

Vice President Li finished speaking without any doubt and hung up the phone directly.

Although Jin Zaixin's heart was full of doubts at this time, he did not dare to hesitate at all in implementing his boss's decision.

Immediately, he called Fang Xiaomei and told him the vice president's request.

Fang Xiaomei was also surprised by the news.

They have already analyzed Vice President Li's attitude.

They knew that the young vice president was simply stalling for time and wanted to keep the initiative in their hands.

So even though he was forced to come to Dongzhou, he never met him and others.

Now, he suddenly wants to see Lu Dongsheng. What does this mean?

Fang Xiaomei, who was suspicious, still called Lu Dongsheng honestly.

After Lu Dongsheng received the call, he smiled and said to Fang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, tell the other party that I went on a business trip with Director Shen."

"It will take two days to come back, so if anything happens, they can talk to you."

Hearing this, Fang Xiaomei felt more and more that there must be something she didn't know about.

(End of this chapter)

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