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Chapter 222 What the hell, you still want to rebel

Chapter 222 What the hell, you still want to rebel

Wang Youzhu's office is on the second floor, very close to the factory director Lao Bai's office, but at this time, the door of the factory director Bai's office is closed.

When Shen Lin came to Wang Youzhu's office, he saw Wang Youzhu holding a document and looking at it. His appearance was full of majesty.

Of course, this kind of majesty is just what Wang Youzhu thinks. In Shen Lin's eyes, Wang Youzhu at this time is purely pretending.

Fang Boyuan, on the other hand, stood by Wang Youzhu's side, holding a book in his hand, as if waiting for Wang Youzhu's instructions.

Seeing Shen Lin, he raised his head slightly, that was a kind of disregard for Shen Lin.

Shen Lin naturally didn't care about this kind of posturing, he just pushed the door open and walked in.

"Do you understand the rules? Can't you even knock on the door? Get out!" Fang Boyuan is the person who hates Shen Lin the most. Now he knows that Wang Youzhu wants to torment Shen Lin, so at this time, he doesn't give Shen Lin any face.

The moment Shen Lin walked over, he scolded loudly.

Shen Lin looked at the angry Fang Boyuan, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile: "Fang Boyuan, the master hasn't said anything yet, why are you yelling in such a hurry! Lick the dog, lick the dog, it's the last turn, and you have nothing !"

Shen Lin didn't speak these words too loudly, but Fang Boyuan's face turned livid.

What I said was too insulting.

As a college student, Fang Boyuan knew very well that the barking Shen Lin mentioned was a dog.Shen Lin clearly meant that he was Wang Youzhu's dog, how could he bear it.

" get out of here! Otherwise, I'll ask the security department to drive you out of here." Fang Bo was so angry that he was incoherent.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, you call the security department, I will leave when they come."

Shen Lin's generous words made Fang Boyuan blush, but there was nothing he could do.

" rascal!"

Shen Lin looked at Fang Boyuan with a livid face, and said with a smile still: "Deputy Director Fang, let me tell you, people have to do what they are good at, just like your brother, who is obviously not good at roaring, what are you calling here? "

"You have to let the ones you are good at come!"

Shen Lin didn't say who was good at it, but his eyes kept vacillating at Wang Youzhu.

When Shen Lin walked in, Wang Youzhu had been observing Shen Lin.

Although many people say that Shen Lin has improved a lot, even he himself feels that Shen Lin is no longer what it used to be. Lin, Wang Youzhu felt more and more that Shen Lin was different.

If Shen Lin looked like this back then, would he still cheat Shen Lin?

This question circled in Wang Youzhu's mind for a while, and soon he got his own positive answer: still yes.

After all, this is related to his future. He can only go further if he cheats Shen Lin. If he doesn't cheat, he won't be able to become the deputy director of the factory.

But now, he has no confidence in his heart, whether he can trick Shen Lin, the current Shen Lin is really too sophisticated.

"Shen Lin, if you come here to be provocative, then get out of here immediately." Wang Youzhu yelled loudly.

Shen Lin looked at Wang Youzhu and said with a smile: "Old Wang, back then, you betrayed me unceremoniously and climbed from the workshop director to the deputy director. In the past few years, have you ever had nightmares? You Are you living comfortably?" Originally, Wang Youzhu thought that Shen Lin came to him to plead for mercy this time. After all, Guangzi was fired by him, and those young people who helped Shen Lin in trouble were also fined for three months. salary.

As the person responsible for this matter, Shen Lin, why not intercede at this time?But he never expected that when Shen Lin came here, he would be so vile as soon as he opened his mouth, and he would not save him any face.

Those words just now tore through what Wang Youzhu had been covering up all the time, and threw his face directly to the ground.

"Shen Lin, don't talk nonsense here, you... You say who betrayed you, if you talk so nonsense, get out!"

"I'm not welcome here."

Anxious, Wang Youzhu picked up the phone next to him, dialed two buttons, and shouted directly: "Security department? What are you doing for food? Anyone can come to our office area. Don't you want to do it! "

After speaking, Wang Youzhu hung up the phone angrily, and said with a roar in his voice: "Shen Lin, you are no longer a member of our factory. From today onwards, if you come in again, I will kill you." You send it to the police station."

"Old Wang, hehe, no, I'll still call you Director Wang. After all, with this title, there will be fewer and fewer people calling you in the future. I have always been soft-hearted, so I have to let you be an official in a few days." Addiction." Shen Lin smiled and said: "The people in the security department should be very busy, so they can't come."

"I came here this time because I have something to tell Director Wang."

Wang Youzhu took a breath and tried to calm himself down. He stood up, looked at Shen Lin and said, "Shen Lin, don't think that you are great because you are rich. I can tell you that you are rich. In my hardware machinery factory , you have to lie down too!"

"You want to talk about the matter of Guangzi and the others. I will tell you clearly that I, Wang Youzhu, took care of it."

"If they dare to help you, they will have to pay the price. I'm just killing chickens and scaring monkeys, so what can you do?
Shen Lin looked at the menacing Wang Youzhu, and sneered in his heart. He said to Wang Youzhu, "I'm not from your hardware machinery factory now, so naturally I can't do anything to you!"

"However, the person who can do anything to you has come!"

Wang Youzhu was taken aback for a moment, he knew what Shen Lin did, and when he heard what Shen Lin said, he was shocked.

Could it be that Shen Lin found someone, the biggest possibility is the clock factory, if this is the case, then he...

Just when Wang Youzhu was feeling uneasy and thinking about how to deal with it, his door was pushed open, and a group of young men including Guangzi rushed to Wang Youzhu's office.

"Wang Youzhu, tell me, why did you fire me?" Guangzi was already angry with Wang Youzhu, but now with Shen Lin's support, he had no fear of Wang Youzhu, and shouted directly.

Wang Youzhu looked at the angry photon, not only was he not angry, he even had a smile on his face.

He pointed at Guangzi and the others, and said with a smile: "Shen Lin, you said, those who can do nothing to me, are they?"

"It's so funny, you think they can do nothing for me."

Speaking of this, Wang Youzhu pointed to Guangzi and the others: "What are you doing here? You don't work anymore. Do you think it's too little to deduct three months' wages? Let me go to work all the fuck."

While speaking, he unbuttoned his dark green Chinese tunic suit, put one leg on the bench, and said in a contemptuous voice: "You little bastards, it's true that you haven't been in the room for three days. Jiewa."

"Why, it depends on you, can you still rebel?"

At this moment, it almost became Wang Youzhu's performance. Fang Boyuan looked at the deputy factory director with a reverent gaze.

He felt that this would be his idol to study from now on!This kind of banxi is not for nothing, look at the heroism of Director Wang at the moment, a proper and positive image of a character!
ps: The fourth update is coming, please support
(End of this chapter)

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