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Chapter 229 Keep your heart and face the wind and rain with a smile

Chapter 229 Keep your heart and face the wind and rain with a smile
Shen Xingye was not surprised by his son's question. He knew that the deputy director of the factory, Director Lu, had already informed the factory of his doubts.

Although the position of deputy head of the preparatory group of the second workshop filled his later life with vitality, it was impossible for him to give up his persistence because of this.

So in this matter, he chose to persevere.

"Why, did it affect you?" Shen Xingye asked with concern.

"Dad, how could this affect me? You know what I do." Shen Lin said with a smile: "I am a businessman, as long as I abide by the law and operate with integrity, no one can do anything to me! "

"Did it affect Xiaorong?" Shen Xingye's expression was a little dignified when he mentioned his daughter-in-law.

I don't know when he started to feel relieved about Shen Lin, but he started to worry about Lu Xiaorong again.

"Dad, don't worry, Xiaorong is fine too, you just wait to hold your grandson!"

Only then did Shen Xingye feel relieved: "It's good that it doesn't affect you. With Director Zhong around, no one should do anything to Xiaorong."

"Zhong Chang hopes that you can conduct a self-criticism to Lu Changyou, and then he will help you talk and resolve this matter."

Seeing that his father cared more about his wife than he did, Shen Lin felt a little disappointed.I am your own, okay, this father is...

Shen Xingye frowned, he was grateful to Zhong Tianyang, and he knew very well that the reason why his family was able to live with such dignity was also because of Zhong Tianyang.

For other things, even if he was wronged a little, as long as Zhong Tianyang asked, Shen Xingye would agree.

After all, although he valued things like face, he could take it out sometimes, but this set of equipment touched his bottom line.

For this set of equipment, the above-mentioned limited foreign exchange reserves are allocated so much in order to allow the iron and steel plant to develop by leaps and bounds.

Once the equipment you buy is not up to standard, the subsequent losses are really immeasurable...

He, Shen Xingye, could sacrifice his face for the sake of his family, but this is no longer a matter of face, but a matter of conscience, but a matter of the bottom line.

"Shen Lin, if the factory re-appraises the newness and oldness of that set of equipment, I can review it for Director Lu. If I just admit that my point of view is wrong, then I can't do it."

"Maybe this matter will affect you, but Dad can only say sorry to you."

Shen Xingye's words were a bit heavy.

For his son Shen Lin, Shen Xingye felt a little guilty. After all, Zhong Tianyang was related to Shen Lin, but now he flatly rejected Zhong Tianyang's kindness.

"Dad, you don't have to be sorry. When Zhongchang made this proposal, I rejected him."

"Oh?..." Shen Xingye looked at his son in surprise, he didn't expect that his son would reject it for him.

"I heard your kid say a set of theories. It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, it is a good cat if it catches mice. I really thought you agreed!" Shen Xingye hugged his son affectionately and said with a smile: "Now I Announce that my son has grown up!"

"Dad, I've never heard you praise me, this is the first time!"

Shen Lin was joking while carrying the TV to the motorcycle tricycle parked next to the main factory. He put the color TV on it and said with a funny smile: "Director Shen, please condescend to sit on my tricycle and experience it." Let’s talk about life.” “By the way, tell me about your glorious deeds.”

Shen Xingye looked at Shen Lin's tricycle welded with various steel pipes. Although it looked dilapidated, it was very strong, and smiled with relief.

Shen Xingye knew a lot about his son's affairs. He knew that he relied on this broken three-wheeler to collect second-hand home appliances, waste paper and old books in circles, and made his first pot of gold in life.

Sitting on the small bench on the tricycle, Shen Xingye began to talk about his experience. Speaking of this trip, he was completely a soy saucer.

After all, when purchasing equipment, there is Director Lu, the deputy factory director in charge of technology, and technical personnel such as the chief engineer. Shen Xingye, the deputy head of the preparatory team, just follows the long-term experience.

However, after seeing the equipment, Shen Xingye carefully looked over everything according to the conditions for inspecting refurbished equipment that Shen Lin said.

At first glance, the equipment was quite new, but when he compared it one by one according to Shen Lin's inspection standards, Shen Xingye suddenly found that there were four or five things wrong with this equipment, for example, the oil in the machine had already appeared It's jet black; for example, the instruction manual, although it looks brand new, doesn't match the lips of the donkey...

The more he looked at these, the more Shen Xingye felt that the equipment was wrong.So he immediately reported this discovery to Lu Changyou.

At the beginning, Lu Changyou showed great importance, but after the next few days of inspection, Lu Changyou told Shen Xingye that they had checked the equipment again, and the equipment was new and there was no problem.

This situation surprised Shen Xingye, but Director Lu was the deputy factory director after all, so he chose to believe the news delivered by Director Lu.

However, during an occasional meal, Shen Xingye got information about Lu Changyou and Chief Engineer Yang from the secretary of Lu Changyou who accompanied him, and he never checked the equipment of Zhutian Club again.

They didn't believe what Shen Xingye said at all. They thought that Shen Xingye was an old worker who didn't understand technology at all.

Shen Xingye just meddles in other things like a dog and a mouse, and what he does is something he is not good at at all.

If it was a trivial matter, after encountering such a situation, Shen Xingye would choose to give in a step.

After all, he is a person who wants to retire to the second line, and technically, he can't compare with Mr. Yang.But this incident was like a thorn in his throat.

"Son, it was hundreds of thousands of dollars after all. I was also afraid that I might make a mistake, so I took the opportunity of a visit to check the equipment again."

Shen Xingye lit a cigarette, and said helplessly: "As a result, I checked it again according to the standards you mentioned, and found that there are more problems in it."

"I know whether Chief Lu believes me or not, but I still found his room and solemnly reported this matter to him."

"Do you know what he said? He advised me to take a stroll around, take a look at the scenery, and buy something to go home. The equipment is not my concern, let me leave it alone."

When Shen Xingye said this, he sighed and said, "At that time, I also persuaded myself, saying that I had done my best."

"However, to see such a pile of rags and scraps brought back by spending so much foreign exchange, I... have a bad conscience!"

"So when the two parties were about to sign the agreement, I raised the issue that their equipment was second-hand in front of the other party, and the final signing ceremony did not proceed."

ps: The third change today, please support
(End of this chapter)

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