Chapter 2301 Integrity-Based
Lao Fu's heart was full of anxiety.

Although he felt that Director Shen would definitely praise him this time, he, who had never met Shen Lin alone, felt a little scared when he thought about his big boss.

He knew very well that the big boss of his family could decide everything about him with just one word.

If he cannot satisfy Director Shen, no matter how much he does, it will be in vain.

"Secretary Shi!"

After arriving at Shi Congyun's office, he greeted Shi Congyun with a smile.

Shi Congyun is Shen Lin's confidant. Although his reputation is not obvious, he knows very well that Secretary Shi must not be offended.

Shi Congyun didn't know why Shen Lin called Lao Fu over.

However, she can be said to be a well-rounded person. No matter who she faces, she always greets them with a smile.

Seeing Lao Fu at this time, she said with a smile: "Manager Fu, Director Shen is discussing something with someone over there. Please sit down for a moment."

"Would you like tea or coffee?"

The old man almost said he drank coffee, but he thought that Shen Lin seemed to prefer tea, so he smiled and said, "Secretary Shi, don't bother."

"Manager Fu, Director Shen has requirements for our reception. If you don't tell us, I will be criticized."

While Shi Congyun was talking, he looked at Old Fu with a smile.

"Then Secretary Shi can give me a cup of tea."

After Shi Congyun poured herself a cup of tea, the old man still refused to give up and said: "Secretary Shi, what on earth did Director Shen call me for?"

Shi Congyun said: "I really don't know this."

"But I think there's nothing wrong with Director Shen looking for you. Didn't you win this game?"

Hearing what Shi Congyun said, the old man immediately felt relieved.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, a man walked out of Shen Lin's office.

When he saw that man, Lao Fu's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said hello: "Mr. Lan."

When Lan Weidong saw Lao Fu, he frowned and said, "Do you have anything to do here?"

"Mr. Lan, it's Director Shen who's looking for me." Old Fu said honestly.

Lan Weidong glanced at Old Fu twice, and then said solemnly: "Director Shen is looking for you, you must seize this opportunity."

"Thank you, Mr. Lan."

While the two were talking, Shi Congyun had already walked over and said, "Manager Fu, Director Shen is waiting for you in the office."

Lao Fu immediately greeted Lan Weidong and quickly came to Shen Lin's office.

Shen Lin was looking at a document when Lao Fu walked in.

Generally speaking, as a boss, you don't like to be disturbed when you are reading documents.Lao Fu was ready to wait, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin directly put the document aside.

"Old Fu, do you know why I asked you to come here?"

Hearing Shen Lin's question with a smile on his face, Old Fu shook his head and said, "Dr. Shen, I don't know."

"Old Fu, you can be considered an old man who follows Mr. Lan. How do you evaluate your work?" As Shen Lin spoke, he handed Old Fu a cigarette.

The old man hesitated for a moment, and then said carefully: "Director Shen, I feel that my work is not good enough. In some aspects, there is still room for improvement."

"Also, I think I..."

In one breath, Lao Fu found a lot of shortcomings for himself. He knew that even if he had some achievements, he couldn't show them off to Shen Lin.

Otherwise, you just can’t eat and walk around.

After Lao Fu finished talking about the areas that needed improvement in his work, he looked at Shen Lin eagerly.

Because according to his familiar routine, Director Shen should praise him at this time. After all, he has done a lot of work for the company.

But what he didn't expect was that Shen Lin just smiled lightly when he heard his words.

Then he said with a hint of calmness: "Old Fu, you won the match with the Qiandao team, how do you think I should reward you?" Looking at Shen Lin who was smiling, Old Fu suddenly felt his heart tremble.

He originally thought that if he could win this time, it seemed appropriate for Director Shen to reward him.

But in his heart, he had no confidence.

"Director Shen, this is all the result of the efforts of the brothers. I...I just did a good job in logistics services." The old man finally chose to be humble.

No matter what Director Shen means by saying this, as long as he is humble enough, Director Shen will not cause trouble for himself.

After listening to Old Fu's words, Shen Lin said coldly: "Old Fu, I'm afraid you are not just a service person."

"I admit it, I don't care much about the team."

"But when we first formed the team, I told you that no matter how our team performs, we cannot destroy the sign of our Mihu Electronics!"

Having said this, Shen Lin said to Old Fu: "Tell me, what is the signature of our MiKe Electronics?"

Old Fu's heart jumped suddenly.

He felt that this time, he was really in trouble.

Director Shen rarely gets angry, and he doesn't criticize managers of his level much.

Now that Director Shen is so angry, it can only mean that Director Shen is really angry about this matter.

How can I do something that makes my big boss angry?
As thoughts flashed through his mind, the old man said anxiously: "Dr. Shen, I...I..."

"What is our signboard? You won't forget it, right?" Shen Lin looked at the old man and asked in a deep voice.

"Director Shen, our signature is integrity."

After all, Lao Fu is an old man from MiKe Electronics, so he doesn’t know anything about the company’s affairs.

He knew that at this time, if he played tricks with Shen Lin again, he would be the unlucky one.

So he quickly answered honestly.

"Okay, since you know that our signature is integrity, let me ask you, are you really honest in what you do?"

"The ball was won, but our people suffered a big loss."

"In the future, how will others view our team and MiKe Electronics?"

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Old Fu couldn't help but lower his head.

He also knows very well that what he does is not so bright, but isn't he doing it to win?
After pondering for a moment, the old man could only say: "Dr. Shen, I know I was wrong."

"I will never dare to do this kind of thing again in the future."

Shen Lin said: "I went to watch our game yesterday. If we lost, I would admit it. But if you win, it is really disappointing."

"From today on, you will resign as the head of the Mihu Electronic Football Team, your level will be reduced by two levels, and Lan Weidong will arrange a new job for you."

"In addition, I will give you another one-year inspection period."

Listening to Shen Lin's handling, Old Fu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the punishment for thinking this way is severe enough, it is much stronger than being expelled from MiKe Electronics.

He hurriedly said: "Director Shen, I will report to Mr. Lan in a moment."

"By the way, Director Shen, I'm leaving, what will happen to our team?"

Shen Lin took two steps back and forth and said calmly: "I will find new people to take charge of the team and re-train. In addition, I will hold a press conference before you leave."

"For what happened in the last game, I would like to apologize to the fans who support our Mihu Electronics."

Press conference, apology!

After hearing these two decisions, Lao Fu struggled and said: "Director Shen, if this is the case, it will make us very passive. I think we should make internal rectifications, right?"

Shen Lin did not say a word, but Lao Fu understood that Director Shen refused his persuasion.

(End of this chapter)

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