Chapter 2252

In the first week since Mishell mobile phones went on sale, sales reached 20 units.

One month after it went on sale, sales reached a terrifying 60 units.

This amount will be nothing in 20 years.

However, when the per capita salary is generally 300 yuan, this figure shocks many people.

But after being shocked, many people found it normal after analyzing it.

After all, the mobile phones of Mishell Electronics are not inferior to those of its old rival Motorcycle Company, and they are more than half cheaper.

At this juncture, the prices of mobile phones from motorcycle companies have even increased.

From this point of view, everyone is naturally willing to buy mobile phones from Mishell Electronics instead of mobile phones from motorcycle companies.

"Director Shen, this is the report for the latest week." Shi Congyun placed the document in front of Shen Lin and said in a deep voice: "Our monthly sales of mobile phones have completely surpassed the motorcycle company."

"I heard their sales have plummeted recently."

Shen Lin looked at the sales data and nodded gently.

"By the way, this is a report from the mobile phone department. They hope you can agree to let them expand a production line."

"The current mobile phone production lines are completely insufficient."

Shen Lin looked at the report from the mobile phone department, pondered for a moment and said, "Let President Lian and the others discuss the matter of increasing the production line first."

"If it works, we'll finalize it."

Shi Congyun continued: "Dr. Shen, everyone thinks the motorcycle company's sudden price increase is abnormal."

"Some people even say that there must be a conspiracy behind the motorcycle company's actions."

Shen Lin said with a smile: "There are some reasons, but soon, they will find that by doing this, he picked up a stone and smashed himself in the foot."

Shen Lin had already guessed a lot about the motorcycle company's plans.

Therefore, he just watched the motorcycle company's price increase operation with a cold eye.

When Shi Congyun finished reporting her work and was about to leave, Shen Lin asked her, "Did something happen in the company?"

Hearing Shen Lin ask this, Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment.

She is Shen Lin's secretary, and a qualified secretary must pay attention to the big and small things in the company. If anything happens, she must report to Shen Lin as soon as possible.

If Shen Lin took the initiative to ask, it meant that she was not qualified as a secretary.

But Shi Congyun was thinking hard and didn't know what Shen Lin was talking about.

After thinking for a moment, she could only tell the truth: 'Director Shen, I didn't pay attention to anything going on in the company. '

"If you give me a hint, I'll go investigate immediately."

Looking at Shi Congyun who looked nervous, Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "Okay, forget it if you don't know."

Shi Congyun left with doubts in her heart. She came to her desk and quickly dialed the phone to ask her acquaintances if they knew what happened.

Soon, a piece of news gathered in Shi Congyun's ears.

This is a piece of news for the company.According to the person who told Shi Congyun, a deputy manager of Mi Ke City did not know how to get along with his subordinates.

And things like this, if the person involved conceals it, will generally not spread.

The reason why there is such a fuss now is because the wife of the deputy manager has caused trouble in the company and caused quite a big impact.

Many employees are talking about this matter privately.

Shi Congyun felt that this was what Shen Lin was asking about, but she didn't know about it.

It seems that Director Shen has other news channels within the company.

Shi Congyun hesitated for a while, and finally came to Shen Lin's office. "Director Shen, I learned about something. Something happened in the company recently. It was a deputy manager of Mihu City..."

Shi Congyun quickly reported the matter to Shen Lin.

Shen Lin had known this for a long time. After listening to Shi Congyun's report, he picked up his pen and swung it left and right before saying, "Call Lan Weidong and let him handle this matter."

"Tell him not to affect the normal operation of the company."

Shi Congyun looked at Shen Lin's downcast expression and felt that her boss attached great importance to this matter.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have said such a thing.

She agreed, quickly contacted Lan Weidong, and conveyed Shen Lin's request to Lan Weidong.

After hearing this, Lan Weidong hesitated and said, "Cong Yun, what did Director Shen look like when he said these words?"

"Dr. Shen's expression is very serious." Shi Congyun knew that Lan Weidong was assessing the seriousness of the matter, so he told the actual situation without concealing it.

Hearing Shen Lin's serious expression, Lan Weidong frowned.

He has followed Shen Lin for many years and has some guesses about Shen Lin's thoughts.

Now that Shen Lin is behaving like this, it means that Shen Lin is not ready to let this matter go lightly.

Originally, the person who made the mistake was his old subordinate, and he wanted to protect him.

But since Shen Lin already knows about this matter and has made arrangements, it is no longer his decision to make the decision.

"Thank you Congyun, I understand."

Shi Congyun didn't say much. She had already come to the conclusion about the unlucky deputy manager. Things would definitely not go well this time.

The lightest punishment is to be punished to the end.

Just when Shi Congyun was thinking about how to strengthen her understanding of the company's affairs next, the phone suddenly rang.

Shi Congyun answered the phone and heard Lan Weidong's voice coming from inside.

"Congyun, what is Director Shen busy with?"

Hearing Lan Weidong's question, Shi Congyun felt a little dissatisfied.

Mr. Lan is also an old man in the company. How can he intercede at this time?
However, although she was dissatisfied, she did not dare to show it. Instead, she said respectfully: "Director Shen is processing documents in the office."

"Mr. Lan, what can I do for you?"

Lan Weidong said: "Tell Director Shen that I will come right away."

"It's only ten minutes. Please wait for me, Director Shen."

Having said this, Lan Weidong hung up the phone.

Mr. Lan, what is going on? Is this intercession so important?

Although he was suspicious and somewhat dissatisfied with Lan Weidong, Shi Congyun quickly came to Shen Lin's office and reported Lan Weidong's request to Shen Lin.

When Shen Lin heard Lan Weidong's request, he pondered for a moment and said, "Please make arrangements. If it's not an urgent matter, don't disturb me."

"Mr. Lan is here, just ask him to come to my office."

Upon hearing such a request, Shi Congyun said nothing and agreed directly.

In just over 20 minutes, Lan Weidong hurried to Shen Lin's office.Originally, Shen Lin thought he was going to talk about the deputy manager, but Lan Weidong said as soon as they met: "Director Shen, I got some urgent news."

"If this is true, we will be in trouble."

While talking, Lan Weidong handed a manuscript in his hand to Shen Lin and said: "I have a friend who works as an editor in a science and technology magazine. This is a manuscript someone gave them."

(End of this chapter)

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